Rating:  Summary: Judge Judy tells it like it is! Review: As a male reader of Judge Judy's work, this book really comes out with some excellent points, especially when the judge eloquently talks about young women and the stupid choices they make in the selection of a mate. On her own show, just about every other day, some woman is suing an ex-lover over a credit card bill. I also hear of stories of men who beat up their lovers, cheat on them, and abuse them in countless other ways. It amazes me to see such losers continually find other lovers, while the nice guys in this world sit home alone on Saturday Night. I myself experienced this. I bought my own house at 28 years old, and was too proud to ever ask a woman for money (not that they would have, many rarely even gave me the time of day!) or a credit card. Owning a Harley-Davidson, long hair, and a rebellious attitude(read: can't keep a job) seem to be attributes that many women find "exciting." Here's one I really think is a classic: "Why do you stay with that abusive monster" or "cheating dog?" "Because I love him!" GOD help us! While many other women would sympathize and agree that "men are dogs", Judy is brutally honest by saying, "Smarten Up! quit crying and grow up already!" Thank you Judge Judy for being honest while so many people live in such denial.
Rating:  Summary: BRUTALLY AND PAINFULLY HONEST! Review: This book should be on the reading list of every high school in the country (and Canada, and Mexico, and Europe). Gloria Steinem made us aware of the issues and Judge Judy Sheindlin gives us the details of how to live as women today. This is not the world of our mothers or our grandmothers. We need to know how to financially support ourselves and our children. Women have so much to give and to offer to the world, and we mess it up by waiting and relying upon men. This book tells us how to avoid the common pitfalls that so many of us fall into. A GREAT BOOK WITH VALUABLE LESSONS. READ AND TAKE HEED!!
Rating:  Summary: Fun read Review: Even though I didn't totally agree with everything Judy writes, her no-nonsense attitude is a real delight to read, in a funny and interesting book.
Rating:  Summary: A Book For Everyone! Review: I finally found a book with which I can identify! Judge Judy is a no-nonsense woman, no games here. She has the ability to "read" people quickly and they don't pull anything over on her. She is intelligent, witty, with a rare talent these days, COMMON SENSE! I loved the book and am recommending it to everyone. Her sensible, confident approach to life is refreshing and makes for healthier relationships. She shares her passion, pain and struggle. I loved the story in the "Lawyers Lounge," an example of guts and class! This book is easy reading and not convoluted. No Pop-Psychology here, just straight to-the-point and witty! It isn't about putting men down either. It's about INDEPENDENCE - financial and emotional. I recommend ALL women read this book and make life a little easier for those of us who are still fighting for "equality" in the workplace!
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant words of advice Review: Judge Judy tells it like it is. Some people may not agree with her opinions, but she holds her ground firmly. She's seen it all from her days in family court, to her own divorce. In this book she tells women not to be so reliant upon men. Don't bend over backwards to please everyone.. because who's going to be there for you? Judge Judy tries to instill in women the urgency of building a solid foundation from within. Her straight talk tells women to get on with it and never forget that smart is forever.
Rating:  Summary: The Whole Truth Review: Judge Judy really shows a tremendous amount of courage for writing this book. She takes a great deal of criticism for her no nonsense style, but the truth is that in this book, she writes candidly about her mistakes, and how she has learned from them. She is who she is, and makes no apologies. At times, I found myself laughing aloud. Her television style offends many people, but if that is the case don't watch her. The word respect has long been forgotten! Her writing teaches women that it's okay to develop who you really are. I find her fair. Sometimes the truth hurts, and the only way to get through to the people on the show is to call them on their actions. She comes clean about herself, and I respect her more for that. She has learned from her personal experiences, and hopes others will do the same. As a judge in the family court, she saved many children's lives. In her life, she is defining her own, personal success! She is a great author.
