Rating:  Summary: Why is truth so hard to find ?Finally ive found some truth. Review: I have judged this book to the best of my ability and I see that it does not contradict scripture in anyway but infact elaborates on some areas that scripture talks about.More precisely all that happens in hell. Mary Kay Baxter is one of those few believers whom I believe the Lord has called.Many will doubt and say, 'God could never send a soul to hell'.For this same reason or perception countless millions are burning in hell.Mary is taken in the realm of the spirit by Jesus to Hell or Gehenna where she sees the torments of those who truly rejected Christ.They may have had a form of godliness but these in hell truly loved sin and rejected Christs commandment to Love God First and Then love fellow men.They either loved the world and God at the same time or totally rejected Christ.The writings are expressly biblical:"Where the fire quencheth not and the worm Dieth not" see matt & Isaiah 66. The Objective is not to make you frightened, but rather to reveal clearly the sinful age within which we live, and to know Gods judgment on the sins of the unrepentant.In the book and the bible it is clearly stated that salvation is by Jesus christ alone, and true repentance {absolute turning away from sin}is necessarry if one wills to. According to the book [in accordance with Scripture see 1John],If one falls into sin, according to Jesus, there is an advocate which is Christ himself who pleads for the believer before the Father. Another striking faucet of her revelation is the similarity of her visions of the world to come describing mountains of glory which would adorn the glory of the Jerusalem where Jesus would reign :Strikingly,The prophet Enoch, had very similar visions of mountains of glory adorning the glory of the soon-returning King,Jesus Christ see 1 Enoch & 2Enoch .The second theme about the book is the end time prophecies which reveal the man of sin and how the whole world who rejcts Jesus would follow him to serve satan and sin.The antichrist does bring what the world wants but his sinful motives end up in the tribulation. Jesus prophesies about a soon coming great revival that would sweep millions of souls into eternity from all corners of the earth.He also speaks about the terrible judgment and annhilation that the earth would go through during the tribulation.Finally she is given a glimpse of how aborted babies are kept with Christ in heaven;And God the Father shows her that he cares deeply for every soul including those newborn babies whom the world has flushed down the drain;She pleads and tells all to accept Jesus throughout nearly all chapters in the book. This book does not tickle the ears but simply expresses Gods Great love and great Severity.Similar end-time prophecies are in the book of Rev,Isaiah,Daniel,Zechariah, Enoch[uncanonical] and Psalms 1.This book should not be taken lightly.It is better for one not to read it at all than to label it a heresy or a figment of ones imagination.I hope you allread it to learn truth which sadly to say is very hard to find these days.Godbless you as you read it. Read Visions of hell and heaven,Prophecies by Ray Aguilera to learn more about Gods Love and Gods Judgment. To The Glory of The Father Jehovah ,The Son Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit :One God Eternal.
Rating:  Summary: Totally Unbiblical Review: This is perhaps one of the most deceptive books ever written. Loaded with Scriptures taken out of context, and stories that ridicule clear Scripture, all Christians must be aware of its falsehood. In one section of the book, titled "Outer Darkness," Baxter tells us of Christians who have fallen in their walk and ended up in Hell. The first Scripture to refute this is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-10, with an emphasis on verses 6-10. In verse 6-10, Paul admonishes the Thessalonian Christians to stay alert in their walk. It reads, "Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. (7) For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. (8) But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. (9) For God DID NOT APPOINT US TO WRATH, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, (10) who died for us, that whether we WAKE OR SLEEP, we should live together with Him." In verse 6, Paul uses the word gregoreo for watch, and katheudo for sleep in 6,7. These same greek words are repeated in verse 10 for wake and sleep. Now, many, including lexicographers, have argued verse 10 is speaking about being dead or alive at Christ's return. However, the word gregoreo is never used to refer to being physically alive. These are its definitions according to Strong's, (1) to watch (2) metaphorically to give strict attention