Rating:  Summary: What's Wrong with Kids Today??? The Parents!!! Review: If you want to know how kids are being raised these days which may be different from the way you were and the effects, read this book!!! It shows that kids are being given every material thing they could probably want (and perhaps, somethings they don't even care about) and not being given attention, discipline, and guidance. And preparation for the real world. My favorite part was the story about the high school-aged son of two doctors whose parents bought him a place to park near his high school (the value of which was $180,000, the cost of a small house in some locations, at least til the recent turn of the economy) so that he would not have to get up at 6am to find a place to park his car in the school lot!!! Well, he is being prepared for the real world!!! Have doctors never had to get up a time in which they do not feel like it???? And a child raised with such pampering will be in for a rude awakening when he finds out what it takes to earn the money to buy the goodies he is used to having at the drop of a hat!!! The author does make theological references which may not be in keeping with everybody's belief system, and I think she has to recognize that, but the points behind it are excellent. She also seems to advocate a togetherness which to my way of thinking (though I am not a parent) which seems to be a bit on the smothering side, since I was a child (and am now an adult) who seems to need a certain amount of space. Also, I think she makes a little too much of teenagers wanting to get tatoos, as a symbol of being poorly parented, rather than as a mere fad or a way of expressing oneself or being colorful (though personally I feel a kid should not be making such a permanent choice when still a teen). All in all a wakeup call for parents and people involved with kids these days. Their upbringing may be just a little bit different than yours.
Rating:  Summary: I HAVE A RIGHT TO MY OWN LIFE>>>I hate those words! Review: I was a divorced Mom who was abused. I made a choice to stay with my Ex-husband so I could raise my Children properly. When it became evident that I was doing more harm to the Children by staying in the marriage I left my Husband of 18 years. I think there are situations where Men and Woman do need divorced. Or if your Husband's job comes with seasonal or economy based layoffs you need to have a backup income. And I think in those type of cases we need to work. But I do understand Dr. Laura's ideas on not working to have the big screen TV or the new car, there is a difference. What I find appalling are the Parents who bring in opposite sex partners on a continuing basis. Or who leave the Children home so they can have a "party" life or snare a new mate. Or who bring a Man/Woman in to live, and rather than making the Man/Woman change to fit the kids. They expect the kids to do the changing. I gag at the words I hear repeatedly, "I can spend the night, the kids won't tell my Ex." I am so glad that Father's are now getting custody from selfish Mom's! Bravo United State's Court System ..at least somebody cares about the soul's of our Children! Dr. Laura may be a little rough but she may have to be get through to some of the think headed selfish people! Our kids are killing each other and we need to ask ourselves some tough questions. And regardless of what we all believe to be true I think Dr. Laura gives us a good place to start!
Rating:  Summary: a needed plea Review: Many of the negative reviewers seemed to have missed the point of Dr. Laura's negative statements about day care: She's not saying, "You must not love your children or you'd never put them in day care." She's saying, "If you love your children, you'll want to know what day care does to them emotionally, and you'll choose to live in poverty before you'll subject them to that." After all, I have heard many dog owners say such things as "I'm still trying to figure out what to do with Fido next month when I go away for the weekend. Last time I left him in a kennel for two days and he hardly ate anything and missed me the whole time." Aren't children at least as valuable?As to her anger, yes, at times she is mad, and anger at what adults do to children isn't exactly PC right now. But our culture recognizes the right to be angry when someone uses a racial slur, treats women as sexual objects, shoots three or four fellow employees, or does any number of things we recognize as offenses. Can't offenses against children--living, defenseless, love-hungry human beings who are our responsibility from God--be among those that bring righteous anger? As to the book: Yes, it could have used footnotes and at times could have been clearer. But it is powerfully written with stories and research that make her case well. We need to know what is happening to our children. By the way, I'm single and thus childless, but I have worked with children in various churches for 20 years, and in that time I've seen an extraordinary rise in discipline problems, reading problems, vulgarity, disrespect, and a whole range of bad behaviors. Children indeed aren't as "lovable" as they were two decades ago--but then, a stray dog isn't usually as lovable as a dog that's properly cared for.
