Rating:  Summary: repented 4 times Review: this "hell" book scared me back to my knees. After reading 2 or 3 chapters, i would fall back on my knees and repent, this was repeated until i finished the book. I read the book about every 3 months to keep it fresh in my spirit. The message to me is to keep my heart pure before God and keep in the love walk with people, also as a christian of 6 years, Iam constantly going after that fresh relationship with JESUS, that intimate fellowshhip in His presence. I don't want to finish my course and then find out my life did not bring God glory and Jesus was not represented through me as His vessel. According to the "HELL" book there are going to be a lot of so-called christians that are going to have a RUDE AWAKENING! I don't want to be one of them.
Rating:  Summary: divine revelation of hell Review: i really felt god next to me when i read this book when a friend lend it to me. i would like to order it, in inpanish
Rating:  Summary: ANTI-BIBLICAL! Review: Where Mrs.Baxter received her visions from is quite questionable. She has no biblical support for the majority of images she presents. As a matter of fact, she totally contradicts scripture in many instances. Here are a few.1) She has hell as being a place that is burning now and where souls are suffering as we speak. Matthew 13:37-42; Matthew 25:41; and Revelation 20:9 state that the wicked will be cast in the fire at the end of time, not upon death. They are not burning there now. 2) She presents demons torturing the wicked in hell. This concept is as biblical as Purgatory. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Satan and the angels are in charge of torture Matthew 25:41 states that hell fire was prepared for Satan and the angels. Revelation 20:10 has Satan and the demons cast into the lake of fire to suffer at the end of time and right along with the wicked. Satan is alive and well on planet earth right now. If the fire was made for him, what justice is it of God to send souls to hell at death, but let the deceiver who the fire was made for, walk around until the end of the world? 3) She has hell as being some pit burning sowehere in the middle of the earth. 2nd Peter 3:10 and Revelation 20:9 show that the fire comes down from heaven and covers the earth. The earth is covered with fire and all that are on it are engulfed and consumed. This all occurs at the end of time. Her concept of God is an erroneous one. God is depicted as a cruel, sadistic monster in league with Satan. God is far above our ways, and yet He is made out to be worse than the cruelest criminal. Such a concept as the hell she portrays and the negative light it casts on God's loving character cannot be casually swept away by stating, "God didn't send people to hell, they sent themselves there." God wants to wipe away all tears and sorrow . He wants to destroy sin and make it new. He cannot do this with the hell that Baxter portrays. Once again, I believe that Baxter's visions were based more on midieval theology and Dante than on the Holy Bible. If anyone would like to challenge this review feel free to e-mail me. Read the Bible for yourself people! These are just a few of the scriptures that show what an error Baxter's hell is!
Rating:  Summary: Reminds me of time I spent in prison, in many ways. Review: This book is one of the strongest weapons against a common and subtle lie found in many Christian churches and other religions. The lie reveals itself as any way to evade mention of hell. If you press their theology, you find that hell is "just a concept" or "not eternal" or "not real." _A Course in Miracles_, which purports to be fully Christian, teaches this way, as do some of the eastern or Indian religions, especially the ones that rely on re-incarnation. This book gives such an honest picture of hell, just like something any ordinary person would write after seeing hell, that I cannot dismiss it easily. Baxter's writing style is simple and those reviewers who criticise the presentation or the images as deceptive or contrived have missed one of the beauties of this book. It is startling, as a Christian who has personally seen Jesus, to comprehend that God is capable of turning down the pleadings of a person burning in hell. But the reason why is confirmed by that pleading soul's response once he is denied: He immediately begins cursing Jesus. It is obvious that he had not yet repented--why should Jesus release a liar? An illustration: When I went to jail, I was a guilty soul. I resisted with all of my might as I was arrested, and well into the solitary confinement cell that they put me in because I was so angry. However, after two days in there, praying all the time, I began to comprehend what was happening was MY fault, and I became deeply humbled. I began to repent. As I was allowed to mingle with other prisoners, I found there were two kinds of prisoners: those who had been humbled, and those who weren't yet. Those who were humble were rare, gentle, patient, and looked forward with faith to their release. Those who were still fighting, who still thought they were wrongly arrested, these were dangerous, liars, and traitors who played power trips on each other. Unchecked, these kinds of souls are the ones who end up in hell--they'll pretend to be your friend until they get what they want from you, then they will turn and rip you to shreds. This is what Jesus walked away from with such stoicism. No matter what you think of this book, you will never forget it, as long as you live. I plan to read it again, not to scare myself, but to work on a closer understanding of the souls who end up in hell. I love people very much and do not want anyone to go to hell. I pray for the other reviewers who preferred to read this book on a superficial level, that they will comprehend its very clear, very eloquent, deeper message. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Rating:  Summary: Get a Clue... While There's Still Time. Review: I read this book some years ago. Now that I'm dealing with some people still suffering from the sin of hatred, manifesting through racism, I'm tempted to buy them a copy and have it sent directly to them. Keep in mind that Jesus sends no one to hell - people send themselves there. It's their individual decision - not His. If you're not sure if you'll make it, look at your fruit... that's what it's for.
