Rating:  Summary: MISTYPE-It Was The Rich Man Review: I apologize for mistyping Lazarus' name as the Rich Man, when I was explaining verse Luke.12.26. It was the Rich Man that went to hell. However, this is the only mistype, concerning the Message I wrote BELOW or above:
Rating:  Summary: I Was Glad Review: I was glad I got to read the book.A friend at work turned me on to it,and it will cause you to review your on life and whats going on in it.It also gave me a burden for the lost, thats what its all about when you become a Christian to love those and bring them into The Lords saving power, and knowledge Its graphic and sometimes hard to read yet you can't hardly put it down. I have seen results of what its contents can do. I have seen it bring salvation to the lost.Thank You Mary K. Baxter its a very important part of a friend of mines ministry in the jail system. And I'm hoping to introduce it to the youth ministry at my Church if the Pastor agrees. I'm going to furnish a copy for him . Thank you for your 5 star book.God Bless You
Rating:  Summary: Message to Darrell, all Christians & People Review: Darrell, I want to respond to your stand that hell is not burning souls now and God would be a cruel if there was a Gehenna(hell).1) Revelation 20.13-15: " The sea gave up the dead that where in it, and the death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what the had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire, which was the second death. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." This scripture shows that there are 2 deaths for the dead, as you stated. Now, the first dead are in Hades(Seol)staying there temporarly until Jesus Chirst comes. This place however is inhabited by demons (unlike your belief), and the dead who denied Jesus as Christ: 2Peter2.4 "Did God spare even the angels who sinned? He did not!He held them captive in hell consigned them to pits of darknessto be guarded until judgement." Matt.10.28"..Rather be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." They are sent to hell and then what is destroyed? Soul and "BODY". Anything that is being destroyed hurts, A TYPE OF flesh and soul. Another verse, Jesus gives a parable of what hell is at this time "Luke 16.24".Immediately after Lazarus' death, he is sent to hell, and asks to be cooled because of the fire. THe FIRE is still active not just when Judgement comes, nor does Rev.20 say that "earth be covered with fire". Wrong, there will be a new earth and heaven Rev.21.1. 2) How can this be Justice? Our Father gave us a choice. A choice of life or death. "He send His begotten and only Son, Jesus Christ to the world so that we may have life through him" 1John.4.9. But He had to be sacrificed as sin, nailed to the cross to deliver us from SIN,and DEATH. Who has ever died for you my friend? He loves you so much that He went First through extreme agony and then rose from the dead in order to deliver us from bondage and hell. So now it is our choice if we receive Him as our Saviour and Lord, and stop living a life with two masters. 3) In reponse to Mrs.Braxter's book and Christians believing this is ANTIBIBLICAL: Matt.10.26 " There is nothing concealed that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispred in your ear, proclaim from the roofs." Acts.2.17 "In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, young men will see visions, and old men will dream dreams."
Rating:  Summary: Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. Review: First of all, I give this book 1 star based soley on it's merit as literature. It is not well written and it it is obvious that the author is not primarily a writer. I've read the book more than once (3 times I think), and although I believed it at first, I've reconsidered my position lately. Read the rest of the reviews below, concentrating on the 1 star reviews. Some have dismissed the book simply because it doesn't agree with their theology, but others have written well thought out responses with scriptural references. In the end, as someone below stated, you can not scare people into being Christians. That is not Christian at all. Jesus did not spend very much time talking about hell. I think the only thing that can help a non-Christian, is if they realize what they are missing, and begin to seek God. That's how I was turned from Atheism, I began to seek God, and He came through for me.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This is a must read for all Christains. Takes the complacency out of salvation, death, and dying. Gives new credence to the statement "You shall reap what you sow."