to (3) to take heed lest through indolence and remission, calamity suddenly overtake one. And katheudo, the word used for sleep in 6,7,10 holds these two definitions 1) to yield to sloth and sin 2) to be indifferent to one's salvation. Now, the word gregoreo, of the 23 times it is used in the NT, in the KJV, it is translated "watch" 21 times, "be vigilant" one time (1 Peter 5:8), and 1 Thess 5:10 is the only place they translated the word to wake. In all Greek NT manuscripts, especially in Matthew, Jesus used this gregoreo/katheudo combination when admonishing us to stay alert. In verses 6 and 10 Paul uses these two words, settling the issue that even morally sleeping Christians will live with the Lord. In 1 Thess 4:13-18, Paul speaks of Christians who have died, or "sleep" in Jesus. This is different greek word . It is "koimao," which is usually used metaphorically throughout the NT of physical death. The Apostle Paul ALWAYS uses this word when refering to dead Christians (check out 1 Corinthians). And as I have demonstrated, a different word is used in 5:6-10. Also, in verses 6 and 10 of Chapter 5, gregoreo and katheudo appear in the subjunctive tense. So really, 1 Thess 5:10 should read, "whether we keep watch or sleep." Jesus also uses gregoreo in Revelation 3:3, 16:15, etc. telling the Churches to stay awake. Look at John 5:24: "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has everlasting life, and SHALL NOT COME INTO JUDGMENT, but has passed from death into life." Also, according the Scripture, demons do not torture the souls in the present hell. They too are confined until the judgment. See Jude 6. Remember, even Joseph Smith thought Christ and the Father appeared to him, telling him to start the Mormon Church. The book of Mormon largely plagiarizes the New Testament, and contradicts it several times. I rest my case. It is the same situation here. Remember, no one can be scared into getting saved. I am sure countless numbers have turned to Christ in total fear and with concentration on works for salvation. My prayer goes out for them. Remember, the Apostles were spreading the good news. People trusted in Christ without fear in the book of Acts, gratefully giving their hearts to Him, and serving Him. Remember how overjoyed the Philipian jailer was after he and his household believed in the Lord. Let me close with these words. The fear of the Lord is important for all Christians to have, but that does not mean fear because he might send a Christian to hell. I have demonstrated that is not possible. We must fear him in a reverent way, because he has given us eternal life, and we should never misuse it. Believe on the Lord Jesus, and YOU WILL BE SAVED. (Acts 16:31)
Rating:  Summary: Dangerous and deceptive Review: This book is full of horrible deceptions, but has proven a big seller, much to the author's benefit. This book does NOT line up with scripture---at least not Biblical scripture, the one and only Word of God. In fact, the Bible has many verses that speak of people like this woman who pervert and change, and add onto scripture for their own benefit. Why on earth would Jesus Christ decide to visit this woman and take her out of her body in her sleep, and on a tour of hell? What makes her so special? The prophets of old were not enough for God to tell us what He wants us to know? What the Bible has to say about hell is sufficient. It's a place that God clearly tells us we DON'T want to go to. Believing in Jesus Christ as our only atonement for sin is the ONLY way to escape hell and spend eternity with God in the beauty of heaven. The only people who go to hell are those who reject Christ. This book is morbidly sick and depressing, and shows the author has an overactive and dark imagination. It's amazing too how she twists Bible verses around and changes their meaning to fit her purpose in this book. How convenient. She twists and manipulates God's truth until she paints a dark picture that serves only to try and scare people out of their skin. Jesus does not want us to be afraid, but to trust in Him and have the assurance of salvation through His sacrifice. He does not want us to trust Him because we're afraid of hell, but because we love him and want to live life more abundantly the way He said we could in Him. The use of fear in this author's book is no surprise, however, as the Bible does tell us that in the last days people will abandon the truth for a lie, and many will fall way to false teachings and teachers, when people will add on to scripture, take away from scripture, and speak of strange visions, happenings, and signs and wonders that are not given by God, only for their own gain. Sadly, this book sells, and the author is probably laughing all the way to the bank.
