Rating:  Summary: extremly eye opening! Review: This book is incredible, it made me belive in jesus again. Very strong and interesting, a must must have!
Rating:  Summary: Good VS. Evil Review: Some of you want to shout THIS IS NOT BASED ON SCRIPTURE! How would you know when every word in the bible is not understood. Also, it says in the bible that there are things that are not revealed to us. The bible does not give a 100% depiction of heaven nor hell, but this is how faith is produced! All the negative reviews on here are made from Atheists, Cult followers, and Secular Humanistic part-takers. The devil wants to convince us that its a lie! That's his role in the world people. He hates the truth. And Mary K. Baxter knows she told the truth in this book. My 12 year old daughter read it and she doesn't even understand the bible, but she was shouting with the holy ghost and asking God to protect her and come into her life. Everyone I gave this book to has cried and turned their life around. For all you Jesus haters out there: you need to stop trying to critique everything. Judge and ye shall be judged. I bet you couldn't write a better book than this if you tried. Respect people for their opinions and their faith. You are not better than anyone else, and moreover you soul will have to face destiny either way -- YOU WILL END UP IN FRONT OF JESUS! THERE'S NO ESCAPE. Get your salvation now!
Rating:  Summary: A Divine Revelation of Hell Review: At the risk of offending many Christians(which is truly not my intention)who have read and believe MKB's revelation; I must say that this is one of the silliest books I have ever read. Prior to purchasing this book, I checked out a few of the reviews and I recall a reviewer who likened this text to a children's book. I couldn't agree more. The language is so simplistic that it reads more like a first grade primer than a divine revelation. In addition to it's simplicity, it is also extremely repetitive. Phrases such as: the Lord Jesus knew my thoughts....oh how (choose one) awful, terrible, horrible....and I cried on the inside....are repeated so many times that you wonder if you're simply reading the same page over and over. Also repetitive are the descriptions of the damned souls and the demons tormenting them. All of the souls are skeletons and the majority of the demons bat-faced. How cliche! On page 174 MKB says "what you are about to read will frighten you." I think...finally! Something interesting! MKB, however, goes on to describe exactly the same scenes which populate the previous 173 pages! Suffice it to say I was not frightened. As if all of this were not reason enough to pass on this book; MKB says she saw Satan while in Hell but offers not even a one word description of Him! If you are going to write a book about the terrors of Hell would you not devote at least one paragraph to the most terrifying thing(Satan)there?This woman supposedly stood before the king of Hell, himself....and she passes over this event as if it were nothing! This book is not believable in any way. I think MKB had a bad dream that she tried to turn into a book....and she failed. I can not recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: The devil would Burn every copy of this book! Devil Beware! Review: The last book the evil one would ever want you to read but then since it's already been published he will try to blind as many who dare to purchase and read it and to the scribe and to the wise in their own hearts the wisdom will be hidden but God speaks to those who are willing to face the revelation about it, a great treasure of revelation! I've been a Christian for years and throughout my life I have been hot,warm and cold at times with God but this book has totally changed my life! I am so much more aware of even the little things I do in my everyday life, changing bad habits is just a start and now I have a New beginning with him and I am reading his word in a new and exciting way! I am more aware some areas of scripture that before was a little vague but as she brings more light for these areas in this book along with many other things that we all have been curious about in some way or another. I have never gotten over this book yet and I was so very impressed that I bought everyone a copy along with her other book called "A Devine Revelation of Heaven" for Christmas! It's one of the best gifts (second to the Bible) that anyone could have or give and will speak to the heart of every believer or non believer eqaully in a very deep and special way. It is backed Biblicly and right on track with the scriptures. To back up how she came upon revealing this in book form brings to mind about what the Bible says about the last days when his spirit will be poured out on all flesh and to some will be given dreams and others visions to be related to them who still have the breath of life in them. I was also supprised to see how many feedbacks have been given to this book and read many of them. After reading at least 64 of them out of over 200 I found most liked and rated this book five stars and those that rated it less were spiritually blinded to everything as I mentioned above about this book. Try to find another book on Hell of this nature anywhere on Amazon or anywhere else and you'll be out of luck! I truely believe Mary Baxter had a very real experience with the Lord and he has used her to reach many that are searching for the Truth. I highly recommend the reading!
