Rating:  Summary: This book cannot possibly be for real!! Review: This book is poorly written and unbeliveable! I believe in Heaven as well as Hell, but this books description of hell would cause even the Bible believing Christian to dismiss hell as a figment of someones demented imagination. Hell shaped like a body...people repenting in hell.....a "Fun Center? Oh Pa-lease! Don't waste your time with this one.
Rating:  Summary: Gotta read, gotta have, gotta pass around Review: Easy to read and understand. You will need a book for yourself and buy a few to pass around. Hell is very real!! and so is heaven!!! Learn how you can get to heaven ... and learn that hell is worse than you can imagine. Whether you end up in heaven or hell is your choice, and remember your choice is eternal. Ms. Baxter's choice of words were clear and purposeful and scriptual. I read the book from cover to cover and didn't put it down.
Rating:  Summary: A Wakeup call to saints and sinners alike. Review: It tells us as Christians to re-evaluate our lives to see if we are lifting up the standard of what God really wants in these last days. It tells Sinners to repent and turn from their wicked ways, also to let go and let God! Mrs. Baxter had to be a worthy vessel for God to use her in such a way and I think the book is awesome.
Rating:  Summary: A must to read for everyone !!!!! Review: This book is truely inspired by God's love for us as a wake up call. We have an immortal soul that will live for eternity and God is trying to let us know that many of us are on the way to hell. Read this book and pray that God inspires you to know the TRUTH. Time is running out. Please believe God used Mary to let us know how important it is to repent and turn our hearts back to the Triune God. This book has changed my life and I thank Mary for the courage she had in writting it
Rating:  Summary: This book is a Real Life-Changer! Review: Mary Baxter's book, "A Divine Revelation of Hell" is arguably the most incredible book in print, after the Holy Bible. The insight she gives into what is actually going on in the hell of the Bible RIGHT NOW is mind-boggling.
The book is mostly a sequence of testimonies of people who have died and gone to hell. Specifically, Jesus Christ led Mary, hand-in-hand throughout hell, for 40 separate trips. The substance of most of their trips was this:
Jesus would bring her to various places in hell where Jesus would show her a certain person who was banished to hell after death. That person would actually be standing there in front of them, and would usually carry on some conversation with Jesus. Typically, they'd ask Him to forgive them and release them from their horrible torments, which He never agreed to, because "It is too late; the Judgement has been set."
Throughout the book, Jesus shows Mary many different cases of why people were sent to hell: there were murderers, witches, adulterers, drug-pushers, and many, many "regular old people" who lived "regular old lives", but who died without turning their lives over to Jesus as Savior and Lord. There were also quite a number of people who had been Christians, and even ministers, who backslid so far as to lose their salvation. In each case, Jesus explained to Mary as to WHY they ended up in hell.
This book has made an ENORMOUS impact on my Christian walk. It has put the FEAR OF GOD into me big-time, because I see that I am STILL guilty of some of the things that led up to those Christians' backslidings and missings-out on heaven. I'd reckon that most-any person on earth would be equally-concerned for themselves if they KNEW what Jesus revealed to the church through Mary Baxter and if they BELIEVED it to be true.
I've read this book about 20 times, cover-to-cover, because I just can't get over what Jesus Christ has revealed to His church through Mary Baxter. Let me say that I am a very staunch Bible-believer and am NOT one to get carried away with all sorts of rediculous "End of the World" prophecies from cult-leaders. As such, I have compared Mary Baxter's words to the Bible over and over, and here's what I've found:
1.) I can not actually DISPROVE anything that she says.
2.) I can not actually PROVE much of what she says, either.
Taken together, these two statements form the basis for at least the Biblical POSSIBILITY that what Mary Baxter says is in fact from God. Remember, if you yourself haven't had an experience with hell, there's no possible way that you can "prove" whether this testimony is true - so if you place "proof" as a stipulation upon accepting Mary Baxter's testimony, then don't waste your time in reading this book. In fact, no one can "prove" that the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible will come true, either, but as Christians we accept it because God said it.
