Rating:  Summary: A fast moving action packed thriller Review: Tom Clancy is a fine author. This in my opinion, was not one of his better books. Although it was a very entertaining book, it did not live up to my expectations. The characters, in my opinion were not developed all that well. Despite a few little quarks the book had, I really liked it. It was a good action packed book that you wonn't want to put down.
Rating:  Summary: Filled with suspense but not without faults. Review: Fast paced and a typical Clancy. A little too heroic in my opinion. Fun to read. Not very convincing when dealing with computer viruses.
Rating:  Summary: An outstanding book!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Tom Clancy's book Op Center is a wonderful display of how a book should be written. My father was the reason I read this book in th efirst place. It had so much description about the many characters Clancy involved in his book. A person may feel that they Know one of them just by what type of personality the author gives them. This book is written so well because the reader may be able to relate to someone in the book. I also liked how Clancy took the reader behind the scenes of the whole Intelligence world. What really grabbed my attention was how the special forces members were sent in to blow the missles up. If you did not already know I just a hunger for books that are filled with action and always having something going on. This book by far had all of those things and then some. Another thing I love is that the book was actually real, and could happen. I recommend this book to anyone, and if I ever have the chance to read it again I will.
Rating:  Summary: Dueling operations centers, skilled and dedicated soldiers. Review: The protagonists are two commanders of operations centers, US and Russian. Paul Hood and General Orlov. The enemies are Russians of the old stripe aided by international criminals and drug money from Columbia. The job of the US, as it turns out, is to intercept and destroy a train carrying the cash across Siberia, protected by the a squad led by the General's son, while the General fights plots and schemes of members of his own staff. While a somewhat improbable story, Clancy weaves it well. The pages move fast and the reader is drawn into it. On the down side, the action jumps around quite a bit from site to site. There are at least five different sub plots going on, and it takes some mental gymnastics to keep it all together. Clancy himself loses a beat when he 'lets' the American op center surmise the importance of the train shipment ($6 billion in US $100 bills) on a bunch of skimpy lack of evidence. However, this can easily be tossed off to writer's license and it only causes a brief hiccup to a careful reader. The characters are brought together carefully with balance. Character development is not a strong point in the Clancy novels and this one is no expception, but there is enough there to suport the story line! The conclusion is particulary exciting, involving technical wizardy, magnificant skill and courage, and mixing triumph and tragedy. Well recommended.
Rating:  Summary: solid book but could of been much better Review: It's been a while from since i last read any of Tom Clancy's novel, so i am used to the Jack ryan series. I believe that cardinal of the kremlin and redstorm rising was Clancy's best work,although i was curious to find out what the op-center series was all about.The very idea of a crisis management team dealing with hostage situations (that are considered domestic problems to USA) taking on a crisis situation in South Korea when we have the Cia and Joints Chiefs of staff is very unbeliavable.However as i read deeper and deeper into the book, the story gather more suspense in my mind.I couldn't put the book down.The reason why i didnt give the book filled with suspense five stars instead of 3 are because of to many flaws in the story such as i stated before about a crisis management team dealing with an iternational crisis is very unlikely.2)That op-center could handle espionage,conduct military force in the matter, (stryker advanced asault forces) and yet handle the diplomatic front of it, and in all saving thier asses when push comes to shove against the virus in thier computers and the united states of america. 3)Third but not least, Tom Clancy is very good at leaving his readers in suspense i think that he does that way to much in this book, often he would explain the characters and when a situation is about to develop he cuts to another chapter and when Clancy finally get back to where he left that paticular part, my mind has wandered because it freshly remebers the previous chapter I was reading. I gave Op-center a 3 because the is a page turner despite the faults within the book, and i have noticed clancy's style when he writes about spies, and even more excitingly about Military force he used in the book, I think Tom Clancy should focus more on the Militarisitc side than the long an drawn out spy he put in alot of his book,buy dont get me wrong Tom clancy is a fantastic writer it's just that the last set of books, I think becoming more comercial than when he used his conventional writing and plot placing skills that made him famous with Hunt for red October and Clear and present danger.MY last advice for Tom Clancy "do it for me a fan write a real harcore believable story where military force is used at a trouble spot in the world like Bosnia or Iraq not try to make it comercial on deeply getting into the families of the leading characters in the book, or getting into spies and counter spies, make that up reconaissance planes and the NRO(National Reconaissance Office) when spyin on the enemy.
Rating:  Summary: Flop-Center Review: ~I wonder how much of this book Clancy actually wrote. Is he just trying to make money? The plot drags on predictably and the cheesy a la ST:TNG sub-plots don Clancy is capable of. Clancy(?) usually writes much better than he does in this book and I feel embarrassed to call myself a Clancy fan after reading it. Bottom line: Stick to real Clancy novels. P.S.: Amazon, you should give reviewers the option of choosing zero stars.
Rating:  Summary: shallow and just plain bad Review: the characters were one dimensional almost beyond belief. I read this fresh off of without remorse and the crashing down sensation I experienced was almost more than I could bear
Rating:  Summary: VERY INTERESTING!!!!!!!!! Review: I thought this book was fun and interesting to read. I think Tom Clancy was very realistic.
Rating:  Summary: Touching, but not what I expect Review: Let's face it: its a touching story but this won;t impress people who are reading this for military/political thrillers!!! Anyway, the strikers cant survive an "unleaded" tomahawk blast even if it is aborted.
Rating:  Summary: Lacked punch expected from Tom Clancy Review: The beating heart of America's defence didn't beat that much in this Tom Clancy. The beginning was exciting and promised a lot but it fell away considerably towards the end. The plot for mine was too thick and enough time was not taken to explain who the characters were.