Rating:  Summary: A "Hell" of a book! Review: I'm not the least bit interested in meeting up with Ms. Baxter's vindictive God. I think it would do her justice to study the Eastern religions and the law of "Karma" which present a loving and "fair" God. Where does God begin to judge a human soul? If he's going to judge Hitler and throw him into the fires of hell--where does he begin? With Hitler himself? With his cruel, vindictive father--with the grandparents? Does he consider his environment or the fact that this was a creative human being who was completely stifled in his genius and channeled it into monstrous activities? Does he consider that this man didn't have the loving & supportive environment that another human being has been privileged to, and does he just say, "Tough!" Wouldn't it be more reasonable to send Hitler back for another lifetime and allow him to experience something similar to what he inflicted on others (for the growth and progress of his soul)? Ms. Baxter's God needs to take a lesson from some of our kinder humans (shouldn't he be at least as nice as we are?) Who is the God of the Bible--a God who creates children to love and fellowship with, and then decides he doesn't like how they turned out, so he drowns all of them, continually threatens and punishes them when they turn back to some of their kinder and more gentle stone gods, eventually commits the "Divine" act of adultery with them in order to "save" them from the fiery pits of "hell" (that he created) & finally murders his own son, who is completely innocent. Give me a break! If someone murders your child, you don't want his brother to stand in and die for him--what kind of stupid justice would that be? You can't absolve honest guilt with the death of an innocent person. Either we're guilty of something or we're not. I say we're not! The disciples created the concept of hell some 30 years after Jesus died because they needed to scare the hell out of people & get them to join their new religion. Throw in a few scary lies (like the death of Annanias and Sapphira) & presto! You have a new world religion!
Rating:  Summary: Biblically Innacurate Review: Mary K. Baxter's book and its interpretation of hell is biblically incorrect, despite the fact that people seem to take it as gospel. Many cannot distinguish between the different uses of hell in the Bible, and that many of the references to hell in scriptures refer to the end of time (Gehenna) and not to rewards at death. The references to suffering in hell for ages and torment REFERS TO THE END OF TIME, NOT AT DEATH!!! There is a difference between Gehenna and Hades. They are not the same! Here are some questions to ask and statements to consider if hell at death (Hades) is a place where demons are torturing sinners and the wicked are suffering hideous torment upon death, as Baxter portrays in her book. Be truthful and honest to your common sense as you read these questions. Pray for the Spirit's guidance as you study them. 1) Why would God create such a place for sinners? A place where their skin is seared off by flames, worms eat their skeletons while they are still alive, and where the wicked can curse His name continually? This makes God vindictive and cruel. Hell (as people view it) did not exist from the beginning of time, therefore God made it. 2) If demons are responsible for sin and temptation among the human race, wouldn't it be only fair to have them suffering torture as well and not causing it? There is NO biblical support for this theory 3) Is it really fair and just for God to have some souls suffering for ages and ages before others, who are just as worthy to receive the same amount of punishment? 4) What divine purpose or logical reason would it serve for God to allow people to suffer conscious physical, spiritual and emotional torment for ages and ages after death, until another final punishment is brought upon them at the end? (Basically more of the same thing) 5) What is the sense of a final executive judgement at the end of time, when it is quite obvious with a suffering hell after death, that the wicked have already received their judgement and reward? (See Revelation 22:12 for a blatant contradiction of this) 6) The Bible states that Christ abolished death at the cross, for the wages of sin is death! To believe in this hell we must conclude that the wicked have had death abolished for them as well, or then they cannot be tortured for ceaseless ages. We then have an illogical act by a logical God. Christ takes away death from the wicked (their initial and just reward), substitutes it with eternal life and condemns them to a suffering hell. We then contradict the scriptures that state that the wicked still suffer the wages of sin which is death, and that they are not given immortality like the righteous. (Romans 6:23; Matthew 25:46; John 3:16,17; John 10:26-28; John 17:3) 7) How can the body die, and the "soul" go to hell, but Mary Baxter in her book state that the flesh was being seared off of the wicked and worms were eating them? Where did this body come from? Many people mistranslate what the soul is in relation to the body as well. 8) Without biblical support (of which there is none), we would have to conclude that Christ gives special bodies to the wicked at death so there can be something tangible for burning. 