Rating:  Summary: Santos Perez Jr, Review: Este libro es recomendado a todos. Fue un libro muy interensante. Si sientes miedo cuando comienze a leer, Orad, para que Dios te ayude en ese momento y continua, El enemigo no quiere que lo leas. El Infierno es real como esta leyendo esto ahora. Pelea y no te Detengas!
Rating:  Summary: leaves me feeling scared and confused.. Review: It's a real good book that I hope everyone would read, although the ever showing parts bout' worms and burning are gross. I don't really know what to say but this book is like none other books I've read. It leaves me feeling scared, I can't sort out the thoughs flying about in my mind. I feel, well.. insecure. Sounds silly?? No really, that's the effect of the book on me. It left me thinking. I'm not a good christian and I always think that there are many many other people who are more worthy of God's love than me. I'm really trying to be a better Christian but just don't know where and how to start.
Rating:  Summary: This book is anti-Biblical! Review: As to the content of this book it has MANY contradictions to Scripture, and is obviously written from the realm of subjectivity(experience), rather than from the objective standpoint of Christianity that TRUE spiritual experiences grow out of. Because of books such as this one, confusion and chaos reign in the church today. As Christians, we must test our experiences by the "more sure word of prophecy(the Bible)" (2 Peter 1:19), to ensure that our experiences are genuine and from God. To pursue the experience(no matter how good it FEELS) apart from Scripture is to fall into the snare of the devil (2 Timothy 2:24-26, 2 Corinthians 11:14). The Bible is complete. The final and full revelation that God has intended to give to man until Jesus comes again (2 Peter 1:3, 2 Timothy 3:15-17, Jude 3, Revelations 22:18-19). Do not be deceived, stand fast and remember "the word of the Lord endureth forever" (1 Peter 1:25).
Rating:  Summary: A must read Christian or not we are all God's children! Review: This book is very intense. As matter a fact I read it in 2 1/2 days. It freightened me but I wanted to keep reading it. I believe there is a Heaven and a Hell and that our souls will go to one or the other at judgement. I believe God's word is true as written in the scriptures. And I also believe that if a Christian as been anoited with the Holy Spirit that God will solicit them as a messenger. I do not doubt the revelations that the author depicts in her book. Who am I to prejudge her Christian experience. I intend to refer this book to others. If nothing else it will touch on the concience mind and make one think twice b4 commiting sin. The only thing I didn't understand was why the referral scriptures were at the end of the book. My next reading as followup will be a Devine Revelation of Heaven.
Rating:  Summary: This book is needed to expose a heresy about hell! Review: God is good. And God is just. There is a prevailing teaching in churches all across this land. Good evangelistic churches are teaching that if you don't accept Jesus Christ you will spend eternity without Christ--a Christless eternity. Why should that be a threat to someone who does not have Christ now?! This theology practically denys the existence of an eternal burning torture pit. The sequence of visions God gave to Mary K. Baxter strongly refutes that "doctrine of devils." Don't let the "good-and-plenty gospel", the "God-would-never-hurt-you" lie deceive you into an inescapable fiery pit of your very own deep within the stinking bowels of hell. Its a good scary read, it will scary the hell right out of you. Praise God, whose mercy endures forever.
Rating:  Summary: Christian Stephen King? Review: This book, if to believed should be read by every Christian. If these things were truly revealed by God, we as a Christan community need to read this and work together to bring this message to the unsaved. This book is somewhat hard to follow, the author tends to write as though speaking to you. The overall message is clearly presented, and very moving. This book is not for the squeamish.
Rating:  Summary: Give Me A Break! Review: This book was recommended to me by a lady that I work with. She is a very dedicated Christian and a very nice person. I mean no disrespect to those of you who believe, like my co-worker, that there is any truth in this book. We all have an obligation to our fellow man to try to enlighten and keep them from hell, but I have a couple of questions:If we save even tens of thousands of souls from eternal damnation, or hell, by telling lies, will we still go to Heaven??? Can we be saved by believing a lie? I am going to continue to believe that there is a hell, and be confident that I never want to know what hell is really like.
Rating:  Summary: Really... Review: I rate this book three stars simply because it held my interest, for a while. I've only read about fifty pages, came to a conclusion, then went to the internet to see if I was the only one that feels that this is, at best, religious fiction. I learned alot. This lady is travelling the country and telling people about her experience with Jesus, and I think she is falling into a number of the traps that some of the doomed souls she wrote about fell into. I am not here to judge Ms. Baxter, but alot of what she writes in this book contradicts what is in the Bible. Question: If you succeed in saving many souls from hell by telling a lie, will you still go to heaven? Hmmmmm.... I applaud her intentions but I'm wondering if she's going about it the right way.
Rating:  Summary: It is scary but what is most scary is that it is true Review: I think the book is awesome and I recommend it to anyone and everyone I know God wants us all to know that hell is real and he doesn't want anyone to go there that is why he allows someone to go and come back and tell the horrors.