Rating:  Summary: Taking a long look at yourself Review: I thought that the book was awesome. For someone raise in the church all of her life. I believe that all things are possible. Many people may not believe that hell exist. But I do believe it and I do not want to got there to see for myself. I believe that our God is merciful and kind, but on the other hand I do believe that He means exactly what He's says. "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved." Notice, the word didn't say "might" be saved, but "will" be saved. That means when you believe it, you have to live and abide by the His Laws. He said that He'd either have you hot or cold, or He'll spu you out of His mouth. Just the thought of that scares me. I believe that with all the chances and opportunities we have to come to Christ, It's horrific not to except the invitation, because each day we live is a miracle and each day is not promised, so we should be thankful and appreciate God. Each day we open our eyes, give us ample opportunity to ask Him into our lives. There is no excuse, I'm not perfect, but I'm striving, because I don't want to miss God. I believe that God gives us a chance to come to Him and if we don't take that opportunity before we die then who's fault is it, Ours. As we get older we are held accountable for everything that we do, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. I do believe that God is merciful, but don't expect to continue to take advatage of his kindness and not expect wrath to come upon you, remember Sodom and Gamorrah!
Rating:  Summary: a very misleading and false book. Review: I came across this book recently and was shocked by what I read in it. I became a christian because I believe the truth to be that there is a God and that the Bible is his word. The bible tells us to prove all things and hold fast to that which is the truth. This book fails this test completely. There are contradictions in her book. The author claims to have been taken by Jesus to the regions of hell and she describes these horrific sufferings in her book. At one point a soul is screaming for Jesus to help him, but Christ passes him by. The entire book is one litany of horror of souls being tortured and false theology. The book is completely anti biblical! The problems and contradictions are the following. First of all, if God is all merciful, how can he not help those who are screaming for pity in hell? This would make him not God, but a monster. Second problem; In Romans 10:13, it states "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved." This means that the damned do not pray, do not ask God for mercy and in fact want nothing to do with God. They can easily be saved, but they dont want salvation. The word "Whoever" includes the damned. This one biblical verse refutes A divine revelation of hell. There is nothing divine in this book. Rather the book came from the authors imagination or is diabolical. God is not the author of confusion. This book is full of confusion. Stick to the truth people, that alone will save you. The bible offers sage advice;"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
Rating:  Summary: Holy Spirit annointed material! (TRUTH!) Review: I believe Mary Baxter went to hell with Jesus;and therefore this book is "annointed" by the HOLY SPIRIT. To the critics- Baxter does not go against the central theme in the scriptures:You must repent and accept ,love JESUS as your personal LORD and SAVIOR; To finish your relationship with the LORD the way you started- A daily walk with JESUS.Therefore this is not her imagination or a doctrine of "demons". I don't feel GOD wanted this book to be analyzed for theology(PRIMARILY);HE wanted lukewarm christians and the ungodly to know hell is real,horrific,and forever;to wake up, for you don't know 100% if you'll be alive tommorrow. Be ever ready to meet the LORD.- By the way, fear is a good thing. In the book of Matthew, Jesus says BROAD is the way that leads to destruction, and MANY are those who follow it;and NARROW is the way that leads to life, and FEW are they who find/follow it.... In the parable of the sower and the seed that JESUS told, HE gives a rough idea of how many people ,who hear the Word of GOD,actually end up bearing a harvest....25%. That means 75% of people ,who hear the WORD of GOD, will be going to a place called HELL....... Maybe, we should have reason to be a little more concerned, and witnesss for JESUS. This book shows that GOD is just not LOVE, but a GOD of RIGHTEOUS justice and wrath ~Rob
Rating:  Summary: This book does not follow scripture Review: After reading this book, I can only say that the author's heart was probably in the right place, but I am not sure where her mind was. I know hell is scary, I am a born-again christain, and read the Bible daily. I believe if she is trying to reach the unsaved, she went about it the wrong way. This book would only look like a bad horror novel to the non-believer. The entire book is not backed by scripture, and she is comparing herself and experiences to some Biblical people like John. The Bible is whole, and she is writing about visions and things never revealed to John in the book of Revelations. She writes that Jesus revealed secrets to her, but not to share these with the reader at this time. What is that? God is mysterious, but He provided us with all we need to know about receiving salvation. It's sad that this book may be all someone ever reads about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Rating:  Summary: A great book for revival! Review: This book gives a detailed description of Hell. Trust me, You have no idea how horrific hell is;as most people choose to put it on the back burner, like death itself. To the sceptics: If you doubt this lady visited hell,(assuming you believe in Hell) then remember as you read this book,that Hell is worse...Why?- No human being could even begin to come close to a true description . Your imagination would want to probably water it down as a believer...just to be humane! If you don't believe in hell,read this book!; "Just on the off chance Hell exists", the book tells you how to avoid going there. To those that love and obey the LORD, this book is great to inspire evangelism/ soul winning. It also brings home the point that a daily walk, with the LORD JESUS, is a must! We must run the race (for CHRIST) to the end if we want to see heaven! ... order the video/movie "Escape from Hell" ... Get this movie and the above book. Together they can be great soul winning tools for lost family and friends!
