Rating:  Summary: A friend of mine once said Review: "Mary Baxter follows a long line of those who have "been there, done that" and come back to merchandise it. Her account is by far the most ridiculous; even Betty Eadie's Mormon afterlife has more in common with the Bible (and that is damning with faint praise.) Hell shaped like a human body? Satan ruling Hell? Where in the world did she get these notions? Oh yeah, "Jesus" showed them to her (hint: this was not the Jesus of the Bible.) I suppose what really saddens me most about this book has been its popularity. It sat atop the bestseller lists in Christian bookstores for several months. Why? It is nothing more than poorly written fiction. But to talk to many Christians, this belongs in the canon of Scripture."
Rating:  Summary: Another Deranged Christian Strikes Again! Review: I have many problems with this book, first and most glaringly are the references to witchcraft and sorcery and all kinds of bull manufactured by the publication of the Mallus Maleficarum in 1484 during the Inquisition. She speaks of seeing lost souls in hell that are there because of their affinity towards witchcraft and human and animal sacrifices while serving Satan. I have several problems with this statement, while not verbatim is a fair representation of what she states in the book. First, there is absolutely no, I mean not one single iota of evidence that witches or even Satanists have ever, ever, ever sacrificed a human being. Never. Now some stupid teenagers who claim to be Satanists may have killed some cats or other small animals, but the church of Satan doesn't condone this behavior and never has. Second, witches are not Satanists, we don't even believe in Satan, that is a xian deity and xian alone, it has no part in our beliefs, none. How can we serve something we don't believe in? Other problems I have w/ her 'visionary literature' is the fact that if Jesus is such a loving, caring, warm being/person, why would he take her into hell and let the lost souls see him there, torturing them further w/ the knowledge that they are trapped there forever. I mean wouldn't such a being want to lessen their pain as much as possible? Why would he add to it by letting them see him and then reaming them out for their earthly sins? Makes absolutely no sense to me. Jesus is supposed to be a compassionate, warm, beautiful man/spirit who loves everyone, so why make those lost in hell even more miserable? There are thousands of holes in this woman's daydream of a story, not to mention, if the xian god wanted to get the message across that hell is real and that xianity is the only way to go, why would he make a woman with a limited vocabulary and absolutely no writing skills whatsoever his prophetess? I would hope that God would choose someone who has some sort of talent for writing to get his message across. In her book she also mentions that there are some parts of hell that are too terrible to write about. Shouldn't that be the most important part of the book then? I mean, if she's out to scare people to xianity, then go for the gold! This book is nothing more than a trumped up daydream by a disturbed woman who obviously either believes in it or believes that if she is lying for 'god' then it's ok to do so. What a farce! This book is not worth the paper it's written on, there is none of the emotion one would expect to accompany a spiritual vision. She gives xian's a bad name.
Rating:  Summary: Does the beast stencil his undies, too? Review: Well, while I agree with some of the theology of this book, salvation by grace through faith, reality of heaven and hell, there is little more that I find redeemable about this book. First, from a purely literary standpoint, if this was verbally inspired by the same God who inspired the Revelation of Jesus Christ, given to John, then he has certainly dropped his standards of excellence. This was sloppily written, and flawed from a biblical point of view. First, there are MANY verses that will disagree with the possibility of a born-again Christian EVER going to hell; are we greater than the Father, whom we are told, by Jesus in the book of John, holds us in His hand, and that NO MAN can pluck us out of His hand? Once we are saved, we are SEALED by the holy Spirit of promise, (Eph 1:13&14). Read Eph4:30, Eph2:14, John 6:37, John10:28&29, John3:16, John6:35,54, John4:13,14, Rom6:23, Rom10:13, et al. Another problem I had, was that, in John's gospel, Abraham told the rich man in hell that those alive had Moses and the prophets, and if they don't listen to them, they wont listen to one, tho' they come back from the dead: now, we have Moses, the prophets, Jesus, and the writers of the New Testament, but Jesus feels the need NOW to prove hell's existence, even though it wouldn't work then? I seriously doubt that. Would the Beast, not having the power of the Holy Spirit fighting him, NEED a "mind altering machine"? Or a "Big Brother Machine", stenciled or othewrwise? ("This mind-erasing machine belongs to the Beast-666"? ) Sounds more like a bad '70s movie than the power of Satan. And if anyone sees cherubim as fat little babies with tiny wings, (pg206) Read Ezekiel 1 and 10, and see what the Cherubim really look like. People, read your Bible, preferably a good Authorized KJV, and use "A Divine Revelation of Hell" to even out your lopsided dining room table. Did Mrs. Baxter lie about this incident? I'm not qualified to say that, but I can tell you, from a biblical stand, SOMEONE is lying, either her, or she was lied to. Please, if you are going to read this book, do so prayerfully, and with your Bible in your other hand. What we need is in God's Word, not someone else's writings. Mike snakeboy@zipmail.com
Rating:  Summary: A Good Piece of Religious Fiction Review: Mary K. Baxter has a rich imagination. The only thing I found lacking in her book was true emotion. What I kept reading was Bible-thumping, you-better-believe-or-this-will-be-your-fate. I can't help my skepticism in this case. If she really did experience Hell, as she claims, God (or whatever is out there) would have made her face her own sins. For example, I saw this guy on Oprah Winfrey several years ago. He was a wife-beater. His heart stopped beating (I forget why) and he went to the Other Side. Whatever was over there showed him what it was like to be her. He was totally shaken, and changed his behavior. That was the most believable case I've heard to date, and I've researched this subject quite a bit. Most, like this book, can be passed off as hallucinations. In this case, I think Ms. Baxter is trying to sell Christianity. You can't sell God like you can Tupperware. God is love; Hell is what you make for yourself and others.I bought this book to learn her "true-life" experiences. I was disappointed with that. However, I was fascinated with the different tiers of Hell and its center, and her reasons why people were put there after they died. This book is good religious fiction.