If, however, I could have found elements in Mary Baxter's book which were actually CONTRARY to Holy Scripture, then her book would have been proven false. But I haven't.
I've given out many copies of this book to friends. I gave one to a friend who was having serious marriage troubles. She was planning on divorcing her husband, but after reading Mary Baxter's book, she told me, "Oh my God! That book is a real life-changer!" You see, she saw a piece of herself (as I certainly have) in the lives of the souls whom Jesus and Mary spoke to in hell. After reading Mary's book, my friend realized that the bitterness in her own heart could potentially land her a place in hell if she didn't truly forgive her husband and try to make things right.
I would encourage everyone - Christians and non-Christians alike - to get this book at all costs. It is simply the biggest Life-Changer in print that I know of.
Rating:  Summary: The worst book ever written? I think we have a winner! Review: Is literary quality worse than 'The Celestine Prophecy' possible? This book answers this question with an resounding yes!! 'A Divine Revelation of Hell' is so unoriginal and repetitive it forces one to wonder if the author used cut and paste to write the entire book from previous sections.
On and on, we're taken on a bland tour of 'hell', a place where God sends people who don't worship Him, to be tortured for eternity. There is no chance of parole, no chance of escape. No matter how victimless your crime, no matter how long you are tortured, beaten, burned, and sorry for your sins you will not be let out. The author, Mary Baxter, claims to have gone to hell with 'Jesus'. As they pass by some of the souls in hell, they plead with Jesus to let them out. They repent of their 'sins', and regret not worshipping God before they died. Jesus gets mad at these people and yells at them, telling them he will *never* let them out and that they deserve to be tortured. I thought the Christian Jesus was a man of love! Apparently not!
Baxter's message is: If you don't worship this hideous God He will torture you. So you better get down on your hands and knees and pray, unbeliever! If you are a drinker, homosexual, adulterer, atheist, etc., you must change your ways or else Jesus will force you into hell forever. Remember, Jesus is all-powerful and can let you out anytime he wants, but he won't, because he doesn't want to. According to this book, anyways.
Mary Baxter even tells the reader, "What you are about to read will frighten you. I pray it will frighten you enough to make you a believer." (p174) The author's intent is to scare us all into becoming Christians, to use the threat of hell and the violence of torture to turn is into mindless slaves worshipping her god!
Well, as you can see this book is pretty insane. Don't buy it unless you too are insane. Then you might like it. I wanted to rate it a 0 but the scale wasn't low enough.
As Charles Heston once said, "This is madness!"
Rating:  Summary: Cosmic Hitler? Review: I have purchased this book back in June, 1995 and have read it. I can't help to think that the way God is described is what one can imagine if Hitler gained control of the entire cosmos. The description of Hell is like one eternal Death camp, with Satan the Josef Mengele of the underworld. The devils and demons are the Camp
Guards and some of the other human "souls" that torture others are the Kapos. The story of the Indian woman being in eternal torture because she failed to convert to Christianity when missionaries tried to is just appalling. Because she still believed in her native Hinduism, she now suffers eternal punishment. This reminds me of Hitler punishing those who didn't follow Nazi beliefs, such as Christians opposed to the Nazi regime and others of conscience, as well as Hitler's racial purification policies of exterminating the Jews and others deemed "undesireable". In sum, the book sounds like a work of fiction. I can't comment any further, since I'm not the author. I don't know what she experienced, but it certainly doesn't sound like true justice. -- Art Leopold
Rating:  Summary: Contents Of Div Rev Of Hell Consistent With Bible Review: I have thoroughly read Mary K. Baxter's book
and found it to be very consistent with the
Bible. I wish to caution people who read
this book or are thinking about reading this book
not to judge the content by human ideas of justice, which is severely tarnished by the sinful state of man, but rather compare it
to the view of justice and mercy, as revealed
in the Bible. Regardless of what you believe about this book or God's justice one must
understand we will ALL be judged by our Creator and no one--absolutely no one-- will
escape this judgement.
