Rating:  Summary: Hell Is Real to the Christian but Foolishness to the World! Review: I felt the Holy Spirit when I read this book and I believe it to be a true divine message from the Lord. Satan is not only in hell being tormented like some people would like to believe. Was he not in the garden of eden. When GOD ask Satan what he had been doing in the book of Job, did he not say from going to and fro to the earth and up and down in the earth. Did satan not tempt Jesus in the wilderness. Hell is the kingdom that satan won when he tried and failed to overthrow God's Kingdom. His utter torment will begin when he and all that served him is cast into the lake of fire. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes unto the Father but by Him. YOU WILL NOT GO FOR JUST BEING A GOOD PERSON. Hell will be full of those that thought this. Why dangle your soul over the pit of hell when you can repent of your sins and ask Jesus in your heart to be your Lord and saviour. Why take a chance and listen to some devilish atheist who will cry for God the loudest when they are before the Judgement seat. Ignoring the gospel of Christ will not turn away God's judgement. I believe hell is everything that Mrs. Baxter was shown in her vision. The Bible is the inspired Word of GOD. Who can say that GOD couldn't or wouldn't give a vision to a Christian like Mrs. Baxter to warn all of us to take our eternal destination serious. Satan does not like this book because it is true and he wants to spread the big lie that this book is foolishness. The book is full of people in hell that he decieved and led to hell and those decieved took as many as they could with them. Just like all of these one star comments that need to hit the trash. I plead with those that would listen to God. Don't listen to these comments bad mouthing Mrs. Baxters book on hell. These are the same people who most likely have a reservation in hell if they don't turn to Christ. These are the same people that would lie in a heart beat for a buck! Do these people think hell is going to be a country club? If they truely read and studied the Bible like they're suppose to, they could line up alot of today times events that were predicted in the Bible thousands of years ago.
Rating:  Summary: Terrifying yet Inspirational Review: Reader beware, you're in for a scare!!! I feel that everyone should be exposed to the content of this book. Mary K. Baxter provides a graphic depiction of hell. She reveals the dreadful truth about the afterlife, a truth that many people choose to overlook. This book will make any and everyone want to get saved if they aren't already, and I encourage all to read it. This book gave me hope and inspiration and influenced my overall perception of life. I will admit that at times, I was disturbed by what I was reading (Baxter goes into grave detail in revealing the eternal agony and sufferring endured by unsaved souls), but hell is a REALITY that cannot be sugar-coated. READER, UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER!!! Nothing in this book should be taken lightly.
Rating:  Summary: TICK TOCK PEOPLE TIME IS NOT LONG Review: I have read this book at three different times of my life.In Luke 16:19-31 this is not a parable. You cannot get a better picture of Hell but through the words of Christ. I found this book to be a visual and this is a great ministering and witness tool,how to open up dialogue with unsaved,religious folk(Modern day Pharisees) I have read this book in a day in a half and her other book A DIVINE REVELATION OT THE SPIRIT REALM in 5 hours.These books are not to be taken lightly. NOTHING REPLACES THE WORD OF GOD these books are a gift. That HELL IS STILL REAL AND THE RICH MAN IN THE AFOREMENTIONED SCRIPTURE AS WELL THE PEOPLE IN MARY'S BOOK ARE STILL THERE GIVE IT AS A GIFT. JESUS IS REAL AND SO IS HELL, THAT IS WHY HE DIED FOR U.
Rating:  Summary: THE CHOICE IS YOURS.....WILL IT BE HEAVEN OR HELL? DECIDE.. Review: I read this book 2 years ago and thought about it when I was with a friend on vacation telling them of the story and recommended that they read this book. I also, decided to read the book again. I believe what Mary Baxter when through was very real. It comes a time in life we all will have a testmony, it is to our advantage to share it with the world and save someone who is lost no matter what others think of our testmony in life for Jesus Christ our goal is to reach as many people as possible so that they can be saved from the torments of Hell... This book was a testmony to be shared...read it and decided correctly will it be HEAVEN OR HELL, GOD gave you the choice to choose...don't wait until it is too late!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: False and Perverse Twist of God's Word Review: Anyone who is tempted to believe this woman's story needs to get very acquainted with scripture and they will be able to see the contradictions and the just plain made up stories that are not true. She contradicts the very nature and personality of Christ, whom you can learn about in scripture. Why does she have such a need to be so special that God would choose her? He doesn't choose people for things like this, that also contradicts scripture. She is either an unabashed liar or a nut. Avoid this book. It is heresy!
