Rating:  Summary: Gee, There Is a Difference Afterall ! Review: I am a Dad with a 11 yr. old daughter who is more towards the boy end of the physical-expressive scale. I picked up the book after hearing the author speak on the radio. I work in marketing and he is one of the best speakers I've heard. I have also noted (predominantly female) teachers school coming down hard on the 3rd and 4th grade boys for just normal boy stuff. They're not wrong, they just don't seem to understand the "language" the real sense of all the "disruptive" stuff boys can do. This book has helped me understand the different psychological and social paths to which males are predisposed because of the biology of our brains. Made me appreciate how difficult it is to make value judgements when a persons actions have a neurological basis. Helps me also understand the intense interest in first person shooter computer games (which I also like), group activities, loud rock music and playing in a band, skateboards and anything other than talking about emotions.The sections on testosterone, masturbation and channeling energy is matter-of-fact and right on point. My friends, middle aged guys, not especially macho, have also liked the book for insight into ourselves. I've heard that the relationship with the opposite sex parent is the crucial one for establishing one's own gender identity. This book talks about this clearly. At bottom, I share with the author the interest in opening up boys expressive options and the appeal to see male behavior not as "bad", but just biologically different and adaptive. Women do not need to fear, condem or try to change (to be more like them) what boys do -- it'll help to understand it more. This book will help. I would have like to seen more technical research cited, and I skip over the stories -- but its not that kind of book. Sex on the Brain by Deborah Blum covers the research very well --she's also a good speaker -- and covers that territory.
Rating:  Summary: his books are all about $$$$$ Review: Gurian is trying to sell a dangerous idea to the Ameican public. The idea of boys and girls being from opposite ends of the universe,biologically,mentally,emotionally and spiritually. Biologically,testostrone and estrogen are cousins and have no affect on scholastic ability or aggression.Yet Gurian sells this idea to a gulliable and easily lead public. His idea of boys being stronger mentally at all the spatial and math abilities is a joke,but it does have it's place amoung the neocons trying to keep women in their place. His idea of the "perfect" male is nothing more than an old American sterotype of brute force and emotionally challenged,but he calls this "normal" and expects all parents to believe their son is a misfit if he's sensitive and passive.Well many boys are sensitive and passive and many girls are very tough and aggressive,and this is what being an individual is all about. I'm not from the US and I see this country spinning down a dangerous path to media dictatorship where neocons,fundie christians and blatant sexist money grubbing authors try and dictate how others are to behave,think and live.Telling the "public" what is "normal" or "acceptable" gender behavior. Gurian is selling dangerous beliefs which will affect childrens lives for decades if parents believe this rubbish. The young men will have an incrediable amount of responsibility whilst the young women will be underminded at every turn in their dreams and self esteem. Gurian is dangerous and destorying your children. I hate to think of the damage already caused in your schools. I agree with the reviewers who gave this book,one star. I'm happy to see there are some people out there who have not been fooled into this sexist sick rubbish! The best gift one can give a child is their own self,unique and individual!
Rating:  Summary: What a dissapointment Review: I was so dissapointed! After having a son, I was looking forwards to reading this book and stupidly bought it. At first I thought some of the ideas were interesting and was very upset to read that boys are more suseptible to child abuse. Then I read two whole pages on how to spank a child!! North America has the highest rate of child abuse as the North American law allows spanking..other countries..like Scandanavian countries do not allow any kind of physical punishment of children and have a much lower incidence of child abuse. Shame on this author! I can't believe someone would write a book outlining how to spank a child!!! As a parent, I read precisely to have many other options than resorting to that..I was going to give the book away, and then decided to just throw it away..I wouldn't want to pass this onto someone else!
Rating:  Summary: Very Interesting and Useful Review: Michael Gurian takes his life experiences of growing up in several very diverse cultures, blends it with research on childhood development, and creates a thoughtful, insightful perspective on what our culture does and does not do when it comes to raising boys. I'm not sure I agree with all of his conclusions, but he raises many good points and puts some good topics on the table for contemplation and discussion. As a mentor and a clinical psychologist who works with children and their families, I see far too many boys trying to figure out how to become men with little or no input from men, or at least from men whom we would want them to emulate. Growing up doesn't just happen as they grow older; growing up requires guidance. Mothers do all they can, but boys need men they respect who will teach them how to become men. I find Gurian's cross-cultural perspective fascinating, although he does not do as good a job in this book as in "A Fine Young Man" (his book on adolescence) of suggesting actions that can be taken and changes that can be made to help our boys. This book is strongly recommended for mentors, therapists, educators, and parents.
