Rating:  Summary: Rush: The man, The myth, The junkie Review: Ah Rush Limbaugh... not a bright man no, not by any standards. People mistake loud for intellegent. He is a racist and a homophobe among other things (as is the trend for most republicans). He peddles his right wing garbage and religous who-ha where ever he can when really hes just a bag of hot air. Everyone says that he can "leave liberals speechless," HA I find that most amusing considering I will talk politics with mr.limbaugh and teach him a few things that he was to busy rambling to hear about. Now I know some right wing nutjob will pop up a review saying" He's just a little liberal panzy and doesn't know anything," well guess what, the man you have chorused for president has no really intellegent beliefs and has less knowledge then the avergae retarded chimp. He's always talking about the wrongs with society when really hes its biggest problam. He talks about how the liberals broguth drugs to this country, when really hes on them (oxycontin to be correct). Hopefully this review gave you second thoughts on mr. limbaugh and if not well then you can just keep walk around with your head up your ass oblivious to the truth that he is just a goon in a suit.
Rating:  Summary: Fat , Bigoted, and Biased Review: First, the statement, "Talent on loan from God." Despite his overweening hubris, he has forgotten basic grammar. Loan is a noun -- lend is the verb. "Tell it like it is."? Another grammatical faux pas. These are the basics of grammar that one learns in grade school. I haven't found any original humor in his writings, but I'll grant that humor is subjective. Mr. Limbaugh has the delusion of grandeur, that olympian haughtiness of one who believes he has solved all the world's problems by simply blaming the liberals for all the evils of society. Us and them. It's never the rich conservatives' fault, it's always the liberals' fault. Where would Rush and the conservative media be if they didn't have the liberals to blame? Who would be their scapegoat? Where would his readers be without his easy going dogma? Well, dogmatic slumber is not for me.
Rating:  Summary: Best book in stores...still. Review: This book had been around for quite some time, but I still belive it is a crucial book for anyone and everyone in America to read. Rush is powerful with his points and right on the mark with his opinions. He leaves many liberals standing speechless. If you are a liberal, you should acquire this book and become fully converted to the "religious right". And when you are finished reading it, go give it to one of the homeless guys sitting on their ass on the street corners, hell, you're paying their way to live, why not give them something heplful for a change?
Rating:  Summary: Rush can still nail them! Review: I read Limbaugh's book years ago and still reference it from time to time. I enjoy his program immensely and revel in the fact that his ideological opponents are reduced to nothing but vicious invective. Read some of the reviews on Amazon. You see no reason given as to why they think Limbaugh is wrong, it's nothing but hate-filled emotionalism; no logic.There are proponents of the left who do enjoy Limbaugh's book and radio program and proudly proclaim such while at the same rationally explaining why they disagree with Limbaugh and conservatives. Read the book for yourself. Sure it's a little dated now, but Rush is a conservative. By definition his precepts hold true to this day. There is humor and savvy that will hold anyone's attention. Perhaps you will learn something you've never known before, or realize something you've always known but couldn't express. Just read the book.
Rating:  Summary: This is your mind! Review: This is your mind on drugs! Remember: The right wing tells lies. The wing right wants to take your money so they can buy drugs. Ignore them!
Rating:  Summary: No-bull commentary Review: What would you expect from the reigning king of talk radio? Limbaugh offers chapter by chapter, fact by fact, information supportive of his many beliefs. And he does it with humor. Whether it's animal rights or woman's rights, Rush pulls no punches. This, his first offering in print, is a sincere effort to further spread his ideology. For those who believe he wants all animals and women to die, he addresses it right in the book. There's never a dull moment with TWTOTB in hand, because Limbaugh takes every opportunity to offer satire of politicians and figures he disagrees with while providing "cutting edge" insight and analysis of serious issues facing America. He does all this with a decidely witty and optimistic approach.
Rating:  Summary: By a liberal who actually read the book Review: Having actually read this book about 10 years ago, I have to tell you that I enjoyed it. I didn't agree with everything Rush wrote, or agree with HOW we should make things the way they ought to be, but this book was entertaining and thought-provoking. I think because this book was written so long ago, before he became a caricature of himself, there was a fair amount of intellectual honesty in it. I wish he'd stayed on that path, but wealth and fame and millions of unquestioning fans (aka ditto-heads) could lead almost any man astray. I'm an unapologetic liberal (look the word up in Websters and you'll see why), and I believe there's a need for HONEST debate from all parts of the political spectrum. Rush's contribution in "The Way Things Ought To Be" demonstrates that this is indeed possible - and that at one time he seemed to believe it, too.
Rating:  Summary: Drug-Addled Criminal Review: Rush couldn't find time between snorts and pills to look into anything. So, as anyone who reads this book with an open mind can tell, he just made it up as he went along. You might not agree with that. But that just demonstrates that you are, like Limbaugh, a drug-addled nutcase. You probably feel that he doesn't belong in the slammer with the other criminals. But then, you feel drug laws only apply to people that you and Limbaugh don't like. Because otherwise, it's just hypocrisy. "The way things ought to be" is that Rush, having done the crime, should do the time. This book points the finger, carelessly and inaccurately, again and again. So let's point the finger at how things ought to be. Stop mollycoddling right wing drug addicts. Send Limbaugh where he belongs. The Slammer. The place with a big roommate to keep the big fat idiot company. This is not just for detox. When he finally drags his sorry rear out of the lockup -- maximum sentence -- grab him and throw him into a "boot camp" for drug abusers. Looks like Rush has found a whole passel of laws to violate -- Gotta be part of the vast left wing liberal conspiracy. You know, using a guys own written words to damn him to jail.
Rating:  Summary: Rush Addiction Review: Rush Limbaugh addicted to drugs!? I thought he was addicted to FOOD! He sure had me fooled! Seriously, The Way Things Ought to Be is that hypocrites like Rush get the hell off the airwaves and out of the bookstores so people like me won't have to waste our money. This book reeks of fat pomposity and reading it again (after the news about his addiction) it really does sound like a goofball ego-maniac who is fueled entirely by drugs. Don't waste your time on this one. If you already have a copy, you can put it through your shredder and use the waste material for packing items you send through the mail at Christmas time. Good luck.
Rating:  Summary: Goodness! Review: A hard hitting fantasy book in the grand style! Now Limbaugh can join the ranks of other greats in Fantasy Literature. Like Tolkien and Lovecraft, Rush has dreamed up a dark little frightening world, excect in Rush's land, the Lefties are evil and the Righties can do no wrong, and the Middlies must convert to Rightism or face the wrath of God! Spooky stuff! I had ordered this book, but had to cancel my order once I found out that he was a drug addict (an OxyCotin Fiend) and should be imprisoned. Instead I had no choice but to read a library edition, since I did not want to support his illegal habit.