Rating:  Summary: Why can't I give it negative stars? Review: I'm not sure whether the author is delusional or what, but the book reads like a poorly-written scare tactic. I can't help but think that if it were really divinely inspired God would have helped her to write a more readable and more believable book. Instead we have an unbelievable account, full of absurd gunk.If you are a Christian, don't waste your time with this book! It doesn't have the ring of truth to it. She claims that Jesus wanted her to describe Hell for us so that we would realize it is a real place and that we don't want to go there! I find it highly suspicious that she came out with "A Divine Revelation of Heaven" shortly after this book. Was Jesus equally concerned that we needed to know that Heaven is a good place? Don't waste your time and money on this book! Jesus' message is one of Love, not one of fear. I refuse to believe that Jesus has to resort to scaring us into following him!
Rating:  Summary: A Difficult Job Review: Reviewing this book is a difficult job for two reasons. It has a lot of Biblical imagery and terms (which validates it), while at the same time introduces new concepts and ideas that cannot be validated by the Bible. Some of the other reviews already have addressed this, so I will not. Perhaps the best result of reading this book is the aversion of going to Hell and the focus on Jesus Christ as the Saviour from there. However, I have difficulty believing Jesus woiuld stand nearby people in torment with seeming indifference. I also have problems with emphasis upon avoiding Hell as opposed to entering Heaven. Is not the Christian message one of Good News of salvation, i.e. eternity with the redeemed and the Lord? This book seems bent more on avoiding Hell as the goal of trust in Jesus. I do not see the apostles teaching this, rather, I see them offering eternal life to those who would believe their Gospel message. I believe in Hell, but I believe it is for those who have heard the Gospel message and soundly and consciously rejected it with full awareness. Let us start there and work from there, then we can talk about Hell as a place to avoid.
Rating:  Summary: false prophets will arise and deceive many Review: Hi, we are living in the time, when Jesus warned many false prophets would deceive many in his name. I do not know whether Mary has made up the whole story, or whether she has had a spiritural encounter, either way, satan has deceived her. Out of body experiences are not of God, they are occult practises, and yes it does happen. I just want to remind you, that the bible gives us information about hell and satan. God says that satan is the ruler of this world, and the power of the air, that he walks to and fro across the earth. Satan and his demons do not rule hell, they rule the earth, and will be cast into the lake of fire with hell, after the great judgement. As other readers have commented. God, would not allow the rich mans request from hell for lazarus to go to his brothers to warn them about hell, then, and He will not now, for the story of the rich man and the begger, were not about actual people, this was a parable,about what happens after death, and that once in hell or heaven, it was not possible to pass from one place to the other, nor would God, allow someone to be raised up from the dead to warn people about hell. God even says it is forbidden for us to have pysical contact with the dead. Yet mary did, what God, has said is forbidden. So why would he change His mind now, when it is written in the bible. It is not a coinsendence that these supernatural deceptions are occuring in our time. What first deceived me, was mary came in the lord Jesus christs name, then i reread from the the bible, that many would come and deceive many in His name. So just because someone claims something in the Lord Jesus Christ's name, does not necessarily mean the true Lord Jesus, whom is clearly portrayed in the bible. Today anyone can write a fictional story, and add Jesus's name to it, merchandising stories and all sorts of items from mugs to jewellery etc... is quite popular today. Mary is a false prophet, she is deceived, she is not the enemy though, satan is, and for those who doubt his existence he is very real, at least mary got a few things right, yet with hindsite, for all the times i myself have been deceived, i have noted that satan, baits his lies with a touch of truth, this is like the honey to the poison, and it works. Think about it, it is time to get our eyes off books to the one book that christians know will not lead them astray the bible, want to know about hell, heaven, satan, etc... it is all in this wonderful book. God bless. the time will come, when they will not put up with sound doctrine, but gather around themselves teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. That time has come, it is now.
Rating:  Summary: Trip on LSD rather than a trip to Hell ! Review: It's a pity I can't award MINUS zillion stars for this absolute and total garbage. There is not a shred of evidence in the holy scriptures to support any of the claims that Baxter has documented in this blasphemous account of her so called journey to hell. On page 15 she mentions her soul being taken out of her body. This is clearly what is known as an OBE or 'out of body experience' which is a practice commonly performed in occult circles. The Bible gives strong warnings against occult practices. Jesus Christ has given us ample descriptions of hell including the account of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16. The Bible does not require any amendments. It is complete and perfect. Mrs. Baxter believes she was chosen by God two thousand years long after the Bible was canonized to attain extra-biblical revelation of hell which supposedly can be backed by scripture. Where on earth does she get the idea that hell is shaped like a human body with a left and right leg to mention just one of the many unbiblical atrocities in this book. I'm sure if Baxter had been a British citizen for example, it would have been the British flag on page 164 that was lying tattered and torn on the ground. In other words, this was all a horrible figment of her gross, made up imagination. The absurd accounts recorded in this book sound more like those created by a person under the influence of a mind bending drug such as LSD. I would categorize this book on the same level of absurdity as the picture of hell painted by Trey Parker and Matt Stone in 'South Park'. At least South Park was entertaining. This book is just another example of extreme Charismatic doctrine that holds no biblical foundation and the only value it has added to society is to increase Mrs. Baxter's bank account.. Every copy of this book should be burned in hell itself. I believe that Mrs. Baxter is grossly deceived and needs to repent of her wicked ways or else she won't be coming back from her next visit to hell.