God has provided this revelation so that many
could know the true state of what awaits
unrepentant sinners. He did this so that we
could AVOID the eternal torments of hell. Of course we have a free will to believe or not
to believe--to choose or not to choose to serve
our loving Creator. However, we are NOT free to avoid the consequences of our choice. This is the most important question of EVERYONE'S life. Are you on the road to hell or heaven
Rating:  Summary: Doubt? Remember the price Christ paid for our sin! Review: I have been a reborn Christian for more than 7 years now. A girl passed this book to me when I was in a time of rebellion against God. In the beginning, I didn't quite believe in the harsh reality portraited in this book. Immediately after a discussion about this book on the phone with my friend, I felt sleepy and went to bed for a nap. It was only 3pm and a sunny afternoon. Then the Lord gave me a vision in my dream. I saw Him in a distance. He was on the cross, so wounded. I couldn't understand where He got all the cuts from. They were all over His body. (I only understood this when I saw the movie The Passion of the Christ recently. No part of His body was sound because of the way the Roman soldiers scourged Him.) When I woke up, I realised that the book was telling the truth. So far, I think, this is the book that has given the most information on hell.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, Mary's telling the truth Review: I read the book "A Divine Revelation of Hell." Why are so many people so offended? Should we continue to walk around in such a "I" "me" world and continue to think that we can do anthing we want when the true reason we're even here on earth is for God to see which of us will be HIS soldiers or follow HIM? But of course we have gone off so far to believe that just about every sin we commit is justified. I thought it was ok to commit suicie. I heard someone who was a Christain say that once you give your life to Christ you can't loose your salvation, well up their on the freeway where I was trying to take my life I was escorted off the freeway by a gentle man who told me that Jesus told him to come and talk to me and that I could go to hell if i tried to take my life. I was very insulted. (I was homeless with a 5 month old baby at the time)....but I was told I could still go to hell. I was a nice person you know, loving and still is considered to be...but the guy told me that I've already given my life to Jesus so it's not mine to take,..... I turned to thank the man after talking with him for a couple of hours and he was gone, dissapeared. Where could he had went?...so I thank God an angel came up on the freeway to tell me the truth even though I did get insulted and ebven shakened up. Just like if I give my life to Jesus, I'm required to obey his word, do his will what ever it is that he tells me. Not because I'm scared, HIS people will automtically want to do HIs will, we just love HIm like that... and hell is real to us, it's part of HIS personality if you can understand, but He is a loving God too but one who'se getting His kingdom together and knows who's going to follow Him already and mentionedthat lots of people are going to hell some who has already given their life to HIM sad to say Matt 12 It sounds like the people that Mary K. described in her book were people who either gave their life to Christ and decided that they were going to do what they wanted on their terms or He was asking them to give their life to HIM (I'm sure with a good loving purpose, but they didn't think much of THE MAKER OF ALL THE HEAVENS AND UNIVERSE) to do so. Look at the big picture If Jesus is going to come back and rule on earth one day (some time after the rapture) and the meek and humble people are suppose to inherit the earth....and he said to THOSE WHO FIND THEIR OWN LIFE (particulary those who gave their life away to JESUS, WILL LOOSE IT, but thoss who loose their life (not continue to make their own agendas after you've already given your life to Jesus.) WILL FIND IT...in other words allow HIM to establish your stay here...that's what were suppose to be here for RIGHT?...BELIEVER? to come to the knowledge of Christ and follow HIM. If you're going to continue to do your own thing and belittle or even mess up God's plans for you, then how in the world is HE going to set up a kingdom of meek, humble saints. Where else can self-centered, self willed, arrogant, "I" "me" people who don't believe go? How will He ever establish His kingdom where He will reign forever? Do you think he's going to continue to let little personalities like that take over forever WHO'SE GOD HERE? If you think that Marry K. is foolish or even 1/2 illiterate 1Corinthians: 1:27, BUT GOD HATH CHOSEN THE FOOLISH THINGS OF THE WORLD TO CONFOUND THE WISE; AND GOD HATH CHOSEN THE WEAK THINGS OF THE WORLD TO CONFOUND THE THINGS WHICH ARE MIGHTY. So Please read Mary K. Baxter's book "A DIVINE REVELATION OF HELL" It can/will save your life.