Rating:  Summary: Highly recommended Review: No question, the author has a lot of excellent arguments. The biochemical explanations are mainly correct. The book is well readable. There is just one important flaw: Why are fruits (high content of carbohydrates, almost no protein) without any contradictory result so positive in epidemiological studies? May be both theories (low fat on one side, high protein on the other side) are correct and only defined food with lots of nutrition supplementation will be the key to maximal vitality.
Rating:  Summary: Here's to the Upside Down Pyramid Review: This is a wonderful book. Very complicated in some ways, but well worth the effort. I have lost 30 pounds and kept it off easily My son has lost fifty. We both feel great, our blood fat way down and our doctors are delighted!To Hell with the "food establishment"
Rating:  Summary: It works! Review: I am 61 and was 25lbs overweight with a blood sugar problem. I decided to try this pgm because I thought that it was safer than the Atkins diet. This pgm really works! I lost 12lbs in 4 weeks and 16 in 8 weeks. I cheated a little along the way or I would have done even better. My chloesteral went down 40 points and my blood pressure is now 120/62. Clothes that I hadn't worn in 3 years now fit fine. The book is well-written with chapter summaries that you can read rather than the entire text. I would put the tables either in the front or back as an appendix though. We bought the hardback because we refer to it often. I am truly thankful that I found this pgm. The truth is what you need and what you get. A safe and sensible way to diet for life.
Rating:  Summary: REALITY CHECK. I believe they have something here. Review: In July of 2000, at our family reunion, my aunt told me about the Adkins diet and how impressed she was with it. I hadn't seen her in about 5 years, and she looked damn good for a woman of 70. At the last reunion she complained that she just couldn't get rid of her hips, no matter how hard she tried. That convinced me to try the Adkins diet. But, after reading his book and following it for a month, I wanted a second opinion, even though I felt better than I had for 15 years on the diet. It was extreme and there was a commercial element that didn't set well with me. I ordered the Protein Power Lifeplan from the BOMC to see what the Eades had to say. Their book was a revelation. I had been treated for 5 years for depression. That has gone away. I don't nod off at 3:00 in the afternoon aymore. My energy level has increased. My brother in Germany "had" ulcreative colitis. I sent him a copy of the book. Within 2 weeks, he called and said that his symtoms had disappeared, his blood sugar was down, and he'd be phased off of the steroids the doctor prescribed for his condition. Personally, I used to have a blood pressure problem - no more. I also am on thyroid medication. I went from 100 mcg to 50 mcg after the change to a low carbohydrate diet. Is this another manifestation of a low carb diet? I gave up caffiene - gradually - and for the first time in my life, I want breakfast. Pretty damn amazing. I do know that I am able to wake up in the morning now, which was always an ordeal for me and I have the mind to do whatever needs to be done. The issue I want to address is the effect on children. I have two. We hear so much in the news about overweight and depression and ADDH. How much of this is caused by diet? I spent 8 years with the same doctor and he never caught the problem. It was a ENT who was referred becase of my ear problems who found the thyroid problem. Diet related symptoms look so much like documented afflictions that most doctors are actually treating you for the symptoms, not the root cause.
Rating:  Summary: Not Just a Diet Book Review: If you're a thinking person, and you care about your length of lifespan, spend the time to understand the science in this book. Even a person who isn't a dietician can apply some brain power and it will really help when you are making food choices--I find I remember the description of what sugar does to my cells and avoid it BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND. The fact that the authors treat real people successfully for some pretty scary health issues gave me a lot of comfort. In about 3 weeks of following the plan, my husband and I (it helps to have a conscience sitting across from you at dinner) have each lost fat around the middle and feel better--no more drowsiness and you'll find that once you begin to control the carbs, they won't have the addictive appeal. If all you're looking for is a diet book, go elsewhere. Is your life important enough to you to educate yourself about how your body works? Go for it!
Rating:  Summary: The Pits Review: Probably the worst lowcarb book I've ever read, and for a variety of reasons. The book starts off by confusing people with calorie counting, it goes on to mention paleo eating with no credit to Ray Audette. Furthermore, they are still insisting that Cod Liver Oil is better than Flaxseed, and they're defensive about it. Then, of course to fill space they tell you to exercise in spurts, and learn another language, and to get sun???? My favorite part was calling a number in Colorodo for buffallo beef--you don't want to know the price per pound. Finally, they give us more bad recipes with a lot of dairy, and no advice about yeast fighting. If you're hypoglycemic, beware of this book, and it's fruit filled pages.
