Rating:  Summary: this book is about... Review: This book is about 4 kids that were homeless. They started out having 4 dollars but they spent all their money on food. The oldest boy went to find a job and he found one. He was paid a dollar a day. One day his boss saw something called the "Free for all." He wanted Henry to see it. It was a race that Henry won and got $25. He had to pass 16 other people. The kids finally met their grandfather and went to live with him. I liked this book because it was how you would live if you only had $4 left. The book was sad at first, but then it got happy.
Rating:  Summary: Boxcar Children Review: Boxcar Children is a good book. It's about these 4 kids that lived in a boxcar and their Grandfather had been looking for them but they were scared of their Grandfather. And while they were living in the boxcar they got their food and water because Henry went over to Mr and Mrs.Moore's house everyday to work for money, and so everyday after he worked he would get payed and go to a grocery store or something like that. So one day Henry entered a race and he won it so he had to say his name and he made up one and said James but Mr.Moore was up there in the crowd so after the race he quickly went to pick up Henry. So one of the children got sick so Mr and Mrs.Moore watched all the 4 children so Mr.Moore was reading the newspaper and their was an ad in their that said If you find 4 children named Henry, Benny, Violet and Jessie Please report to me LOST! Whoever finds them gets a prize! So Mr.Moore called him up so their Grandfather came and picked them up and the children all thought he was nice. And they lived happily ever after.
Rating:  Summary: The boxcar children Review: This book was fun. I have read it for the school, but is a very good book for people who like stories of children. It is a special book because it is like a real story of orphan children, who ran away from their grandfather, but they discover that he was a nice grandfather.
Rating:  Summary: Every child should have this classic! Review: I loved this series as a child, especially this first one. Now, I love reading them to my six year old! He loves them, too, and can't wait to get to the next one in the series! The chapters are short, which makes it easy to read one or two chapters at a time. My son begs to not to stop reading, so he can see what they do next!
Rating:  Summary: The box car children Review: I like the book "the box car children"b/c it's the only book that I can read and get into,and I've read I think almost all of there books, there awesome. Plus it's really cool how reall people lived in a box car.THAT'S COOL. It's how they snuk into there grandparent's store that's got nothing but guard's all over the place b/c there grandparent's are so rich and populare to the town. If you ask me they are some CRAZY kids for trying to go around the realy good guard's that's cool. Climax=I think the climax of the book is when the guard's was about 10 feet away from them and almost seen the little kid. Conflict=The conflict in the story is there trying to find the missing dinosaure from there grandparent's store that is realy populare.
Rating:  Summary: One of my all time children favorties! Review: I remember reading this book as a child! I could not put it down, I must have read it a hundred times. It is really neat to see how these children make it on their own in the woods. Every parent must get this book for their child to read and when they are done pick it up yourself!
Rating:  Summary: PaNhia's Review Review: Wow!This book is good!It tells about four chrildren that ran away from homebecause they think that their gandfather is mean.Their mom and dad passed away a long time ago.Their names are Jessie the oldest, Henry secound oldest-he is strong and he works for Dr.Moore and his mother.The third one was Violet she always works for Jessie.Benny is the last one,he is the helper of Henry sometimes.He likes a dog called Watch.They went along the woods.Jessie saw a box car.Jessie told Henry and the rest to follow her.I recommended this book to be 5 stars.It is a really good book because it is funny and has a lot of details.
Rating:  Summary: Mai Kao's Review Review: The boxcar children is a good book to read for 5th and 4th grade classes.The story is about four kids that have run away from their grandfather. They think that there grandfather is mean.There are many adventures to go for the boxcar children . The children stop at the bakery, the oldest boy gets in a race, and one of them gets sick. Henry is the oldest in the family and cares for his brother and sisters, Jessie is the girl who cooks for them and Violet the 12 year old sister loves her youger brother Benny Benny is the youngest in their family.I like this book because it tells about the adventures, the characters are creative,and I like how the author tells about the chlidren. I thought the book is a really good book to read . I give this book 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Mai Nou's Review Review: Wow! I think The Boxcar Children is the best book I ever read. It was about four chldren that run away from their grandfather. They think that their grandfather is mean. Henry the oldest works for a doctor in town. Jessie the third loves to cook. Violet the second oldest loves to sew. Benny the youngest loves to make stuff.They tell about the characters and why they are homeless. I'm in love with Jessie's foods. I like when they create their own things. I recommend this book to fourth and fifth graders. I would love to read the next book. I give this book 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Jack's Review Review: How would you like to read an exciting book about four run away children? The Boxcar Children is a story about four children. Their mom and dad are dead. They think their grandpa is mean so they ran away. The book is about how the four kids live in a boxcar away from their grandpa .They find some dishes and cups and even a dog.The story has a surprise ending.I like the book because it was exciting.There was alot of adventures.The children ran at night and made stuff to live.I thought the book was good so I give this book five stars.