Rating:  Summary: Very Refreshing Review: Coming from a small town in Central Missouri, it's really nice to see someone out there is writing something that makes sense. Rush's conservative values really bring out the best in America. And it's about time we, the people, have some conservative influence. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the news networks telling me that I'm greedy for wanting to keep the money that I earn. Liberalism = socialism And I say, no thank you, sir.But I do say, Thank You, Mr. Rush Limbaugh!
Rating:  Summary: Sound Conservative Thoughts Review: Rush Limbaugh is seen as an intolerant, hate-filled, cold-hearted man. Why? Because he wants this country to be where it once was before liberalism took over, that's why. He takes many issues, shows how we should approach them (with common sense and a moral mindset) and doesn't care what modern liberals think. I don't agree with everything he says, but he is a very agreeable man. He wants this once proud nation where it was when people actually cared, when the middle class wasn't overtaxed, when politicians cared more about the people than their own selfish desires, and when America's spirit was strong. Now, with liberalism running rampant, the spirit of America has been aborted like so many innocent babies. Limbaugh's sound conservative thoughts, even though the book is eight years old, can be a stepping stone to overcome liberalism and take America back. I suggest this book if you like politics or just care about America.
Rating:  Summary: Blind Man Rush Review: There is a parable of the blind men and the elephant. Blind men are trying to describe an elephant. One man grabs its trunk, another its ear, another its tail, another its leg and so on. Each thinks he's describing the whole elephant and that the others are just plain wrong. Blind man Rush has done a very good job of describing the elephant's left nut and I'm in general agreement with his description - but it ain't the whole damn elephant. To my mind Rush's political philosophy (If I can use such a weighty term to describe Rush's incoherent ramblings) is to a large degree reactionary, motivated primarily by nothing more than anti-liberalism. And by continually taking the most absurd examples of left-wing lunacy it's really no challenge to discredit it. Nor is it very useful to continually dwell on it.
Rating:  Summary: How to Frighten a Liberal - Tell the Truth Review: This book is very simple. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, as told by the Truth Detector. Rush makes the complex easy for anyone with common sense, logic and a yearning for the truth. As usual all the one star raters (otherwise know as extreme liberal leftists), have no constructive criticism or thoughts relating to ideas, only personal attacks on the author. Opps, I forgot, they're the tolerant ones. Rush is Right!
Rating:  Summary: Deconstructing Liberals Review: Rush does it again, presents the world with evidence that liberalism is wrong. He deconsrtuct the myths created by the left with their greatest enemy- THE TRUTH.
Rating:  Summary: There's Nothing Quite Like a Dose of Common Sense Review: Strip away the left-wing pap. Peel off the class warfare rhetoric. Dismiss the nonsense uttered by liberal theoreticians. What are you left with? The Way Things Ought to Be - an uncluttered common sense examination of America and a prescription for fixing the mistakes created by decades of failed liberal social experimentation. Rush uses his knowledge and wit to get right to the heart of the matter and in the process shows that the sophistication of the liberal media and academia is nothing more than bunk disguised as informed insight. Rush demonstrates, much to the chagrin of the liberal elitists, that common ordinary people often make more sense of their surroundings than those with advanced degrees. Ronald Reagan defied liberals with his simple-minded, yet accurate, no-nonsense approach to governing. Like Reagan, Rush is despised by liberals, who are outraged that a common man such as he can not only out-think them, but can readily demolish their most cherished beliefs. It's like telling them that their degrees aren't worth the paper its written on. This book is a must read for ordinary folks who work for a living. I also encourage the liberal elitists to read it, if for no other reason than to watch them thrash.
Rating:  Summary: Exposes Liberal Follies to the Average Person Review: Too much of conservatism is arid and overly intellectual. Remember that liberalism is based primarily on feelings. Thus, those who criticize Rush for not being intellectually deep are actually paying him an indirect compliment. Rush makes the follies of liberalism obvious to the average person. Of course, his critics completely misrepresent him. Femin-Nazi, for instance, is not directed at all women or even all feminists. It is reserved for those radical feminists who have a pathological hatred of men that is comparable to the hatred the Nazis had for those they demonized.
Rating:  Summary: taeguwill@hotmail.com Review: What is the context that Limbaugh means when he refers to feminists as "feminazis". I'm trying to be openminded, but I can't equate being liberal as the same thing as commiting racial geniocide. What is the point you are trying to get at. Are you just using ridculous language to get people angry at you?
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful!!! Review: This book is absolutely terrific! A must for all aspiring political analysts. Rush starts out by giving the history of his wonderful radio program, then goes on to look at politics as it is today and analyze it. With a perfect blend of humor, seriosness and irrelevance, he states the case for conservatism in a very convincing way. If you are a liberal, then you must read this or admit you are afraid of the truth, and if you are a conservative, you must read this in order to combat liberalism better. Spimply stated, you must read this.
Rating:  Summary: A Weighty Achievement!! Review: This book is a well rounded collection of Rush's comments on a vast number of topics. The enormous girth of the man's intellect is evident as he expounds upon various heavy issues such as the economy and the environment. A steady diet of Rush's writings will enlarge one in may ways.