Rating:  Summary: A Revelation Review: I think most people who are reading this book and reviewing it, are looking at it as a literary work or just a way to sell another book. I don't believe this was just another book. I believe this lady had a divine revelation just as she said. Her main purpose was not to see how many books she could sell, or trying to scare people to death. Her goal and purpose was to tell the people, warn them of what could happen to them if they haven't accepted Jesus as their own personal savior. That's why she kept saying the same thing over and over every few pages, pleading with people to accept Jesus. I believe she truly saw it and it was revealed to her. I have read the entire Bible many times and I feel it lines up with scripture. We are told in hell, the fire is never quenched and the worm never dies. I believe she did exactly what the Lord told her to do. When God gives a person a revelation and opens their eyes to something, they are the ones who can see, not everyone else. I pray the Lord opens peoples eyes as they read this fantastic book.
Rating:  Summary: Hell is a reality and your actions decide your future Review: I found the book to be very descriptive in nature and express in vivid detail many aspects of hell. The author very clearly expressed the concept that hell is not a place anyone who understands it would want to go. The authors description of hell is much like that of Saint John Bosco who wrote of his vision of hell that God allowed him to witness. In conclusion I found it to be eye opening and would not discourage anyone from reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: Too bad it isn't real Review: I admonish anyone who desires to know more about God and hell and Heaven to save your money and buy a bible instead of this book. I don't intend to judge Ms. Baxter's motives, but I question the truth of it. In fact, Jesus already told us in Luke chapter 16 "They have Moses and the prophets." He then went on to indicate that if the people on earth would not believe Moses and the prophets, they certainly will not believe one who rose from the dead. Now if Jesus already said that in His Word, why would He waste His time picking someone for a "special assingment," someone alive, who alleges to have a vision? God is not a god of idling His time away. Beside, since Jesus' Word is true, He doesn't need us to prove it. Use your money wisely and buy a Bible.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: This book will scare you into being saved. No, that was not the author's intention, however, for those of you who are saved and are in a backslidden state, I strongly suggest that you read this book. For those of you who are not believers and think that both heaven and hell are a state of mind; you are sadly mistaken. My prayer is that this book will bless you and help you to get back on the right track with God.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Review: I order that book and the day it came I started reading it. I never put it down I finished that book in one day. The book kept me reading and when I was finished I wanted more. If you want to know what hell is like this book is the one. Mary Baxter puts it in very clear terms. The book makes you want to get on your knees and confess all your sins and ask for forgiveness. I loved the book so much I told my husband to read and I also gave it to my mother and my mother-in-law. It's one of the best books I've read.
Rating:  Summary: Where is common sense and bible study when you need it? Review: Mary K. Baxter's book and its interpretation of hell STILL remains biblically incorrect, despite the fact that people seem to take it as gospel. Many cannot distinguish between the different uses of hell in the Bible, and that many of the references to hell in scriptures refer to the end of time (Gehenna) and not to rewards at death. Tartarus was mentioned in 2nd Peter 2:4, and it is the only place in the Bible mentioned. It is not the same as Hades or Gehenna (As one confused, but well meaning, reviewer from New Jersey misinterpreted). Here are some questions to ask and statements to consider if hell (Hades) is a place where demons are torturing sinners and the wicked are suffering hideous torment upon death, as Baxter portrays in her book. Be truthful and honest to your common sense as you read these questions. Pray for the Spirit's guidance as you study them. 1) Why would God create such a place for sinners? A place where their skin is seared off by flames, worms eat their skeletons while they are still alive, and where the wicked can curse His name continually? This makes God vindictive and cruel. When did He create it? Didn't He tell Adam that he would die if he sinned? (Romans 6:23) 2) If demons are responsible for sin and temptation among the human race, wouldn't it be only fair to have them suffering torture as well and not causing it? There is NO biblical support for this theory 3) Is it really fair and just for God to have some souls suffering for ages and ages before others, who are just as worthy to receive the same amount of punishment? 