Rating:  Summary: AN EYE OPENER, BUT DOES NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF THE HOLY BIBLE Review: This was great reading. Definately an eye opener to all who are still wondering this earth in worldly ways.I can surely appreciate such great writing and feel any encouragement to help us conquer satan and save our Souls is a plus. I am shaken by the book as I have great fear of The Lord Jesus Christ. I'm not saying I believe this, but I believe God touches us all in some way or another. Many of us have had dreams that has taken us far, far away to an unknow land. Perhaps Mary is better able to put hers in words than most. I can surely appreciate it. I am going to introduce this book to several of my family and friends. Thank you....and God Bless!!!!
Rating:  Summary: To God be the Glory; Hell is real you don't want to go there Review: I'm a save sanctified Holy Ghost filled believer of Jesus Christ my LORD and Savior. I praise God for allowing me to read this book. It just impressed in my spirit to continue to pray fervently for the lost souls, their minds and hearts to be receptive of the truth. That Jesus came to save the world and that the theif (satan) cometh not to, but to steal, kill, and destroy. Also keeping me focus of my own salvation and relationship with Jesus. At times we all tend to stray, miss the mark, etc. Thank God for a place of repentance, forgiveness of sins, and second chances. People don't let this moment pass you by, today is the day of your salvation. Come to Jesus while you still have time, don't wait to late. We use to say, "here today gone tomorrow" not any more I say "here today gone today". My 10 year old shall not be the same neither, she was shocked to know that preachers (good people) was sent to hell. I can't explain really how this book had an effect in her life, but to God be the glory for great things he has done and is doing. We enjoyed the way Jesus kept it real, told them in hell baically to "chill out". You made the choice to serve satan and this is your reward. Choose ye this day what god you are going to serve, the god of this world or the God of the world to come? Plain and simple. Mary Baxter, be encourage, If God be for you who can be against you?
Rating:  Summary: Scared the hell out of me Review: Let me start out by saying that I'm not a believer in Christ, but once I stared reading I couldn't set it down. This book got my total attention and scared the hell out of me. If you're a believer in Christ than I have to strongly recommend this book.As for those like myself,I assure you that after you read this book you're always going to wonder if you're living the right way of life.All I know is that hell is the very last place I'd like to be.
Rating:  Summary: CAPTURING, ENLIGHTENING, AND AWAKENING Review: When my mom first presented this book to me, I was completely taken aback and I prayed the sinner's prayer immediately, and thought everyone needed to know what I know, even though I backslid afterwards that book was a seed that was planted into my life and as you might already know; God uses one to plant the seed, one to water it and the Lord will and shall do the increases this book touches people's lives in many ways but this is my testimony of how it has touched mine..Thank You Jesus, to God be the Glory!!!
Rating:  Summary: Fiction at it's worse Review: I was in a Christian Book Store looking for something to read, when I stumbled upon this book. I was so disgusted with what I was reading I found myself surprised that anyone would publish this. I did however, find I could not put it down, mostly because I was experiencing what I can only hope was righteous anger, (Be angry and sin not). Mary Baxter has twisted the loving Lord Jesus into some monster I don't recognize from Scripture, or my own experience as a child of the King. Just because someone says "God took me to Hell to warn others", doesn't make it true. The experiences she writes about make her sound more loving and righteous than our Lord. GOD does NOT bring people to Hell to witness the events. Scripture warns us to turn from unbelief and belief unto life...but NOWHERE has anyone been given a guided tour; not even the apostle Paul.