Rating:  Summary: i think i just read a book Review: how can a man who wrote the first six books in this series write the last four. especially book 10. i've lost all respect for jordan as a person because obviously he has lost all respect for us as readers. its now the lets see how much money i can make off these idiots series. i think his wife must be domineering and he always gives in but he has a friend who understands women if he was only like that, just a guess. i think i forgot who the main people were since i have to make room for the 300 more useless characters that graced are presence in this book. just for once i would like a man to stand up and say no to a woman or your not coming because you all seem to screw things up and then blame us. the only men in these books who don't back down to woman are darkfriends they actually have normal conversations with women as odd as that may seem. and why is it that the warders, the roughest toughest men in the books all willingly become slaves to aes sedai for no real reason at all, they are like lap dogs. you know i'm staring to think mrs jordan is really writing these books.
Rating:  Summary: Do's and Don'ts: definitely a DON'T Review: Usually, a writer writes because he/she has a story to tell. When a writer creates a world, he/she also knows every single detail that describes that world. But a GOOD writer will know what details are important to the central story, and what details are not.Obviously, Robert Jordan no longer knows what details enrich a story, and what details serve merely as padding. Yes, it is sometimes interesting to hear about an event from another character's point of view. However, unless this is somehow pertinent to the main storyline, it is completely unnecessary. At least, 500 pages of repetitive description that is extremely insignificant is just a waste of paper. My suggestion is that if you must read this book, definitely get it from your library as I did. If you would like to read a book just to understand how to not write a book, then you should read CoT. If you are hoping for plot resolutions or even just plot movement, you will be sorely disappointed. Strong characters have withered into cardboard cutouts; and that to me, is the most disappointing aspect of this series. I no longer care what happens in the Wheel of Time.
Rating:  Summary: Stop the insult Review: Reading these reviews is more rewarding than reading CoT. At least you'll get a laugh out of them. With an average of 1 and a half star out of 1538 reviews it needs to be clear that this book should not be bought but, as many put it, be gotten from a public library. That is if you still wish to read it. What I found more surprising than CoT being such a work of tedius, boring and unimaginative writing is that there are so many "fans" who, while apparently suffering from delusions, cannot seem to admit to themselves that RJ is either milking their favorite series or that he just lost the art he displayed in the first three books. But besides claiming that his writing is more than brilliant or something along those lines (which is fine with me although I couldn't agree less) they start to insult those that do not share their opinion about the book. Some even claim that all those one star reviewers lack insight, intelligence and (this one had me almost rolling on the floor) are not old enough to read the mature writing of RJ. It is also striking that most of those apparent delusional types can not seem to write a decent word of english as they lack not only in spelling but even in grammar. And most of them are native english speakers who should have been taught this at school. So to all of you out there thinking that RJ still has the talent he displayed at first and who are insulting those who did not like this book, "Please, wake and grow up." And if you truly wish to read something more adult then read George Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series starting with A Game of Thrones, it being part one. Marc
Rating:  Summary: What ever happened to..... Review: Why are there so many dropped storylines? Will the Ogier or WayGates ever make a reappearance as important? Will I ever be able to tell any of the Forsaken or mysterious new 'evil' players apart, I noticed a disturbing tendency to introduce new disturbances in the force every time a forsaken is defeated? What/Who is Padan Fain? What about Rand's father? Trollocs - are they just not around anymore or what? Why do I even care about this. I need a notebook to tell anyone apart and main character's story threads will be entirely dropped for hundreds of pages... It would be different if I thought it was going anywhere....
Rating:  Summary: Help! I'm Drowning Review: First, I've got to say that if you don't like the series by now, why are you reading it? Don't forget, if you do like it, to have the website character lists handy for the ready.
Rating:  Summary: Complete garbage Review: Ok, the Wheel of Time started out with constant surprise, action, and a growing understanding and wonder of Jordan's world that grew as the characters did. This book was a complete lead in to his next book. The story line has gotten huge, and he barely touches on each of the subplots, or even the main plots! I had to read over 500 pages before Rand even got a chapter, and then he didn't do anything. You could easily skip reading this book, and book 11 will probably still make sense to you. Let's cut down on the clothing detail a little Mr. Jordan, and start kicking some Forsaken @ss again...
Rating:  Summary: Waste of Time (money, energy, etc.) Review: Blood and bloody ashes! What a flaming pile of ...... Anyone who's reading these reviews should see that they needn't purchase this book. 700 pages of monotonous drivel about character's clothing and other assorted useless information. Lemme save you the trouble: Perrin still trying to rescue his wife, Mat still trying to escape Ebou Dar, Elayne still trying to gain the throne, Egwene still at a stalemate with the White Tower, oh, and 1 chapter devoted to the Dragon Reborn. The Last Battle now re-scheduled for 2036.
Rating:  Summary: Just about at the end of my rope... Review: Each new book in this series seems to be one step forward and three to the side, and I'm beginning to wonder if even Jordan knows where he's going. Again and again there are so many new characters and subplots, that by the time each new book is released, I can barely remember what's going on. Please Robert Jordan, give us closure! I've mixed feelings- I become more and more irritated with each new book in a series which I initially thought of as the end all be all... Now I'd rather just have the new George RR Martin book.
Rating:  Summary: Are we almost finished yet? Review: For the first 6-7 books of this series, I was mesmerized, enthralled, riveted, and enchanted. Robert Jordan has created a world which feels real, has its own mythology and culture, and manages to bring the reader in so that they feel like a part of this world, rather than leaving them feeling mystified. Unfortunately, by about book 8 or 9, it starts to feel like we've stayed a little too long at this party... and book 10 is just more of the same. If you're looking for something huge or exciting to happen... go back to book 6. Don't read this one. I will continue to read this series to the end, just because I have invested so much time in the first part of the series... but I don't have to like it. Too much politics, too much yapping, not enough cool things happening. (And not enough Gawyn, if you want my opinion). If you haven't read anything from this series - go back to book 1, don't waste your time starting here! You will be lost and not a little bit bored.
Rating:  Summary: BAIT AND SWITCH Review: Could it get worse? Reading more books in this series is like watching a car wreck. You think you want to see it, but after you get a good look, you really regret it. There are too many problems with this series now, but one that I find particularly annoying is Jordan's tendency to write about 600 pages of drivel and then put a cliff-hanger at the end. These are seldom resolved. Why is everyone so surprised that there was no mention of the taint being cleansed? Remember the Bowl of the Winds that the three stupid gits went to get in Book 8? Remember the big scene where they used it? No? There's a good reason for that. I also find the characters to too similar, and I'm not just talking about the women don't get men/men don't get women garbage. The Forsaken are ALL ALIKE. RJ had a chance to make 13 tasty villains, and instead they're all alike. They're not particularly menacing and when they do show up, we don't get much. Is Halima one of the Chosen? (I forget who). Sure. But is he plotting? Scheming? Doing ANYTHING interesting? NO. And one last complaint: What's with RJ's ego? Does he actually think he's the greatest thing since JRRT? That junk in the bio about learning to read "with the incidental aid" of a brother...WHO CARES? Are we supposed to be impressed by this? I teach a lot of young kids who can read at a young age--and most write better than RJ.