Rating:  Summary: A Counselor's Must Have (not to mention a parent's) Review: I haven't finished the book yet, but so far I am very impressed with the organization, readability, and content of this book. I am an elementary school counselor who just recently found out I am expecting a baby boy (first time mom) and I had heard other counselors in my district rave about Michael Gurian and his work. I actually intended to purchase The Good Son by the same author, but accidentally got this one instead and have been pleasantly surprised by it. It really goes into the brain chemistry differences in boys and girls which helps to explain the differences that we see in behavior, affect, and thinking. I definitely recommend this book to any teacher, counselor, or parent. I have orderd The Good Son, and I hope it is as good! I feel that it will be. :)
Rating:  Summary: Just what most parents want to hear..... Review: I found this book interesting until I reached the second chapter and at that point I could go no further. He admits that evidence about the effects of day care are divided and then turns around to say it is just fine. Not only that, but day care is just like an extended second family which is just what boys need. Please! The final straw came when he basically said that the nuclear family of dad, mom, and kids was no longer possible in America, to just get over it, and move on. He admits that boys being raised by single mothers is the worst possible situation and greatly increases the boys chances for all kinds of problems, so why isn't he admitting that the need to get back to solid intact families is the most important thing we can do for all children in this country? Instead he emphasizes creating this large extended network of three families which is 1st the home family of which any make-up of people is fine, 2nd other relatives and minimum wage paid day care workers, and 3rd the whole community in general. After reading this politically correct 'tell parents what they want to hear' garbage, I knew I couldn't trust another thing he might say.
Rating:  Summary: boys need punishment??? WHAT?! and rarely, a spanking??? Review: At first, I thought that Gurian had some very helpful/insightful things to say about what boys need.... THEN, he goes on to say that boys need rules, and consequences, and punishments... he suggests how to punish a boy.... and then even goes on to write about SPANKING! saying that it should be very rarely done, and then quotes John Rosemond's guidelines for spanking !!!! After reading Raising Cain, I was definitely expecting more from Gurian than punishment.... I can see how the other reviewers would say that they think his poor relationship with his mother (as he describes it) made an impact on the writing of this book.
Rating:  Summary: Same Sexist Rubbish As "The Wonder of Girls" Review: All of Gurian's books are based on the theory of hormones affecting the brain in utero.Gurian rattles on about how gender misfits are created through girls getting too much testostrone and boys too little.What a fails to tell us is how all hormones are cousins,testostrone,esrtogen,androgens etc. You have a choice between two "normal" children,the boy who roughhouses and the girl who plays with dolls and yearns for romance and intimacy.All other very human and individual traits are discarded as a mistake. The book is dangerous since it gives a map of how boys and men are "supposed" to behave,learn and excell in life.His take on men has to do with his bias against girls and women.The boys and men,or what he says are normal behavior for boys are men are aggressive,non verbal communication skills,math,science and spatial ability and an ability to controll emotions,there by being better able to grasp the complex nature of daily life. If your son doesn't fit his narrow interpetation of "male" then he is said to have a female brain.Same with girl,defective girl has male brain.He fails to tell us brains are brains and how we develope connections by using or being exposed to certain stimuli such as math vs language.If a child to lead in the direction of a certain subject,they will develope pathways in their brain for the subject.But don't tell this to Gurian because it blows all his concepts and theories right out of the water! Gurian gives too many expectations to boys.The responsibility falls squarely on the male in performance,aggression and math ability.If someone's son doesn't add up,somehow then the child is lacking,is defective and odd.Since so much is expected of men and boys,and not enough of girls. People are individuals with individual brains.When this is realized these sexist books will become a thing of the past and the writers will be forgotten and disdained.
Rating:  Summary: overlong and shallow Review: This book is like a magazine article stretched to book length, with no increase in content. The writing is cloying and mawkish, mooning over "mysteries" any parent has seen 100 times, and understands better than the author...
Rating:  Summary: Good wisdom re: boys; not so good wisdom re:families Review: Gurian's book does a fairly good job at examining the inner life of boys; their physical, socio-emotional, and sexual development. However, my major complaint w/Gurian is twofold: (1) whether wittingly or unwittingly he gives the "traditional" family the short shrift. Early on in the book he makes a statement to the effect that anyone who has had to go through therapy that was from a two-parent home is intimately familiar with the shortcomings of the "two-parent" family. His solution? The TRIBE. The Tribe according to Gurianian wisdom, (or the lack thereof), is the panacea for what ails our young me. If we can establish "three levels" of "family" around the boy; the 1st is the immediate family, to include grandparents, the 2d is the uncles, mentors, etc. the 3d is "the community," this will make better boys. Gurian basically has the same view of the family that Hillary Rodham Clinton does; "you can't do it alone." Gurian dillutes the influence of the father (despite what he writes about the father's importance) when he puts forth the well-meaning, but misguided notion that the "other men" of the community are just as important as the father! Only the village can raise your child. Mr. Gurian's Third World approach to child-rearing removes the personal responsibility adults have to (1)not make babies you cannot emotionally, or financially care for, and (2)If you do have a child, it's all about the child, so "get over it." Like so very many who share this Rodhamist perspective, Gurian blames "society;" this amorphous, mysterious,non-being that exerts its ... influence over humankind. Hogwash. I want to build families up, not tear them down. Read this book with a gigantic grain of salt, because Gurian's "social philosophy" is greatly flawed.