Rating:  Summary: A Book about the truth in the WWII Review: The book The Rape of Nanking reminds all the people who love peace that we should never make any evil things happen again. The book shows many testimonies about the holocaust in Nanking. If anyone believe the pictures the book shows is "fake" or are "arranged", he or she is against the truth of history. If you do not like the book because of its horrible contents, I can only say we can do nothing to make it beautiful because it is the horrible truth of the history.
Rating:  Summary: We need more books like this in English Version Review: Nazi German kills 6 million Jewish people, but no one actally can tell how many Chinese people had been slaughtered by the Japanese during WWWII. "The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust by World War II" by Iris Chang tells us a really incredible truth from December of 1937 though Jan. of 1938 in the capital of China -- Nanking. Today(December 13th) is the commemoration day of this cruel slaughter which was 62 years from now, so I want to write this review. We need more books to be published in English Version narrating the cruelity of Japanese troops. So more and more people in the world will know this "Forgotten Holocaust." This is not only a historical book but also a instrument that can teach you about morality.
Rating:  Summary: The Rape of Nanking Review: After reading "The Emporers General" a novel of fiction intertwined with historical facts I was more than curious about The Rape of Nanking and U.S. envolvement. Iris Chang shares with us not only the gruesome details of this tragedy in world history but the insight of survivors and perpetrators alike. She points out the heroes and the vilains alike and is carefull to separate absolute facts from hipothesis in areas where the facts are not supported by hard evidence. As a retired Marine with two trips to Viet Nam and several years of living in Japan I was able to relate to this tragedy in some respects as a potential vilain. I thank God for the training I recieved as a Marine which made it clear that only "LAWFULL ORDERS" were to be carried out and that criminal acts carried out under the "cover" of following orders would make me as liable as the person issuing the orders. Unfortunately history is sprinkled with cases of murder by the U.S. Military where the facts were covered over and the criminals no more liable than the Japanese Military at Nanking. I refer to Sand Creek and Mi Lai to name two. Iris Changs book "The Rape of Nanking" should be reqiured reading for every military person in the civilized world. Abuse of power can happen again. History must not repeat itself! R.H.Van Norton,Jr. SgtMaj,USMC (ret)
Rating:  Summary: not propanganda Review: One does not necessarily have to be a Japanese History expert in order to write this book, afterall, it's on China, not Japan. What with the Japanese helping civilians from chinese looters, giving them food, etc., "That" is propanganda. Not all Japanese soldiers committed the atrocities, those were the exceptions. But for every exception, there were a million nonexceptions. As for the death toll, no one can be sure of the number of people who died. What is appaling is the way they died, under torture, as pictures and testemonies have shown. What sounds ridiculus to me is the fact that someone would actually claim that the pictures are "arranged."Are they fake? Pictures can't be "arranged," they were either taken or not. The events depicted by the pictures either happened or didn't. That Japanese soldier smiling in the picture was not similing for the camera, he was smiling at the man being tortured and killed.
Rating:  Summary: Don't read this book if you expect a fair presentation Review: Don't read this book if you expect a fair presentation of facts... Though I'm impressed with the research Chang has done for this book, I'm particularly disturbed by the blatant bias Chang shown in her presentation. I thought I would read a book that would present the facts with no spin, but Chang used the facts in a way to condemn the Japanese for their atrocities. There's no question that the facts were self-evident, that the Japanese commited these atrocities, but Chang's tone was sacrastic and bitter, something you would not expect from a book like this. I'd expect Chang, who has worked as a journalist, to present the facts in a straightforward manner, and not present them in a bitter tone.
Rating:  Summary: A Chinese Boy who loved this book Review: When I read this book, I feel so bad. I wish this thing was never happened before, but it did happened. I can tell you that every words that the aruther wrote was true. Japan's government should not get away from this, not until they say sorry to the people that they KILLED. I hope all the people no matter you are Chinese or Japanese or any other race people can read this book. Because almost no body know this now (except Chinese). We need help, because Japanese government still don't want to face it.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of propaganda Review: I won't say the Nanking case is true or not. However, this author doesn't understand basic knowledge of Japanese history, before talk about this case. This books also have so many "arranged" pictures, too. This book has lots of lots of fake informations and so horrible.
Rating:  Summary: emotional roller coaster Review: This book being the first novel written in english that documents the atrocities committeed by the Japanese in the city of Nanking has done a magnificent job in exposing the American Public to the "forgotten Holocaust" in Asia. Everyone knows about the Holocaust or Schindler, but most have no idea what Nanking is or who Rabe is. Many claim there are mistakes in the book, dates and facts that can be disproven, but the words of the survivors who witnessed the murder of their own family and who lived through gang rape can never be disputed, because those scars, emotional and physical, will always remain. And the words of the former Japanese soldiers who have admitted and regretted their sins will always be in the archives. This is a rewarding book that will be read for generations, and now the world will finally learn of what really happened, the atrocities, the attempts of the Japanese government to cover up and deny their wrongdoings even today.
Rating:  Summary: A great book can not be discredited Review: I have been following the reviews on Amazon.com and there appears to be a persistant campaign (waged, probably, by one or two readers) to discredit the book with one-star reviews. What worries me is that many of these reviews contain deliberately FALSE information. For example, the last reviewer claims more than 100 journalists were in Nanjing but none reported news of a massacre. That is a total lie. The Nanjing massacre was widely covered by many reporters in the area (even Japanese reporters) and journalists from the New York Times, Associated Press and Chicago Daily News, as Iris Chang's book so clearly describes.
Rating:  Summary: Few problems, nitpicks... Review: There are couple problems with the book, some of the dates in the book are wrong, for example, she claimed that the Tokugawa family ruled Japan during the 1500s, which is an event that never happened. Others include pictures that seem to have been attached by mistake, since they weren't revalent to the event at all. Also, there are a few vague generalizations in the book that seem rather, disturbing... I am assuming that she did not do any research in Japan, since she stated that Japan forbids its citizens to involve themselves with subjects regarding the Nanjing Masscre. Again, this is not true, because there are many books and researches done in Japan regarding the Nanjing Masscre.