Rating:  Summary: Umm... I don't get it Review: I don't get it. Why the venom about same-sex parenting? I personally was raised by two wonderful women who were "their kids moms" and I am a healthy, happy, well-adjusted, successful woman. I own my own home, am married to a wonderful man, and am planning on having my own child soon. Why does everyone think that lesbians and/or gays can't raise good children? It's simply not true! My moms were better parents than 99% of the straight parents out there! I defy Dr. Laura to do a study that proves that children raised in same-sex households are any worse off than their counterparts. I 100% promise that she would find some very surprising answers. My house was filled with love, and I am a happy, productive adult. It is funny to see someone talking about something they have absoultely no experience with and know absolutely nothing about!
Rating:  Summary: A late review Review: I hear Dr. Laura's radio show frequently, and this book presents many of her favorite radio themes -- often expounded upon during her "monologues" or "rants," depending on how you look at them. I have now read the book, after hearing it hawked endlessly on air by the good Dr. herself. Unfortunately, the book is poorly researched and written, and does not contain any useful or thoughtful information. It certainly doesn't live up to Dr. Laura's self-generated hype. The book reads like a supermarket tabloid, with "news" articles juxtaposed with allegedly real-life letters or phone call transcripts, and both of them peppered with Dr. Laura's arrogant pronouncements. Her narrow-mindedness and intolerance (dare I say, her lack of compassion) are blunted on the radio by the constant stream of inconsistencies & contradictions any regular listener picks up on; these are the things that make listening fun. In the book, however, she has eliminated these "saving graces" from her presentation of the favorite themes, and Dr. Laura thus becomes pure venom and hate. It seems that she cannot see beyond her own wealth and privilege to appreciate the struggles many, many families, parents & children have in this country. In sum, she sure is looking for someone to blame for a lot of things; in this book, it's the parents' fault. Don't buy this book; if you must read it, get it from the library as I did. Then, when you're done, turn it in, and go check the shelf for the host of other, better-written, more informative, and GOOD parenting books that are out there.
Rating:  Summary: Negative, Negative, Negative Review: Tone is terrible, information is poorly organized and repetitive. I had great anticipation for advice on positive attibutes and practices of good parents, but disappointment continued as she offered only gloom and doom news articles, quotes from worthless TV hosts, etc. Purchase 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, Stephen R. Covey, an excellent alternative!
Rating:  Summary: Right on the money! Review: This book hits the nail on the head. We are a society obsessed with our own happiness and fulfillment, and it has reached such an epidemic proportion that even children are sacrificed now. Anyone who doesn't think this book needed to be written needs to take a good hard look around them. I only graduated from high school 10 years ago, and even in this short time, things have changed dramatically with kids. Because of divorce, remarriage, "shacking up," sex out of marriage etc etc etc that we all know about - our kids are left with no secure intact family let alone a parent who takes the time to care for them and raise them personally. Our country desparately needs to WAKE UP to the consequences of reckless sexual behavior and abandonment of personal responsibility, especially where it pertains to our children. Read this book, think about it, and commit to making your children the #1 priority in your life. Believe me I know it's hard...I'm at home full time with 2 children under 2! So I'm speaking from experience. But seeing how they benefit and feeling how secure they are...gets me through the hard days. This book is excellent and thank you Dr Laura for standing up for those of us who choose to put our children first. You really do encourage and help!
Rating:  Summary: Wake up America! Review: Dr. Laura is right on the money! Politically incorrect? You bet! This book is the cold, hard facts that Americans do not want to hear dare it interfere with their own personally selfish lives. If more people would read this book BEFORE having children we could save so many children from emotional damage! Dr. Laura...you go girl!!
Rating:  Summary: parents trying to reach ideals for child rearing Review: Reviewers here need to get to the meat and the potatoes of Dr. Laura's book, speak specifically about the issues she has brought up, not type crank reviews. The type of reviews that you want to stay away from are of the sort from July 21, 2000, where none of the issues of the book were addressed. One item that I got out of it is if you are not married, don't have a child. Especially, if you were to be having your child(ren) in daycare for hours a day and days a week, you are not really totally rearing them, and it is the children(who are not possessions) who suffer.
Rating:  Summary: Thank Goodness! Review: After reading this book I am counting my blessings. I am so glad Dr. Laura isn't my mother.