Rating:  Summary: Amazon[.com]'s Reviewer Needs to get a Clue Review: I'm an ex Army Master Fitness Instructor that has trained literally hundreds of young adults and helped them to lose weight, get in shape and recover from injuries, ... The carbohydrate heavy food pyramid has been discredited by many if not most of even the most conservative health practitioners. It is even about to be yanked and revised by dramatically lowering the suggested carbohydrate intake. Study after study has revealed how easilly carbs are converted into sugars and stored as fat. More studies have also demonstrated that those folks who restrict fat intake lower there cholesterol all right....even the good cholesterol (HDL) and restricted fat diets can even cause an increase in triglyceride levels. This is probably the best book on the market right now for those who want to lose fat effectively and safely.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, this program DOES help you lose weight! Review: If you need to lose weight and you follow the Eades' program, you will lose it! I learned about the Protein Power book from my uncle and aunt who had very high blood pressure for years and were able to finally stop taking their medicine after reading and following PP. My parents and brother stuck to it and lost weight and looked great. My mom's friend went from a size 22 to a size 4/6. After having a baby, I tried everything (running and low calories) to lose the 10 lb I gained and couldn't lose an ounce so I'm doing the program and finally starting to lose. I had to buy the Protein Power Lifeplan to see what else the Eades' had to say. I agree w/ most of the book, the scientific parts of it. I think the Paleolithic junk is pure foolishness. All the evolution mumbo-jumbo was laughable and certainly not science. No one was there to observe all these "early humans," but still the book is just loaded w/ "scientific" information and "facts" on these people. If I could cut out the Eades' evolutionary religion (which covers about half the book) then I would've rated the book "5 stars". The program truly does make you feel 100% better and you lose weight to boot! By the way, if you want a more believable take on how the world began (instead of having faith that our magnificent bodies and this earth just evolved from nothing) then read Genesis. But that would mean that God would have to be acknowledged, and that's exactly what the Eades' and other followers of the evolutionary muck are trying NOT to do, right?!!
Rating:  Summary: A MUST-HAVE FOR ALL FAT PEOPLE!! Review: The diet plan in this book is safe, pretty easy, healthy, and VERY effective. You'll lose weight and feel great. The other health tips are very helpful, too. This book will change your life around for the better, and everybody should own it.The reading is pretty easy, but if you're stupid, then you shouldn't buy it, as you'll have trouble understanding it.
Rating:  Summary: you want to lose fat not just weight, right? Review: You will definitly lose fat (you know the bad stuff not the good stuff), and you will do it in a way that is so easy and without any hunger pains, also it's safer than the Atkins diet. I now look great and feel even better. Actually all the important stuff could have taken up less than two pages, but that certainly wouldn't sell a book and the publisher wouldn't be happy with a two page book. Most of the book is facts used to convince use this is the right diet. I'm here to convince you, this is the right book.
Rating:  Summary: Great informative book on low carb Review: One of the best low carb books to add to your library. I still think eating grains should be excluded completely from diet but these guys allow more than the usual stern low carb plan. Some of the information you can take or leave but there's some awesome advice to "pep up" your low carb diet. Makes you kinda depressed that we're all eating meat that's not free range but just lowering carbs improves health 100% !!
Rating:  Summary: Let's go back to bleeding Review: Just read this book as background infomation for my low carbohydrate eating plan that I've lost 31 pounds on so far. The Editorial reviews crack me up. These doctors and nutritionists who "shudder" at hearing that carbs aren't needed in human nutrition are relics of the past like the doctors who drained blood from sick people, for whatever stretch of logic, a hundred an fifty years ago. The line about sun bathing with out sun blocker, if you can imagine such a thing, in the review is particularly funny! In the spring when it got nice outside so we kids wanted to be out more, my Grandmother used to say, "careful you don't get sun burned." The Eades tell you how to adjust sun exposure, just like Gramma did, so that you don't have to use some product that someone dreamed up a few years ago that has who knows what in it that is pushed by some company just to get your money. This is an excellent book for learning about how the body uses food for all of life's needs and for learning the lifestyle that allows you to lose and keep off the weight that you can't lose by eating a low fat or low calorie diet. It's the carbs that make you fat and sick. Deal with them.
Rating:  Summary: Finally it all makes sense! Review: I got this book and I just couldn't put it down! Finally I know why people can eat all the "right" foods, excercise till they fall over, and still not lose weight! Finally I know why my relatives can cut almost all the fat from their diets and still have cholesterol problems! And finally, I know how I can get out of that trap! It's not a fad diet; it's not a quick fix. And the concept of going low-carb does seem strange at first, but as you read the book, you'll see how it all makes sense, and you'll know why it all works. For once in my life I feel like I'm eating the way I was meant to eat, and it's wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: The best book of the many 'similar approaches' Review: I really enjoyed this book. I've read half a dozen others that discuss eating plans related to the 'low-carb' approach. This book is not a diet book. It's like having a couple of intelligent, research-oriented doctors with tons of experience sit down and explain things about nutrition and health to you in plain english. Each chapter addresses a slightly different topic, so that you are able to see how everything fits together, and why there is no one thing which, done in a vacuum or alone, is likely to be a good answer to better health. The Eades cover related areas that are very much needed, such as foods, drinks and drugs that work against low-carb eating plan weight-loss success (and why), and more. Reading other books, I felt like I'd read a good idea. Reading this book, I felt like I understood a whole facet of life on earth I hadn't before. And it was pretty enjoyable reading, as well. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Warning: not light reading Review: One thing I have noticed from my browsing of similar books at bookstores is that practically all the diet books say the same thing: cut the sugar way back, get more Essential Fatty Acids (omega-3 and omega-6), get enough protein, etc. Where they differ is in how they are marketed and who the target audience is. "The Okinawan Diet" is targetted at Japanophiles and Copycats; "Eat Right 4 Your Type" is targetted at people who're suspicious of one-size-fits-all programs; Suzanne Somers is directed at people who don't do anything unless a celebrity tells them to; Atkins and The Zone zero in on P.T. Barnum's target audience. But the underlying message is the same. Where this book differs is that compared to most books in its genre, PPL has tremendous amounts of information, and does not talk down to you, being written at 12th grade level or above. If you want to understand HOW these diets work, and you want to live mindfully, this book is for you; if you just want to lose weight, try "Protein Power" instead. Judging by the Amazon sales rank, mindful living is not what most people want - they want recipes.
Rating:  Summary: Great Diet Book, And Great For People With Psoriasis Review: Please dont let anyone tell you this diet doesnt work because it does! The Eades go into such topics as Sunbathing to relieve symptoms of MS, and Psoriasis. Since I suffer from Psoriasis I found the book very helpful. What do I eat on a normal day? Well for breakfast its bacon and eggs, lunch is a huge open face sandwich with a small salad, dinner is roast chicken with buttered veggies, and for a snack either veggies or pork rinds with sour cream dip. Also I would highly suggest you purchase a Showtime Rotisserie Oven to cook your meats. It makes the best chicken, pork roasts, etc. Also a crock pot comes in very handy. And one more thing is artificial sweetners. Dont use aspartame because it is toxic. Use splenda and diet sodas made with it. Read the book, and be prepared for a wealth of information.