Rating:  Summary: Honest and True! Review: I found this book to be a pleasure to read. The author has a burning desire to tell us in explicit detail what goes on in hell. If you thought hell was just hot, you are "WRONG" i thank the Lord for allowing the author to reveal this truth, by her testimony. I'm sure if you are a believer in the lord or not, you can and will sense the urgency, sincerity and truth found in this book. If you are a christian like myself, you will walk away with a stronger sense to preach the word of God so that you can stop as many souls as you can from being damned to an eternity of hell, where torment never ceases. This book will also show you Gods compassion and love for us all. "I KNOW" the lord loves each and every one of us, and it is evident in this book. Please do not allow yourself to be cheated out of the knowledge God has placed in this book, by reading bad reviews by other critics. Find out for yourself, and allow yourself the chance. No one really wants to read a book about hell, because its painful to focus on terrible things. Just as we have good times, we will have bad times, and this book is a safeguard so that you can know that there is more to hell than just fire, the author tries her best to reveal that to you, because she doesnt want anyone to be lost. I read this book in one day because i didnt wanna focus my attention in such a vile place for long. After reading that i soon ran out to buy a "divine revelation of heaven" and thank God for his revelation of heaven, to ease our minds after reading the torments that go on in hell! Be Blessed!
Rating:  Summary: Hidden Mystery's revealed Review: This book is so real that it is unbelievable , As man scrambles around to make sense of kids killing their parents ,as well as each, other and all the horrible things that are going on in the earth , God is allowing us to see into the spirit and see what the bible has been telling us is the source of it all ,Some still wont believe but to those who are predestined to be saved it is a merciful wake -up call from a loving and longsuffering God ,to repent before it is to late,The bible say's many are called but few are chosen, So only those whom the master has called will recieve it anyway ,Thank God for his mercy and his grace extended unto us his people ,and God Bless you Sister baxter for allowing the Lord to use you that we might here what the spirit saith unto the churches, Bless You In Jesus Name ,In His Service.
Rating:  Summary: NOT A DIVINE REVELATION AT ALL Review: Anyone that is familiar with the character of God will know immediately that this book is in no way inspired by the Lord.The author paints a picture of a pitiful God that wishes He could do something about the situation of the lost, but is powerless to do so. Scripture is very clear that God is omnipotent and knows the beginning from the end. To insinuate that He created mankind knowing that this would be their lot, makes Him out to be a monster worse than anything the world has seen. A thorough study of the scriptures in their original language will prove that the punishment mentioned throughout the Bible is not "eternal" and it's end result will be in drawing ALL mankind back to the Father. "IF I be lifted up, I will draw ALL men unto me". This book, in my humble opinion, is a disgrace and portrays Satan as a successful foe to the Creator of mankind.
Rating:  Summary: Once saved always saved? Review: Does this woman believe that once you give your life to the Lord then you are always saved, or that if you fall away, then you will go to heaven? I believe that once saved always saved. If I mess up, and ask the lord's forgivness, then I am still going to be with him.. This book doesn't portray that!
Rating:  Summary: the divine revelation of hell Review: This book was an eye opener, but gets right to the truth of putting one's spiritual priorities in order. A must read for those that have strayed from the fact that Hell is certainly as real as Heaven, and that free will gives us everyday choices that can lead us to our eternity.If you read this, you will also want to read Kathleen Keating's new book titled The Final Warning.