9) If we believe statements 6-8 (which we are logically forced to do to believe in what Baxter says), and that Jesus holds the keys to this type of hell, than Christ is directly involved with sending people to hell, thus creating an impossibility for a just and merciful God. 10) Revelation 20:14 states that Hades gives up the dead to be cast into the lake of fire. If Hades is a place where souls are consciously suffering now, how can they really be called "the dead"? The Bible makes a clear distinction between the dead and the conscious. (Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalms 146:4; Job 14:10-14; 21) 11) 2nd Peter 2:9 states that the wicked are reserved until the end of time when they will be punished. Obviously this reserving place does not incur some sort of punishing or punishment for that will occur at the end. 12) There is a resurrection at the end of time according to Revelation 20: 5,6. Are the dead resurrected out of this suffering hell? If so, how (with no biblical support for this theory) does one explain the obvious contradictions in Daniel 12:2; 1 Corinthians 15:20-23; and John 5:28,29; which state that the dead are in their graves, and will remain there until their resurrection. All these discrepancies clear up when one understands that Hades is translated the same as the Hebrew word for hell- Sheol: they both mean the grave. The Parable of the Rich man and Lazarus is the only text in scripture that seems to support Baxter's theory of Hades. If you read Luke 16:1-18; you will see what the whole message of Luke 16 was about. It had nothing to do with explaining life after death. Christ did use figurative language (he would have had to for Lazarus was dead! verses 30,31) as well as some off-the-wall beliefs of Hellenistic Jews influenced by Grecian theology to hammer the point home of Jewish neglect for their Gentile brothers. Baxter's hell still stands in error. And God's loving, just, and merciful character is still defaced as Satan would want it. That is why he created this theory.
Rating:  Summary: You must read this book. Review: As a christian woman I was intrigued by the very tiltle of this book. At first not knowing whether I should read it or not. Maybe I would be better off not knowing or maybe G_d wouldn't want me to read these things. I prayed about it and felt that I had to read it. Indeed, this book is electrifyingly shocking. The detail is amazing. I refered back to the Bible for everything I read and it all seemed to fit. I have reccommended this book to everyone I know stating that they must read it! Not tomorrow but today! Simply saying: "yes I believe in Jesus Christ" is not enough. We must believe with our entire being. If it were simply enough to say :"I believe" then everyone would go to Heaven. There would be no repercussions for our sinful actions or thoughts. Wouldn't we be able to do anything we wanted without concern for consequences. If this were so then why would we even need a savior? Friends, I believe that hell is real and Heaven is real. I believe the account of hell told by Mary K. Baxter. It has turned my life around and I'm grateful that I read it. I have just finished reading some of the reviews on this book. Although everyone is entitled to an opinion, I must say I can't agree with some of them. One person wrote that because Jesus died for us then we were saved and that was that! But I ask you to read Matthew 7 verse 21 "Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Jesus spoke those words and he spoke them even though He knew He would die for our sins. To me, that means that we must all still obey the commandments of G_d. The fact that Jesus Christ died for our sins did not give us a "free pass" into heaven. We can be forgiven of ours sins because Jesus took those onto his shoulders when He died for us. To think that there is not a real place known as hell is (in my opinion) to doubt the word of G_d. It is spoken of in the Bible! If you say you believe in G_d and you believe in Heaven how can you not believe that the accounts that Mary K. Baxter has written about are anything but true? Who cares that she doesn't have a web site set up! Since when does that mean that she doesn't care? The fact that she shared her story with us shows that she does care. I loved the