Rating:  Summary: A Divine Revelation of Hell Review: I was alittle leary of "new visions" others were having until I read in Acts 2:16-21 where it says, God shall pour out of His Spirit in the last days, young men and women shall see visions and older men and women shall shall dream dreams!!! I have perceived unity and a positive consistancy, in the content, in the writings of Mary Baxter and a few other recent books published in the last 10 years, about "Heaven and Hell!"This book is one of the most detailed experiences of "Hell and Heaven" that I have ever read in my 25 years of being in Pentecostal Christian MInistry! This is not just a creative writing on the subject but I literally felt her pain and suffering she experienced as the Lord Jesus allowed her to hear, smell, taste, see and feel the realities of the place the "Bible calls Hell!" I found out how high hell may be and how long and what it may be shaped like. Also, after her visits to hell, her days in Heaven balanced out the message of this book, which is,"A Modern Confirmation of Warning, Preparation, Hope, and Justice for Every Person who lives on the Earth!" Through the writings of Mary Baxter and many other Brethern who are writing similar experiences of the "Realities of Heaven and Hell,I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is "Confirming" many of "His Promises and Judgments," to Our Present Generations!!!In my opinion, Mary K. Baxter is one of the most "Credible Ministers of the Gospel, in the Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ!!!" For over 20 years she has been a traveling Evangelist and Missionary who has ministered in integrity and humility all over the world. As I read the first few pages I began to feel very secure because "The Forward" is written by her Pastor, Dr. T.L. Lowery! He is one of the "Most Respected" Ministers in the Church of God, in Tennessee!
Rating:  Summary: Deception, Maybe? Review: I've never read "A Divine Revelation Of Hell" personally, but as a person who truely recognizes Christ's work at calvary, that it is a complete deception. This woman, wants you to believe that Christ appeared to her, and gave her a tour of hell, where the lost burn forever and ever. Christ came to earth because of his love and justice for us all, and no, we can't judge somebody on an eternal basis, but, the lost will "burn" for their sins and hurts on other people, when they go before the beauty and power of God. Christ talks about His love for everybody, even the most evil, who will never make the choice to repent, or change. The lost don't burn in a fire forever, but Christ brings us to God, because of his grace. I sincerely doubt that this person here has any credibility, with this claim, as you won't have any respect at all for Christ if you are afraid of him, to fear God is to show respect and reverence to, which is not being afraid. One other thing, and this is for the fundamentalists who give this book positive reviews, this "prophet" is a woman. Paul taught against women teaching, and that they should be silent and ask their husbands questions. Why aren't you outraged?
Rating:  Summary: think about it Review: I have noticed that many are calling M.K.Baxter a false prophet to be avoided and loathed. I read the book cover to cover twice and all I felt was enlightment. While her writing skills are not what I would call above par, she does get the message across. To say the least this book is still able to give you a very vivid image of what hell really is like. I treasure this book because it is an easy read and enables me to show it to those friends of mine who don't believe in God. It opens many doors for discussion and debate allowing me to minister. As for the one who said that these thigs will not be shown till the last days(the things Baxter wrote are already in the Bible, just read it, she only gives a detailed visual representation of that which the Bible has already shown us.)I did'nt learn anything new from this book, it just served to remind me and us all what waits for those who refuse the salvation that Christ has given us.
Rating:  Summary: False Profit.... Review: In this book Ms. Baxter portrays her visions of Hell its self. She claims to be a beleiver of Christ and a believer in God's word despite the fact that the Lord's word says no man will see these things until the last day when Christ's followers are risen. This author has poor rhetorical skills and sloppy wording. Her imagery & metaphor/similie skills has much to be desired. This book is offensive even to the eyes of a first year creative writting student She has run on sentences and wordy statements that make reading unenjoyable even on the most basic level. Shallow veiws and ideas are displayed with her "visions" and her talent to misinterpret every bible passage she touches. there are false profits Jesus speaks of and I'm afraid Ms. Baxter may be one of them. This book misrepresents Christianity to an already Anti-Christian society. This book and the books in its series just gives the world one more example of why not to beleive in Christianity. It is also disturbing that this book is part of a series including two other books. (Divine revelations of Heaven & Divine revelations of angels.) It would appear Ms. Baxter has a lovely little enterprise most likely making her a lovely bit of money...all for the Glory & truth of God I'm sure.
Rating:  Summary: My God is an Awesome God!! Review: My husband and i read this book in about 1 week because it was so great. That was a great accomplishment for me because I dont like to read. Once you start reading this book you will not want to put it down to even to sleep. Reading this book has changed our lives forever. We will definetly be going to Heaven, hell is such a dreadful place. If you are thinking about getting this book, please do so. If you are not saved in the name of Jesus Christ already, while reading this book, you will choose to be. God bless mary k. baxter.