Rating:  Summary: Changed My Life Review: I was led to this book at the store during a time of confusion and exasperation with my relationship with my husband and life in general. A Woman After God's Own Heart changed my life because it put the focus of my efforts and energy in a different place. Suddenly I wasn't living for myself, or insisting on equality in my marriage at all times. I surrendered my resentment, surrendered my control to God. This book put everything in perspective and since I read it in 1998, I have been a very different wife, mother, neighbor and woman. Thank you and God Bless you ............
Rating:  Summary: Highly recommended! Review: If you are looking to be a godly woman... a loving wife and mother, then you must have this book. It makes you think, why didn't I see this or do this before? The author has such a pleasant, sweet style of writing. You know your family would be pleased if you followed her guidance. Do not even hesitate to buy this book. It was absolutely wonderful, no question.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Book!!!! Review: That's the reason my local Christian bookstore has a hard time keeping this book on the shelf! This book was nothing short of a tremendous blessing to me and I would recommend that every Christian woman purchase it. For the price of one movie ticket, your life can be tremendously transformed if you are open to receiving your blessings. I found every chapter helpful, esspecially the ones where she touched on things that I am weak in. Sometimes I'd have a little notebook next to me, because as I read I'd keep comming up with more and more things I needed to pray on. And do you know that within a few days I've seen wonderful, wonderful transformations and blessings in my life. The greatest blessing has been in my new and improved relationship with my son. I can understand how some may feel overwhelmed with our "assignment" as wives, mothers, women. But you know Elizabeth points out that through God's grace we are able to accomplish His will and purpose for our lives. And we must embrace that! Another thing is that I really loved how she admits her weaknesses in the book, reminds me know that I am not alone.
Rating:  Summary: Desiring To Be What God Wants You To Be Review: The title of this book really caught my eye. I have always wanted to be what God wants me to be, but I never knew where to begin. Elizabeth George did an excellent job giving practical insights on how to begin to mold you heart after God's own heart. That task is not any easy one to accomplish. As a wife, pastor's wife, and a soon to be mom, I was grateful for all the topics she covered in her book. This book will really help you learn how to put God into the center of every area in your life! It has helped me to get my spiritual life back on track with my loving Heavenly Father! Another plus was that it strengthened my relationship with my husband. We are all taught some pretty unhealthy ways of being a woman, wife, and mother. George did a wonderful job bringing in Scripture along with her insights. I now know the TRUE way to be a Godly woman, wife and mother! I recommend this book to any woman who has the desire to be what God wants her to be! The neat thing about this book is that it is geared to any woman, single or married.
Rating:  Summary: Superwoman? Review: This author is a wonderful Christian lady full of wonderful Christian values. She states things that are obvious that we should do and those things that we didn't realize we should do. One part of the book really hit home with my personal life style, that I need to improve on. However, the largest impression that this book has given ME (maybe not to other readers) is everything that I DON'T do right. She has great concepts, but to me it is taken a little to the extreme. I think -"How would anyone have enough time to do ALL the things she mentions in her book?" For instance, we're suppose to make EVERY meal a special occasion with flowers, different table cloths, special plates, games, etc. That sounds great for maybe one day a week or especially for birthdays, but I can't see having time to do that plus take care of my husband, two-year old son, the house, the bills, the errands, the cooking, my prayer time, my reading time, my exercise time. Whew! I had to take serveral breaks while reading this book, because of the negative feelings I received from it. You don't really get a sense from the author that she struggles with completing all things things. She has many references to things other people do and how she would quickly try to do those things in her family. I feel like I'm trying to keep up with the Jones'. Don't get me wrong, I agree that we should follow God's Word. But should we live trying to be a perfect superwoman? I'm going to use the concepts of this book to improve my role as wife and mother, but in ways that usually come naturally pleasant for me. I think we should use our own likes and gifts to help build our family. Instead of getting joke books from the library every week, I might pick a fun activity that we like to do together, etc. I believe that God wants us to do our best at our roles, but still be the person he made us to be. I don't discourage anyone from reading this book, it is a good book. I just recommend that you don't overwhelm yourself and think you're not a good person.
Rating:  Summary: Good Reading For Every Christian Woman Review: This book had a great impact on my life, especially as a wife and mother. Many times, the things she advocated made me resentful, because they demand that I die to my own will, and treat people the way GOD wants me to treat them, whether they deserve it or not! I loved her way of prioritizing things, reminding us that our husbands and children come before anyone else, and that our families should never doubt how important they are to us. Walking in God's path isn't easy, and it is a relief to hear an author encourage us to take the hard way, instead of the easy way!
Rating:  Summary: Great Details for Living God's Priorities In Your Home Review: This book is a great guide for any woman who wants to better organize her life in order to accomplish all God has for her and to grow into a woman after God's own heart. Her practical advice on a woman's priorities (God, Husband, Children and home) are a literal "God Send". I highly recommend this book!
Rating:  Summary: A must read for all women! Review: This book is an awesome tool of spiritual growth in your life--it is convicting yet George is very down to earth in relating her humilities, not to mention humorous. If your are looking to grow and apply Scripture to your every day life--this is the book to read!
Rating:  Summary: A life and mind changing book. Review: This book is full of biblical truth for women. This is a book every woman should read if they truly want to be transformed from the inside OUT. This book will encourage you and convict you to be the woman that God wants you to be. You will begin to see areas in your life that you may have not given over to God and will begin to let go and let God work in them. What a blessing this book was to me and my family!
Rating:  Summary: something to think about Review: This book makes many fine points about becoming the best person that God desires for women to be, unfortunately the submission thing is where I have problems. I agree with a lot of what the author says, she has done a lot of bible studying and I got a lot out of the book. Even the cover is nice. The submission seems to be one sided. I believe that in marriage a husband and wife should submit to each other. Then she says that the husband is the king, and later on in the book she says that she was grounded by her husband. Her husband stated on page 166 that she better do her errands on Wednesdays, and stay home for the rest of the week. That's just a little too weird for me.