Rating:  Summary: Nightmares Review: I believe that the woman who wrote this book probably is sincere. But I cannot believe the descriptions she gives. My feeling is that this unfortunate woman suffered nightmares about hell based on her own subconscious fears. The main reason I have for saying this is that her depiction of Jesus is that He is less concerned and troubled by the suffering He sees in hell than she is. She describes Jesus as being "sorrowful, and His eyes were filled with great tenderness and deep love. Though those in hell were forever lost, I knew that He still loved them and would for all eternity." (p. 37) But the woman seems to feel even more pity and compassion than Jesus: "I was so sad I shivered, and I felt such pity and sorrow for this soul. I wanted so badly to pull her out of the cell and run away with her." (p. 153.) This same pattern is repeated throughout the book. The people in hell, according to this author, have repented for their sins, and cry out to Jesus for mercy when they see Him. But repentance and sorrow for sins and faith in Jesus all count for nothing now, for the simple reason that "It's too late," as Jesus repeatedly tells them. "You had your chance, you had chance after chance," Jesus says. But if we are saved by grace, if we are saved not because of any merit on our part, but by the death of Christ on the cross, and if faith is simply accepting what Jesus has already done, why is there an expiration date on His mercy and love? Why does His death become of no effect once a person ceases to breathe? Is it that it is too easy to trust in Christ, once you've tasted the punishments of hell? Then what is the point of the punishment? And what does easy or hard have to do with it? What does "chance" have to do with mercy and grace? We are not saved by chance. In other words, the one question that Jesus never answers is why is it too late for all these people who are now reaching out to Him and asking for His help? Why has Jesus so changed? What happened to the steadfast love of the Lord which never ceases? Is there any possible meaning to the word " love", if it includes allowing a person to be tortured hopelessly forever? According to this woman's vision, most of those in hell seem to be Christians! She does mention one Hindu woman who heard the gospel from missionaries, but most of her stories are much closer to home, about Christians who fell into sin and ended up in hell. In that case, what percentage of the world's total population of 5 billion today will eventually end up burning in hell? Jesus is the Savior of the world, but it looks here like He must be a sadly defeated Savior, if all non-Christians, and a large proportion of Christians, all end up in Satan's kingdom. I really think this book is a reflection of her own fears and worries....And her description of hell as a body seems to say more about her own subconscious feelings about her own body than about any Biblical vision of hell: [After going through the two legs of hell,] Jesus said, ' We are now about to enter the tunnel which will take us into the belly of hell....We will soon be to the belly of hell." Another thing that convinces me that this is not Jesus is that He actually abandons this woman in hell on two separate occasions. This shows me her deep-seated fear of hell, and her fear that Jesus will abandon her. But I do not believe for a moment that Jesus would actually do such a thing to this woman. In fact, the experiences she has are so terrifying to her that they cause her to fear Jesus, rather than love Him. "I was so sad and so tired. I collapsed in the arms of Jesus. And even though He restored me whole, I wanted to go far, far away-from Jesus, from my family, from everyone." (p. 113) And I don't blame her! Jesus left her in hell and allowed demons to torture her, and she actually believed that she was lost forever. How can she trust Him? There can be no peace of mind, no joy, and in reality no love, if what she saw is the literal truth. How can we love one another, if underneath it, we think that at some point God might hate the person we have been trying to love? It is safer not to care too much about anyone. Our entire earthy existence would be like tiptoeing along a narrow ledge, hoping to be careful enough to somehow get to heaven without falling into the pit. And knowing that most of our loved ones will not be careful enough. And can you love the God who has created such a universe? And who calls this mercy and grace? I don't think so. In fact, I notice in this book that the Father is strangely absent....I have the feeling that this woman looks at God our Father as so remote that He pays no attention. "God could not hear me. The ears of the Almighty are closed to the cries of hell, I thought. If only someone would listen. 'O my God, save me,' I cried. 'Please save all of us.'...But, if He is a good God, why am I here?" (P. 181-182) Truly this book made me very sad. It is a picture of what the preaching and teaching of hell does to a sensitive soul: It torments her mind, and causes her to cling to Jesus out of fear but with no confidence in His ability to keep her safe. Although she preaches to others to turn to Him in love and trust, it is hard to see how anyone could truly love and trust Him, because He seems both helpless and also cruel. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the whole world, and that He is the Savior of the whole world. If people are still suffering for sins which Jesus already died for, then God is unjust, and Jesus died in vain. God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. God is love. Love never fails.