Rating:  Summary: I really really want to give this a higher rating ... Review: ... but I just *can't* do it.Most of the book, I loved, orat least enjoyed. However, there's a problem with it. Like manyfeminists, Steinem has been suckered into believing in the vast underground world-wide conspiracy of Satan-worshippers doing unspeakable things to children who don't remember any of it for the next 15 years .... That bothers me. Having such an influential voice of modern feminism put her weight behind a movement that does more to make working mothers feel guilty about sending their children to daycare than it actually does to empower ANYone, in support of a phenomenon that any rational person can see does not exist, is a tragic waste of talent. If you can manage to tune out that aspect, enjoy the book...
Rating:  Summary: I really really want to give this a higher rating ... Review: ... but I just *can't* do it. Most of the book, I loved, orat least enjoyed. However, there's a problem with it. Like manyfeminists, Steinem has been suckered into believing in the vast underground world-wide conspiracy of Satan-worshippers doing unspeakable things to children who don't remember any of it for the next 15 years .... That bothers me. Having such an influential voice of modern feminism put her weight behind a movement that does more to make working mothers feel guilty about sending their children to daycare than it actually does to empower ANYone, in support of a phenomenon that any rational person can see does not exist, is a tragic waste of talent. If you can manage to tune out that aspect, enjoy the book...
Rating:  Summary: Honest exploration of Self--not just for feminists!! Review: Gloria Steinem has given us a wonderful opportunity to see her as far more than just a feminist, political activist, and one of the most influental women of the 20th century. Her full-blooded life springs from the pages of this book, sharing a powerful message of self-discovery and self-love. If anyone can speak of the disillusionment fraught within celebrity, and the ensuing blows to one's self-esteem, it is Gloria Steinem. Criticized and scrutinized for everything from her love life to her choice of colored hose, Steinem has experienced first hand the ludicrous workings of the media. Her resulting insight into such issues as self-individuation and self-identification are timely and important. Gloria has created a beautiful work of art which defies the media's constant need to define and label her into neat little categories; in "Revolution From Within: A Book of Self-Esteem" Gloria defines herself as human being, a category we can all relate to.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a treasure Review: I have read many many books, and I have to say that this is one of my absolute favorites. This is a book of the highest quality. Don't be fooled from the title, this is not a sappy how to love yourself book. This is a straight forward, intense account of the world around us as we know it. Yet in a way, that I believe only Gloria Steinem could tell it. She is at once brilliant, insightful, comforting, and angering. Her book made me see life through new eyes, better eyes. Steinem's book is also so obviously well researched, in fact startling facts and statistics reside on every page. If you want to feel passion and rightous anger in your soul, or if you want to read a book that will open your eyes, read this one. Books of this caliber really do not come around that often.
Rating:  Summary: This Is A Must Read Review: I have read this book and then handed it on to all of the people in my life. In fact, if I had enough money, I would buy a copy of this book for everybody that I know. This perfectly explains why I am a feminist and why I will not stop the fight. Steinem is an amazingly intelligent woman who teaches the reader a lot about life. This book will definitely benifit anyone who wants to learn about history, life, women, equality and inequality...Please, do yourself a favor and read this book. I thoroughly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: This Is A Must Read Review: I have read this book and then handed it on to all of the people in my life. In fact, if I had enough money, I would buy a copy of this book for everybody that I know. This perfectly explains why I am a feminist and why I will not stop the fight. Steinem is an amazingly intelligent woman who teaches the reader a lot about life. This book will definitely benifit anyone who wants to learn about history, life, women, equality and inequality...Please, do yourself a favor and read this book. I thoroughly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: LASTING IMPACT Review: I read this book several years ago and still refer to mattersamong its pages. It is not shocking to see that some [people still] "don't get it." His-story is filled with suchexamples. Ms. Steinem has lightly addressed some. If you are looking of a female booster shot, this is the right message for you. Who are we as sisters? This book makes a great introduction. Power to you, Gloria Steinem! Thank you for the shot in the arm.
Rating:  Summary: A real upper Review: It's unfortunate that this book was read and reviewed as "the scoop on Gloria Steinem's love life" or "just goes to show that feminists have psychological problems." What she's really talking about is a process of inner liberation that transcends age, looks, and sex. The book has valuable insights for everyone, and deserves to be read with more attention to its contents than to its author's political beliefs.
Rating:  Summary: The political is personal... and likewise Review: Like a beacon of light, this book provided me with the inspiration slowly draining from my activism. So often, as a woman, I feel I must concentrate on the characteristics of myself that are celebrated by this patriarchal society to be taken seriously. I really needed a feminist voice to remind me of the freedom of self that is the goal of social equality. As always, Steinem's writing is full of qualified sources and she never speaks down to the reader, although it is still a relatively easy read. Written with a sense of humor and love of life, it provided refreshing hope for the future. I cannot communicate in words what this book means to me. The hope that individual change can lead in the social revolution is so simple but the idea is life-changing and life-affirming. This is for everyone who is feeling a little dissillusioned and questioning their purpose in life or their power over/in their life.
Rating:  Summary: Trite Psychobabble Review: Over a period of decades sociologists have noticed an interesting trend: people who win Nobel Prizes, run large corporations, championship athletes, etc. tend to have high levels of self-esteem. Conversely, many of the unaccomplished tend to have low self-esteem. In this chicken vs. egg analogy, Steinem and her fellow travelers have arrived at the conclusion that achievement is a derivative of self-esteem. Wrong. Self-esteem, like everything else worth having, is earned. You cannot be given "self-esteem pills". If it makes Steinem feel any better, a generation is being inculcated with the values she espouses in this book i.e. "I'm OK, You're OK". Later in life, when confronted by failure, these citizens won't look for the causes in themselves ("It can't be my fault, I'm OK"). They will reach for politicians and leaders on the right and the left who will be more than happy to supply scapegoats.