4) What divine purpose or logical reason would it serve for God to allow people to suffer conscious physical, spiritual and emotional torment for ages and ages after death, until another final punishment is brought upon them at the end? (Basically more of the same thing) 5) What is the sense of a final executive judgement at the end of time, when it is quite obvious with a suffering hell after death, that the wicked have already received their judgement and reward? (See Revelation 22:12 for a blatant contradiction of this) 6) The Bible states that Christ abolished death at the cross, for the wages of sin is death! To believe in this hell we must conclude that the wicked have had death abolished for them as well, or then they cannot be tortured for ceaseless ages. We then have an illogical act by a logical God. Christ takes away death from the wicked (their initial and just reward), substitutes it with eternal life and condemns them to a suffering hell. We then contradict the scriptures that state that the wicked still suffer the wages of sin which is death, and that they are not given immortality like the righteous. (Romans 6:23; Matthew 25:46; John 3:16,17; John 10:26-28; John 17:3) 7) How can the body die, and the "soul" go to hell, but Mary Baxter in her book state that the flesh was being seared off of the wicked and worms were eating them? Where did this body come from? Many people mistranslate what the soul is in relation to the body as well. 8) Without biblical support (of which there is none), we would have to conclude that Christ gives special bodies to the wicked at death so there can be something tangible for burning. 9) If we believe statements 6-8 (which we are logically forced to do to believe in what Baxter says), and that Jesus holds the keys to this type of hell, than Christ is directly involved with sending people to hell, thus creating an impossibility for a just and merciful God. 10) Revelation 20:14 states that Hades gives up the dead to be cast into the lake of fire. If Hades is a place where souls are consciously suffering now, how can they really be called "the dead"? The Bible makes a clear distinction between the dead and the conscious. (Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalms 146:4; Job 14:10-14; 21) 11) 2nd Peter 2:9 states that the wicked are reserved until the end of time when they will be punished. Obviously this reserving place does not incur some sort of punishing or punishment for that will occur at the end. 12) There is a resurrection at the end of time according to Revelation 20: 5,6. Are the dead resurrected out of this suffering hell? If so, how (with no biblical support for this theory) does one explain the obvious contradictions in Daniel 12:2; 1 Corinthians 15:20-23; and John 5:28,29; which state that the dead are in their graves, and will remain there until their resurrection. All these discrepancies clear up when one understands that Hades is translated the same as the Hebrew word for hell- Sheol: they both mean the grave. The Parable of the Rich man and Lazarus is the only text in scripture that seems to support Baxter's theory of Hades. If you read Luke 16:1-18; you will see what the whole message of Luke 16 was about. It had nothing to do with explaining life after death. Christ did use figurative language (he would have had to for Lazarus was dead! verses 30,31) as well as some off-the-wall beliefs of Hellenistic Jews influenced by Grecian theology to hammer the point home of Jewish neglect for their Gentile brothers. Baxter's hell still stands in error. And God's loving, just, and merciful character is still defaced as Satan would want it. That is why he created this theory.
Rating:  Summary: TIME IS RUNNING OUT- EVEN NOW! Review: I loved this book. It was great. To some it might be hard to believe,but thats what those people were in hell for. Others say it shows Jesus as a monster or with out love. Well if Jesus didn't love us he would of never told us about hell. alot might say why didn't God choose the prophets or one of the apostles? The reason is because God chooses whoever he wants whether its a kid, adult, african, asian, or american. My advice to people who don't believe theres a hell, or a Jesus, read this book. It gives descriptions of demons, hell, the devil, heaven, and the end times. It might be hard to understand, but the things that are Spiritual are to hard for our minds to comprehend. My advice to you Christians who are not pleasing God clean up your act. To unbelievers call upon Jesus, or wait to find out whether theres a hell or not. To Christians standing up for rightesnous and truth, you will have a great reward. This book has pretty graphic scenes but enough to open the eyes of an unbeliever. Remember revelations are given in detail, and revelations like this are meant to help. I mean really, no one would ever make up a story with such detail, and explanations. One thing I found intresting was that the same reactions people have about excepting Christ, are the same these people in hell had. If this makes Jesus look like some unloving God read a divine revelation of heaven and find out the joys that await Christians after death. I'm so happy Jesus gave us this much information to help us stay faithful and never be lacking in zeal. Its your decision to believe or not. Jesus does'nt send you to hell you send yourself there. If you don't believe it, do you want to wait till then to find yourself in hell? Or believe and be on the safe side?