Rating:  Summary: Her TV show appeals to working class strictly... Review: J.J. remainds me of another Jewish "self proclaimed guru" named Dr. Laura (love her). They both came from working class background, they both struggled through their 30-ies to achieve a decent career, they both pride themselves on the "no nonsense" approach to life and finally both of them have good agents, publicist and publishers. Judge Judy's audience is mainly made up of unemployed, working class or simply people who have nothing better to do but to watch her TV show that airs sometime during day hours (that's why the unemployed watch it and those with battered egos tape it, because you can't be making $10/ hr and have a decent level of self esteem). Her targets are right on the target! Judy shouts, yells, preaches, annoys and lifts her eyebrow. "How stupid do you have to be"? she wonders often. There is a sub chapter in her book devoted to the concept of being called "stupid". "The worst offense growing up.." Judy recalls, "..was to be called stupid". Hmmm... the worst offense should still be calling a reader or viewer stupid. Judy prides herself in being a Judge. She cannot stop bragging about how this measures her success. Judge Judy!, there are thousands of Judges in this country and graduating from mediocre law school really isn't all that hard! You didn't discover a cure for AIDS! Judy calls herself objective but fails to remain as such when she calls herself "attractive but not gorgeous". Hmmm, subjective old lady. Judy forgets to elaborate on her failed marriages and two divorces... Judy writes in her book about a 60 year old lady who graduated from medical school and wanted to thank her for inspiration (or something like that). JUDY! One cannot get into medical school after 38!!!!!! Did your editor or writer overlook it?
Rating:  Summary: Funny, Practical and Motivational Review: The book tittled 'Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever - The making of a Happy Woman' is part an entertaining book (I had lots of laughs reading it) but, and it is part a 'How to be your genuine self' guide book for the feminine gender; specifically. For the young girls and for the more mature ladies and from the single to the married to the divorced women. Drawn from her experience as a Family Court Judge in New York City for over 25 years, Judge Judy says she has seen and heard enough of the thousands of excuses that women (in particular) make in order to get or keep their men, and that it is about time that women take responsibility for themselves, and, by themselves. In this book she talks about 'why' beauty fades and dumb is forever. She explains 'how' women are the trunk of the tree. She also talks about denial and how it is just a river in Egypt. I, specifically, like how Judge Judy finishes her book by passing on this message to all women; that 'If you have a healthy spirit, a positive outlook, and a sense of personal accomplishment and importance, you will be a better partner, friend and mother.' In this chapter she had just finished discussing about standing tall, and, not necessarily in the physical sense (Judge Judy stands just over five feet tall). This book can be read by the male species (such as myself) as well. Why? Because, I believe that a true man can be measured not only by his character and his values, but also by his willingness to learn and discover new (or old) things in life to increase his caring capacity.
Rating:  Summary: Best "self-help" Book For Women I've Read Review: Where do I start? This book amazed me with each chapter, and I was surprised at how the book really read itself. Judge Judy offers a realistic view point on women and the struggles we have to conquer through our lifetime. She offers advice and steps to becoming a happier, more independent, and better respected woman in the job force, marriage, and overall aspects of society. She reflects on her past mistakes and is reaching out to women of all ages and urges them to love themselves first and foremost. While she is serious in her message to women, she adds her famous Judge Judy sarcasm and wit to crack you up on almost every page!!! I was laughing, reflecting, and even crying (only when i felt deeply moved) throughout this whole book. This would be a great gift for a sister, mother, daughter...etc..any special woman in your life whether she needs a pick-me-up or not...If you read this book..YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!
Rating:  Summary: Hilariously Truthful Review: Just like on her TV show Judge Judy tells it like it is. In this book, Judge Judy talks about everything from toilet paper rolls, to little girl beauty pageants to the death of a spouse. And all along the way she tells some of the funniest stories. Some of the funniest are the ones that involve her husband Jerry. But even though she's telling funny stories about her husband and others, she is trying and succeeding at getting a point across to women--YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE. This book is excellent. Judge Judy is quite the author. Beauty Fades... is easy to read and teaches a lesson while being entertaining. Every mother should give this to their young daughters to read. Judge Judy teaches that you must have a sense of humor in life. She also teaches to not let yourself be trampled on in the work force by your male counterparts. Those are just a couple of the lessons given by Judge Judy. Judge Judy is definitely a positive role model for any age female. She knows what she wants and goes after it. More women need to be this way. Keep up the excellent work on and off TV Judge Judy :)