Rating:  Summary: Horror novel or true revelation? Review: Being a Christian for many years, I was very interested in what Ms. Mary K. Baxter had to say about hell. To be honest, I could not put it down mainly because of Ms. Baxter's imagery of the torments of the damned. Each (gray) soul was encased within a skeleton and proceeding out of the bones of the skeletons were worms. At times, skin would form on the skeletons only to be seered off by intense heat. While reading this book, I really wondered if Ms. Baxter actually went there or simply had a nightmare. Why would Jesus want this revealed now when He, and other prophets, have given us visions of hell before? Also, within the text, Ms. Baxter tells of satan himself laughing at the damned. In the book of Job, satan conversed with an angel of God in heaven. In the book of Revelation, John tells us that satan will one day be bound in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. It sounds like satan goes to and fro on the earth, not hell, tempting man. Nonetheless, this book could be a powerful witnessing tool because it scared the living daylights out of me. I have given away a few spoilers but there is a lot more involved, including graphic descriptions of hell's environment, Mary K. Baxter being left there ALONE, and a small glimpse of heaven. If you are not a believer, read this book and reconsider your beliefs.
Rating:  Summary: Where is the 0 stars option? Review: Oh please. This is a sorry excuse for a book. Give me a break. It actually makes me laugh. Sort of like that Holy blonde bimbo on television with the 10 pounds of makeup who cries and whines all day about Jesus knows what. LOL So since this author is so HOLY, did she give all of her profits to charities or did she pamper herself? Do not buy this book if you want to stay sane. If you do buy it, make sure you call your nearest looney bin before reading it. Jerry Falwell, eat your heart out...
Rating:  Summary: GOD HELP US BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Review: This book really ministered to my spirit. The book really opened the readers eyes to the activities in hell. We hear everyday that you need to get right with God so your soul won't be damned to hell, this eternal place destined to be thrown in a ever burning fire. It scares me to think so many people don't believe that this could happen to their souls. Yes, God is a loving, merciful, and passionate father, but with all those beautiful qualities God posses, he is still a father of judgement and wrath. As part of the human race God created and one of his children, we need to stop trying to understand God using our carnal minds, and eyes. The story may seem amazing and unbelievable to many people, but hell is a real place and God loves us so much that he allowed this woman to write this detailed account to show us that hell is real. God doesn't want anyone to burn in the lake of fire. He wants us to turn from our sin and come running to him. The King who can deliver us out of any situation. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to know him and for his continued grace and mercy on my life as well as the human race. I think everyone needs to read this book and pray and ask God this question. Am I living a life that is pleasing in your sight?. It's better to ask him now, than later before IT'S TOO LATE!
Rating:  Summary: She needs Hellp (typo intentional...) Review: Mary Baxter follows a long line of those who have "been there, done that" and come back to merchandise it. Her account is by far the most ridiculous; even Betty Eadie's Mormon afterlife has more in common with the Bible (and that is damning with faint praise.) Hell shaped like a human body? Satan ruling Hell? Where in the world did she get these notions? Oh yeah, "Jesus" showed them to her (hint: this was not the Jesus of the Bible.) I suppose what really saddens me most about this book has been its popularity. It sat atop the bestseller lists in Christian bookstores for several months. Why? It is nothing more than poorly written fiction. But to talk to many Christians, this belongs in the canon of Scripture.
Rating:  Summary: CHOSE YE THIS DAY ---------> WILL IT BE HEAVEN OR HELL? Review: This is a book that I believe everyone should pick up and read. Hell is just a real as Heaven, we all have a job to do before time RUNS OUT I would ask that everyone gets SAVED and filled with the glory of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. What is it to gain the world and lose your SOUL? Nothing is more powerful than staying in the wings of GOD. I once heard a man told someone that he was not "READY for JESUS" and that he had time and he turned and walked away, later down the road he had a very bad accident and died instantly, so just THINK he did not have TIME. This book is her revelation of HELL and I am so glad that Mary Baxter has shared this with the world encouraging all souls to be SAVED and chose HEAVEN instead of HELL. Chose ye this day whom ye will serve. Will it be GOD or Man? May GOD Bless your soul by reading this book and then pass it on to someone else. GOD BLESS YOU ALL..