book and it has made me think of things in a totally new light. It hasn't steered me away from G_d but it has made me closer to Him. Dear friends, remember something. Do not be conformed by this world but be transformed by G_d. Mary Baxter- thank-you for sharing your story with me. I have also read A Divine Revelation of Heaven and I am currently reading A Divine Revelation of the Spirit Realm. Your books have truly had a wonderful impression on me. May G_d bless you always. For the person who wrote that this book steered real Christians away from G_d: If you are a real christian and blessed child of G_d, then nothing can steer you away! I don't want to judge anyone but I state this in the hopes that you can see that. May G_d bless you all.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST BOOK ON HELL!! tour hell and meet its occupants... Review: The is the most detailed book on hell i've ever seen. Pits, cells, demons,fire, worms, outer darkness, hell's belly, jaws, heart,... Mary Baxter is blessed to witness more of hell than any other person alive today - and i'm so blessed to see it thru her eyes. Moreover, Jesus himself is the tour guide, and he has a message for all presumptuos people, even Christians who think they're on safe ground - repent while there is still the chance. This book is full of surprises and hard to put down. My wife loves this book - it convicts, and amplifies scripture.You will feel the urgency of sharing the gospel. ...I believe salvation is a contract - Jesus did his part, we have to do ours (believe and be faithful - still by his grace and power of course). Saving faith means obedience. The apostles kept reminding us to be careful.Indeed, narrow is the path that leads to life. Be sure you're walking on the right road, and never fall away.
Rating:  Summary: What I Believe Review: I am the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ (2 Cor 5:21) which means that because of what Jesus did for all of us on the cross 2000 years ago, by my belief in Christ, I am all things that the Word of God says I am, no matter what my past, present or future hold. It is not by works, but by grace through faith. No one can get to God by their own merit and works, just by faith. It does not matter what sins you do after you come to this understanding, because when you truly believe in Jesus, the Holy Spirit infills you and you instinctively have the desire to follow God, therefore you will want to keep short accounts on sin and walk with Jesus moment by moment. Jesus has said in His Word, He will never leave us or forsake us. We may leave Him for a season, but by faith, I am assured He will never leave me, no matter how bad the sins I commit after my acceptance of Christ. It has been proven to me over and over. That is why I do NOT believe in Mary K. Baxter's book of hell. It can be a good tool to scare a laodician Christian into action, but, is in error biblcally. We are saved by grace through faith (in fact we recieve all good things from God by grace through faith) and not of works, or we would be able to boast, saying our flesh is able to save us! If God needs my help to get me delivered or saved by me being a devout, near-perfect Christian, or my own works of righteousness, then God is a whimp and Jesus death was in vain. According to my Bible, it was finished at the cross, no further sacrifices were needed from then on. I have studied Ms. Baxter's book on hell, and her latest one on heaven, plus I have been to a couple of church services she spoke at, and have come to the conclusion that she is only hindering Christians with these rediculous scare-tactics and not edifying the church at all! It is evident that she is not bold enough to even have her own web-site so people can reach her and tell her that even though she may be sincere, she is definitely incorrect and needs to seek out the Bible, especially the entire book of Romans. If she really felt assured of what she believes, she would make herself more available to the public via the internet, emails, etc., so others could at least ask her more questions, but she leaves her readers out in the cold by writing a couple of crude books and leaving a lot of guesswork in them for the reader to deal with. The way her book reads, many will not make it to heaven and hell will be full of Christians who "just couldn't make the grade". What I believe is simple, "believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved", period. What most people forget is that the believing part is an ongoing process and never ends. Once you decide to believe in Jesus for your salvation (and everything else!) you are never supposed to decide to stop believing or reject that former belief, which, in my opinion, cannot be done because of the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer.