Rating:  Summary: A sinner that jesus saved Review: Thank you jesus for leading me to this book and god bless sister mary for obeying gods commands.IAm a born again christian but before that I was worldly I was partying,drinking,fornicatin g and smokingweed.There are a few pointers that I want to get out Jesus lead me to this book for a reason and one reason only he loves me is because I love him and I know your saying well how can she love jesus if she was doing all those things.Because while I was doing them I still was praying to Jesus for help,and he help me.See what your reviewers fail to realize is that jesus gave us the way to choose either the right way or the wrong way its up to you some of you viewers are saying jesus suppose to be aloving god why did he leave mary in hell well Iam living proof that he is a loving god and he had to leave mary in hell so she can feel for herself that hell was real.He chose mary to get souls for him because she was worthy,and to be worthy of god you have to go through trials and tribulations its so hard to do the right thing but its so easy to do the wrong thing.Jesus dont want any of us to go to hell he want us to repent,if half of you viewers was really reading your Bibles you would know these things and you would know that he is a just god and a forgiving god.Jesus wants us to love him and obey him is that so hard.Jesus gave his life for us so that none of us would go to hell what dont you understand hell is real and satan is real and his demons,and if you are weak satan is definitely ruleling your life.Dont blame sister mary for writing the book blame your self for reading it because now you know the truth,and the truth shall set you free.I believe every thing that sister mary is saying because if it took her book for me to come back to god yes come back because I was his before I was worldly.I just want to say thank you Jesus for saving me from the devil,and thank you Jesus for sister mary now tell me viewer is that the devil bringing me to jesus.No it is not because the devil HATES Jesus!
Rating:  Summary: More Pentecostal/Charismatic heresy Review: Mary K Baxter(an ordained Pentecostal pastor who is in complete disobedience to Gods word according to 1Tim 2:12) dreams up heretical false visions, which are quite common in the Charismatic community. She's not alone in the NDE arena. Go to your local christian book store, and then go to the "Charismatic Interest" isle, and you will see many books to the like of hers. Visions, new prophecies, Near Death, dream interpretation, etc, etc, etc! You'll find the same books in the New Age bookstores too!Baxter saw a false Christ in her vision, and the proof is in her book. On page 113, she states: "I was so sad and so tired. I collapsed in the arms of Jesus. And even though He restored me whole, I wanted to go far, far away-from JESUS, from my family, from everyone." What kind of Christians wants to go far, far away from Jesus? Well, the Jesus in her vision left her in Hell. Doesn't God's word tell us that He will never leave us nor forsake us? Apparently this "Jesus" was not trustworthy. According to the word of God, Baxter received a revelation alright...from that old serpent, Satan himself. Beware Christians...dont believe every wind of doctrine you hear!
