Rating:  Summary: Excellent book! Review: I read it cover to cover, and thought it was excellent. However, for some reason Rush didn't include the fact that he should be in jail serving a life-term for drug abuse with intent to deal since that's "The way things ought to be". Oh well, maybe when Rush is out of detox he will include an "afterward" chapter dedicated to the fact that he is a hypocritical liar who can only thank liberals that he isn't in jail because he begged for criminal rights and a liberal view toward drug-use... To thank liberals with open arms that treatment needs to take precedence over jail time. And then perhaps, he will realize the fallacy of all right-wing views.
Rating:  Summary: This man is GREAT. The omnipotent leader of the impotent. Review: I applaud the efforts of Rush Limbaugh. Thanks to his influence the crackers of Indianapolis have ceased french kissing their sisters in public. Again,mega ditto's. Great book, but I think it may be beyond the comprehension of many of his listeners.
Rating:  Summary: Get serious, girls Review: How pathetic, but typical, of the corrupt, hackneyed, and utterly and contemptibly hypocritical Left to attack Limbaugh for their own vices, and those they promote as just another lifestyle choice. Evidence for the criminal aspect? Oh yeah. Forget about it! We "feel superior" leftists don't need no stinking proof! We've got lust for power! And honest, we promise we'll cut you in on the deal after we take power and rule you like a beaten dog wouldn't abide.Is there even ONE MAN left in the Left? ONE? The evidence suggests not.
Rating:  Summary: Look at the numbers. Oh my,the pain!!!!!! Review: Hey,as of this moment. 1,072 copies are available used, starting at$0.08. That's all you need to know regarding the text within the pages of this book. This book is not worthy of your time.
Rating:  Summary: Pray For Me? Review: I guess we are all supposed to pray for Limbaugh, the Mr. Know-It-All with a 1 year college education and no children or real life experiences.
Rating:  Summary: This book SAVED MY LIFE. Felix,A Ditto Head! Review: After stubbing my big toe against my bed post(this was of course Clinton's fault) one November morning several years ago,I was prescribed pain medication. I was addicted to these little(what appeared to be inocuous)pain pills. Hell, not to mention i became acquainted with inumerable persons employed at various late night restaraunts. After reading the truth brimming forth from this book,i was healed from my dependency from this harrowing experience with drugs. Although drug dependency is not as bad as being indentured to our government. I came away luckily unscathed. I'm looking forward to any and all works from this author in the future. I wish he would write a book imparting his sage advice as to how one can walk thru life without stubbing one's toe OR how NOT to burn toast. Because That's The Way It Ought To Be!!!!!Thank you Rush,WITHOUT YOU WE WOULD ALL BE LOST!
Rating:  Summary: The way Rush oughta be Review: Hey Rush, you oughta be practicing what you preach, instead of using your maid to hook you up with drugs while you're condemning drug users on the radio.
Rating:  Summary: Worthless Review: When are people going to stop listening to this idiot and come to their own conclusion about the way things are or ought to be?
Rating:  Summary: mmm... It's truth Review: I'm 26 years old, so this book is more of a historical look at politics for me. I use it when I'm curious about things from the golden era. But hey, it's truth, so it gets my thumbs up.
Rating:  Summary: Penetrating Humor and Skewering of Liberal Platitutes Review: Rush exposes the liberals' follies, often using humor. For instance, he talks of "speaking Rushian". He calls the government entitlement mentality "entitlemania". Rush makes it clear that conservatives define compassion by how many people no longer need government services, not by how many people are dependent upon government services, as liberals do. He rejects the common notion that the prosperity of some implies the poverty of others. There is the demonstrating of absurdity by being absurd. For instance, he satirizes the abortionists by using a vacuum-cleaner sound to abort phone calls to him, and quibbling about when a phone call actually is supposed to begin. He clarifies his term "femiNazis" as referring to extreme feminists and their moral nihilism, and certainly not referring to all women. He reminds us that the oft-quoted Willy Horton ad was not considered racist when its subject matter was brought to light, but was only selectively asserted to be racist once the Republicans began using it.