Rating:  Summary: Hell, can it be Divinely revealed? Review: I have personally read this book several years ago. I was present at a meeting where Mary Baxter was the speaker in Sydney, Australia,some years ago at the Body of Christ Fellowship at Arncliffe in Sydney. She spoke about heaven on that night.Jesus gave a true illustration of a man who went to Abrahams bosom, Lazarus being his name, and a rich man who went to Hades where he experienced torment. Seventh day Advenstist christians and millions of others insist that this was just a parable and not a reference to an actual happening. They are all deceived by Satan himself, as sincere as they are. For doubting souls, please read Brownlow North's book, "The Rich Man and Lazarus." This book is 100% in step with the Word of God. Hell, as described in Mary BAxter's book is in the shape of a body. As the Bible clearly describes that Satan was expelled from heaven and not politely asked to resign his commission, the expuslion was essentially violent and as revealed by God to me it was done via the brilliance of the very light of God the Father Himself. "God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all." Lucifer, Archangel of light and the Cherub that covereth, was cast out first, and cast down second. He was violently cast out and down, falling to the planet of God's determination, the Earth planet. He fell on his back and the sheer power of the light of God forcing him to the earth caused him to descend on his back to the centre of the earth, where his intense wickedness was received by the bowles of the Earth, the current place of torment of the wicked dead. This is a solemn fact and Mary has given her accurate account. The Psalmist said: "If I make my bed in Hell, Thou art there!" Jesus was not lying when He said: "ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH!" Literally, Christ possesses all of the power there is to be had in Earth and in the Earth! Those who think Mary is fantasizing should ponder our Lord's statement. Not only does Jesus still love those in Hell, God still loves Lucifer, but hates his wickedness. God does not hate His own creation. Lucifer is still His creation and His son and God is eternally aggreaved by his rebellion. But there is no redemption for fallen angels. Mary Baxter was commissioned by God to write for a purpose, as was Brownlow North. Hell is not a place where God expresses His cruelty. It is a place where Satan expresses his. Hell is a place not only of judgement, but of justice. To fathom the depth of the Justice of God is an awsome concept. Satan's wickedness is on trial awating final judgment in the eternal lake of fire and brimstone. Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift of Christ. One verse says of Christ, "He hell in hell laid low, made sin He overthrew, Bowed to the grave, destoryed it so and death, by dying slew. Bless, Bless the conquorer slain, slain in His victory, Who lived, who died, who lives again, for thee His Church, for thee!"
Rating:  Summary: What a Load of Hooey Review: I urge anyone who is tempted to read this to just save your money and pick up a copy of "Weekly World News" at the checkout counter. Same demons, same Satan, same ludicrous claims of contact with the underworld... and it only costs about a buck. Better yet, pick a copy of "The Skeptical Inquirer."