Rating:  Summary: A moving work Review: Many books written about God and spirituality sway from the messages in the Bible. Mary, however, stays true to the scripture, and therefore adds credibility. But the most credible part of the story are the descriptions themselves. They just sound so real, so intense, so true to what the Bible tells us about Hell. Read this book, even if you don't believe Baxter was in Hell, just to remind yourself of why you stay true to God's law.
Rating:  Summary: Hell is Real but not the one described in this book Review: This is another book of pure fantacy. I would have gave it one star, but gave it two only because the word 'repent' is found throughout this fable - but this doesn't validate her account of hell as being true - remember, deciet creeps in 'secretly' and is never seen as a conspicous lie but hides behind the curtain of truth (see 2Peter 2:1 + Jeremiah 5:30-31). Baxter introduces Satan's queen, do you believe that! Yep, that was enough to make me lable this book a LIE...
Rating:  Summary: For there will be many false prophets in the last days Review: Mary Baxter is Kook! The only divine revelation of hell she received was from her acid trip! People wake up and smell the Nescafe Brava! Jesus already revealed to everyone in the Bible what Heaven and Hell would be like. If you dont believe me go and pick up the Bible and go to Revelation Chapter 21 and read about the New Jerusalem! It describes Heaven to a "T"! And if you want a tour of hell, flip back a few pages and read about the Great White Throne judgement which describes Hell as a lake of fire. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. You dont need a tour guide 2000 years later to update us on Hell. And in the book of Luke when Jesus told the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, the rich man wanted Abraham to send someone to come back to earth and warn everyone about the dangers of hell. The rich man was told no because we have the teachers and leaders to tell us. Now all of the sudden God changes His mind and says, "You know, I need Mary Baxter as a vessel of truth." Get real people! Get real Mary! If you want to read a book of fiction and get scared, by all means read Stephen King. This lady is on a serious free-base mode and she is riding full throttle and unfortunately misleading a lot of people.
Rating:  Summary: This book will change your life! Review: You may think this is real or just a story, either way it will scare you straight. I read my copy several times a year. The shocking realism will send chills down your spine. You won't be able to put it down. If this is what hell is really like, I'm going to be sure to miss it. I love Jesus!
Rating:  Summary: Is there some truth in this book? Review: I have been reading this book for days and thinking about a lot since it came to my house. This book is about a woman who goes to hell with Jesus Christ who shows her the horrors of it, and tells her it is real and everybody should repent of their sins or else go to this hell which is a body inside of our beautiful earth. I wonder why Jesus is showing this to Mary Baxter late in the 20th century? If this is all true, why didn't Jesus choose someone long ago to have such of a revelation? Just to warn us sooner. When going to hell Jesus shows Mary many horrible things. Many humans are down there in flames tormenting but also repenting of their sins. I wonder why they are calling Jesus "lord" when Paul says in I Cor 12:3 that nobody can call Jesus "lord" except by the Holy Spirit. Think this through. Blaspheme against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven in the next world, but what about other sins? I wonder, because this book says that you cannot repent afterlife. Jesus goes to hell with Mary Baxter and says he would never leave or forsake her, but she seems forsaken down there when demons are tormenting her, Satan is laughing at her and worms begin to crawl on her. Where is Jesus then? Anyway, Jesus has the power to take her back from hell, and heal her. Why can't he also do that to all those repenting souls in hell, having all the power on heaven and earth to do so. And few things more about this book. Why is Jesus called "oh lord" in a kingdom, which is not his but ruled by another lord, namely Satan. And isn't Jesus tormenting those humans he meets down there, by telling them that they can never leave their torments? Why is Jesus visible to this people? Hell may exist, but this book goes way over the line. It tells me that I have to repent of all of my sins or else be punished forever. I say that repenting should be something out of love, not because of some fear of going to a monstreous, hideous place called "hell". Why is there written a little book about a big place called hell? Is there some truth in this book? There are lots of objections, problems to be solved. I give this book a 1 star but I would have given it more stars if this book could have convinced me that time is really running out.
Rating:  Summary: READ THE BOOK OF JOEL! Review: I cannot believe the testimony of this book because of the fact that it misrepresents Scripture. For anyone who reads this book or who has read this book - check her references to the Book of Joel. Actually, check all of her Biblical references carefully. Joel is a short, quick read, so go ahead and read the whole thing. You will see that what Baxter has written in reference to Joel and what the Bible actually says are two very different things. I would consider this book dangerous, because it is fiction misrepresenting itself as Christian fact. I read this in an independent study of the spiritual realm of Christianity in an academic setting, so I would say that if you just want to see what's written on the subject for academic purposes only, then fine, it was a VERY interesting perspective. However, proceed to read this book only with extreme caution!