Rating:  Summary: CHANGE YOUR LIFE Review: Steve From NY 08/2001 most of us believe to some degree in the reality of God, heaven and hell. yet very few, even church going folk dwell on the eventual consequence of our choices in this life. this book by a woman of God Mary Katherine Baxter will electrify you to make changes in your life that you know deep down you should! The point... This life is not forever, the 70 -90- years we may live is like a blink compared to eternity, forever and ever and ever. The Bible says we must choose today whom we will serve, for no one is promised tomorrow. As some of the people she viewed and intereacted with came to see, they thought they had time to recieve gods free gift, but waited to late, one man died and went to hell at the age of 22. (How many times has Jesus reached out to you, directly or indirectly?) we don't know how long we have, but even if we are promised 150 years, it is still better to serve God now (ASAP) beacuse he is a good God, a loving and wonderful God. Amen The Things in this world can't comapre. this book is an easy read, the average rreader will finish in no more than 1 - 2 days. Don't sleep on it
Rating:  Summary: A message that is truth! Review: Hell is as bad as you were told; only this book gives you the horrific details....It will expose the state of your soul;It will will whisper ,to you, that you deserve to go there. This book will also warn you-to check yourself, to see if you are " of the faith". The book says that if you do not love and serve Jesus daily, you are going there! That is why this book is irritating a lot of people, that and .... Exposure to the reality of Hell, will cause you to HATE and doubt this book! ....Thank God you can go to Him ,for forgiveness, thru His Son. When forgiven in this life, hell is not your destiny. This is the message of the book that seems to be ignored by most of the reviewers.
Rating:  Summary: Such Books Are an Insult to God Review: I understand that there are people out there (some of whom have reviewed this book favorably) who believe in a God who is little more than a petty, mysogynist, cruel, punitive, unstable, immoral human with superhuman abilities. This book is a blatant, commercial appeal to them. It will stroke their egos, making them feel wonderful about having been right in their human choice of one narrow religious belief over all the thousands of available religious, spiritual, and mystical beliefs in the world, thinking in their self-righteousness that they somehow were led to it by God, when in fact they are merely choosing the one that confirms their prejudices. They will find their desperate need for validation of those personal prejudices amply satisfied by books such as this. They will also have their spiritual growth stunted, and perhaps even reversed, by the exclusionary, judgemental, bigoted message it conveys.
Rating:  Summary: I wanted to, but I couldn't put it down. Review: This book sort of scared me. This was only because I was dealing with some things in my life that didn't please God, so I felt susceptible to these condemnations. No, I don't believe that you can lose your salvation, but I do believe that you can lose the joy of your salvation and feel just like an unsaved person. I also believe that you can fall into the hype and believe that by being a good person and going to church (even occasionally) you can go to Heaven. WRONG! Many "good" people will be in Hell. Hell is a real place. Someone wrote a review that stated that Jesus seemed really cold to the suffering people in Hell. That person failed to mention that it pained Jesus so much to leave the people in their suffering, that He started crying. He didn't want to leave them, but they had made their choice about their eternity and were left with the consequences. Did that person also mention how the suffering people started cursing out Jesus after he left them? There's nothing that can be done after someone decides to go to Hell. Yes, decides. When you choose not to accept Christ and believe that your way is best, you've rejected the only Person who can get you into Heaven to see God ("I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one comes to the Father but by Me"). People can say what they want to say, but I'm just giving my opinion in a nice way. No yelling, arguing, or harsh words from this camp. This book helped me get back on track, and it helped even more to see a visual description of the horrors of Hell for me to know that I needed to get my act together so that my testimony can be stronger to get more people into Heaven. For those who doubt, why don't you read A DIVINE REVELATION OF HEAVEN and see how that makes you feel - it uplifted my mind and spirit.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Is Here Review: A Divine Revelation of Hell is an awesome testimony. The book is repetitive due to the fact that it is the wording of a divine vision. I would recommend this book to all who title themselves followers of Christ. Once you understand what hell is about, you will strive to be a better follower of God's word. Most churches and pastors do not speak about Hell. It is a real place as revealed by Mary Baxter through Christ himself. Her descriptions will be hard to get out of your mind but ignorance of the truth (law) will not save you. Possibly the insight from this "divine revelation" will.