Rating:  Summary: for the unbelieving Review: I've heard alot of people say if God loves us so much why does he allow those souls to suffer.The truth is he doesn't want us to suffer, he wants us to turn to him and repent truly for all the sins we've commited and he will forgive us so that we don't have to suffer once judgement has been past. All the souls that Mary Baxter encounters are souls who repent only once they are in hell by which time it is indeed too late. The Lord wants us to accept him and to believe in him while we are still alive on earth. If we don't believe in him and accept him how can we expect Jesus to save us?. Is it right for us to commit all the sins under the sun and then when we die expect our souls to go to heaven automatically without any accountability for those sins? and above all with out knowing our saviour Jesus Christ.Think about that! and secondly if this book was the work of the devil, is he going to show us ways to avoid getting trapped in his Kingdom of eternal torture. When I read this I really felt sad, because I understood why Jesus was described as having a sorrowful face. He was sad because He suffered a horrible death for our sins and despite that fact people still will not accept him and choose a life with him that is free from sorrow, instead without knowing him some of us expect to get a free ticket to heaven.And whats even sad is that Jesus still loves us all even those souls who suffer and thats why he doesn't want more souls to come there that he told Mary to right this account. I feel Jesus is trying his best to reach out to us and he is sad for all those souls that go astray because he died for their souls aswell, and all they had to do was accept and ask for his forgiveness while they were alive on earth and they wouldn't have to suffer. God sent Jesus to us so that we might believe in him. When Adam ate of the forbidden fruit he commited the first sin. Since we are all desendants of Adam and Eve we bear the scar of that sin aswell, and because of that our relationship with God was scared too. But Jesus died for all our sins and by doing so he became the ultimate sacrifice which brought us closer to God. So if we don't accept Jesus we don't accept God , the one who sent him. Its funny. One fact that will never change is that someday we will all die. And that is some thing we are sure of but continue to ignore and go on with our mundane lives of making more money so I can buy that car, or I can buy that house or I can buy whatever, basically very materialistic. I'm not saying I'm a saint cos I'm guilty of doing those things too but the truth of it is this book helped me realise what we should be focusing on and what happens after we die this book is an insight into that. We come into this world with nothing and we can take nothing out of it, but the only thing you leave behind is how will people remember you by? Its not going to matter to God if you owned a Merc or if your husband was famous or not. What matters is how you lived your life. And finally, true the discriptions may seem a little unbeliveable but you put all that aside, and if you look at the message that is repeated over and over in the book is - If you are truly sorry for your sins and you understand that you have sinned and ask Jesus to forgive you he will give you his forgiveness, its that simple. Is that such a bad thing? Do you think Satan is going to ask us to turn towards Jesus? May God bless all of you and I hope what I wanted to say came out as something as usfull and not as a sermon. Its your turn to decide. May God have mercy and forgive us all of our sins
Rating:  Summary: Is this for 3rd graders? Review: This book is the best fictional book I have read for children.. When I told that to the co-worker who gave me the book he stated, "It wasn't a childrens book and it wasn't fictional." That was a shock because if that's the case this is the most idiotic hour read that I have had in a long time. Here are 3 reasons 1.) Here it is that christians promote this BELIEF that their god is all loving however it is obvious that Baxter has more love for these suffering masses then the very god who claims to love all mankind. 2. This book is a blantent contridiction of the bible due to the fact that Baxter repeatedly states that after death you feel all pain and suffering when it is a fact that the bible states that there is no pain, nor knowledge after death. 3. She must have ran out of tourture methods becuase all of them began to repeat themselves. This book is nothing more then an elementary horror novel meant to be read by elementary minded individuals. Question: Why are you printing the words so large and using such large spaces for 212 pages? Obviously you could have wrote this in a pamphlet of no more then 100 pages. If you want to serve the lord at least save his trees. Peace and Blessings
Rating:  Summary: Christians Beware!! Review: A Divine Revelation of Heaven is not a divine revelation at all. It is a melange of untested claims, fiction, imagination, out-of-context Bible verses, error and even heresy. The undiscerning will think it is great, never realizing that it tears away at the Gospel and the person of God. It is a modern metaphysical gnostic text. There are just enough "God" words and enough smattering of Bible references to convince the unassuming that it is a "religious" book. However, the bottom line is that it's not even good fiction. In the end when people see through the hype, it may lead to a loss of all hope or perhaps by the grace of God, they will be driven to seek the only true hope, Jesus and the Word of God. So how does one test the validity of a claim of divine communication, and, if necessary, expose its deception? The Christian has the clear advantage because the Bible is the point of reference and discernment. The process of testing involves: (1) understanding the actual message or content of the claims; (2) comparing the source and the message with biblical truth; (3) demonstrating the internal contradictions or irrationality of the message; (4) if necessary, examining the history or reputation of the messenger or medium. And finally, the Christian must not neglect to consider what are the implications for individual Christians, and for the Body of Christ. Christians should ask what is going wrong in the culture when there is rampant interest in, and gullibility toward, occult and metaphysical teaching and phenomena.
Rating:  Summary: Beware Review: Beware of these Authors, Rebecca Brown M.D., Baxter, Jack T. Chick. They are using Mind Control on those who read their Documents. In Love and Light