Rating:  Summary: MORE THAN MERELY WEIGHT LOSS Review: I have been attempting to find the scientific basis for my hypoglycemia/border-line hypertension for seven long years to no avail, and with NO HELP!! from any physician. I went on flax oil during this entire time, faithfully adhering to the then belief that this would aid in digestion and elimination and possible control the problem. I have suffered so many episodes of low-blood sugar and fluctuating blood pressure, that I could never (and do not want to) recount them all. Can you imagine my reaction to find that flax oil (I STARTED BUYING FLAX OIL BACK IN 1992, WHEN YOU HAD TO ORDER IT DIRECTLY FROM BARLEANS IN WASHINGTON STATE TO GET THE BEST) contained one of the very antagonists to my chronic problem??? It took dozens of books, tapes, videos, newsletters, I gave up on regular doctors, vitamins, supplements, diets before I found this information in the EADES' Protein Power book. If you had done all the research that I have, you would be thankful for the "scientific" information that is presented in this book. From my point of view, they have certainly done the research, maybe merely for losing weight, but look at what they have discovered for Christ's sake!! This is a health revolution in the truest sense of the phrase. My very own mother is on medication for adult onset diabetes and was a triple dessert eater her entire life (raised on a farm); I have been more of a vegetarian type, the whole root, organic, but still had not solved my medical condition. In all my reading, including books and diets on low carbs, nobody has ever explained to me exactly what was going on with the vicious cycle in my body. The endocrinologist who told me my blood circulating insulin level was high also told me not to worry, because my sugar was normal. Well, maybe it was for that exact reading, but believe me he never mentioned what impact the insulin was having on my cells, let along the ulitmate burnout of my pancreas. SO, if you are just interested in losing weight, go back to Somersizing....If you are interested in a healthy life, stay with the Eades, which is where I am staying. By the way, I had no weight to lose in the beginning, I'm 5'5", weigh 136 and have 25.3% bodyfat; which translates according to all charts to an acceptable weight condition for age 61. However, my waist to hip ratio, my blood pressure, my cholesterol count, my rapid heart beat, esophogeal reflux and muscle aches have all been eliminated on this healthy way of eating. IN ADDITION TO ALL THAT: Maybe Barry Sears did start it all, I have tried all the soy products for years without losing an inch of the fat on my abdomen, and with Dr. Eades' diet, have lost 2 inches of fat from my abdomen (no weight loss). Plus, I finally have fingernails that do not split every month, and skin that does not flake like onion skins. (I KNOW THIS IS LONG), but, Peter D'Adamo first got me thinking long and hard about protein, and after I incorporated some of his advise into my diet, I was ready for the more scientific, detailed information of the EADES', may the live on happily for ever in PROTEIN POWERLAND!!!
Rating:  Summary: Easier then diet including startches Review: The Protien Power Lifeplan is an excellent resource and an easy to follow plan. It tells you exactly WHY to avoid sodas and fried foods by taking you through the actual chemical process. It speaks "up" to you and anyone with a scientific background will love it. It explains why the diets that include so much starch make you hungry all the time. The best way to read it is to quickly go through the 'bottom line' synopsis at the end of each chapter. That can be done in less then an hour. The index makes it easy to answer your questions quickly. Just as the title says, it is an entire life plan that also includes exciting news on exercise.
Rating:  Summary: Almost convinced Review: Solid arguments won me over from a very skeptical beginning position as a Zone follower to being almost convinced that the authors have improved upon what Barry Sears began. Since they state that it looks to them as if pre-agricultural man ate 65% animal and 35% plant I am going to buy the book and read over again.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but it takes forever to get into it Review: I am on the fence regarding this book. On one hand the information contained herein is useful and informative. On the other hand it at times is so difficult to follow that the reader starts to skip pages to get to the meat of the author's premise. The book is abut 350-400 pages. Not until about page 300 do the authors detail the Protein Plan. Granted, you need some of the upfront information in order to understand the reasoning behind the plan. But I think a better layout would have been to outline the plan in say Chapter 3 and then intersperse the information throughout the remainder of the book. The authors are so knowledgeable about their topic that they tend to forget that they are writing to a layperson, not a nutritionist. They also tend to get defensive when it comes to their plan. The idea of high protein low carbs bent alot of people's noses out of shape. Why? Because it really does work. I have been doing it for awhile and you do become leaner and stronger. No two ways about it. I am 38, 5'11", 167lbs, 13% bodyfat. It works. Carbs fill you up and slow you down. You feel bloated and lethargic. High quality protein, nutritional whole foods, fresh juice, veggies, fruits, etc. all contribute to a better way of life. But you must include exercise. I'll repeat that. You MUST include exercise. Eating right alone won't work. This would not be the first book I buy on nutrition. Nancy Clark wrote a terrific book that I would suggest you pick up first. This book takes some time and experience before you get to this level of understanding and desire.