Rating:  Summary: Two words-Puh Lease!!!!! Review: I have written a review for this book before, and after reading many previous reviews, decided to submit another. Look people, the book is a .... If you notice, most (if not all) of the people who rated this book with 4-5 stars are people who already believe in hell. Now, I have read some of the reviews by people who claim to be pagans and unbelievers. If you notice their reviews...they scoff at the book!!! But what was the "purpose" of the book? To turn those who do not believe into believers. There was one reviewer who admittedly was an unbeliever, who did like the book, but never stated whether he decided to become a believer. How many of you unbelievers out there (and by unbeliever, I mean those of you who do not already believe in Christ for your salvation) that read this book have decided to turn to Christ? Be honest. Over and over again I read "all Christians need to read this book." I BEG TO DIFFER! The whole don't need a doctor! The sick need the doctor. Give this book to non-believers. Let them know that hell is real. Oh, but if the unbelievers who read the book scoffed at it, then what of the unbelievers who have yet to read it? This is what I have been emphasizing to many Christians that I know currently...it is time for us Christians to stop preaching to one another, and get out there and win the unbelieving. Afterall, that is the commission Jesus gave us. The Christian, if he needs reminding, can read the Scriptures to solidify his faith. My point is, if this book is so "all powerful" as it claims to be, get it in the hands of the unbeliever. Personally, that is exactly what I did. I gave this book to a lady on my job who had an ambiguous view of hell. Hoping that the book was powerful enough, and being careful to make sure I didn't prejudice her mind with my own personal views, I gave her the book and told her "this may change your mind." She read it, her husband read it, and her (at the time) 5th grade son read it, and they all concluded the book was hogwash. We can debate theological issues touched on in this book all day long, but we need the Spirit to be able to understand and properly discern the scriptures. My point is, this book (author) claims that people will come to Christ as a result of reading this book. If it has done that, then perhaps it is from God. I don't believe it has, it has not accomplished what it claims "God" said it would. God is not a man that He should lie, neither the Son of Man, that He should repent. So finally, prove me wrong...is there anyone out there that before reading the book, you were an unbeliever, then read the book and gave your life to Christ? Again, note what an unbeliever is...one who did not believe or follow the principles of Christ, nor believed in His death, burial and resurrection.
Rating:  Summary: Things you need to know Review: I see a comment saying that why didn't Mary Baxter run into Chinese farmer or something? why only ran into American? I have read the Chinese version, and as a Chinese Christian I can tell you there are people who ran into Chinese people in hell, and he/she came back to witness. Maybe just because you are not involved too much with the Chinese Christian Churches.
Rating:  Summary: This book reveals fear more than salvation Review: I discovered this book at the bookstore and debated on whether to buy it, but was caught up in the theory of a literal hell. What bothered me was the power given to all these gargoilian evil spirits to torture humans on earth. I think this kind of talk inspires horror movie makers to make us think that bats and snakes are evil critters who serve Satan and rip our flesh to the bone. It gave me nightmares to think about it. I kept remembering when I was a kid and was afraid monsters were hiding under my bed and in the closet. Although I am kind of skeptical that people would suffer an eternity for their sins (afterall, I don't think burning and rotting over and over for an eternity in great pain is actually a justified end to someone who had sex before marriage and didn't ask God for forgiveness while still on earth). God said he'd judge fairly and while I can see the need for punishment, and banishment from heaven for living a sinful life, I can't see that kind of cruelty as being fair. As far as the book itself, it is very repetitive and wordy and while it does a good job describing some things, it leaves you with many more questions than answers. All of these sinners seem to have one thing in common, they all curse the name of God, and you wonder if they loved God, but still sinned, would they suffer the same fate. The book could have been condensed from the 216 some pages to about 26 and been done with it, but the one thing it does do is make you realize how short time is and how if you are a Christian, you have a job to do, and that job is to inform other people to repent of their sins and live moral lives or suffer from their choice. Hopefully hell is not as gruesome as Mary K. says it is, though the Bible doesn't refute her claims and she well may be correct. If so, then I know of about a billion or so people who are headed for hell and most of them are movie stars and actresses, who encourage immoral behavior in today's youth.