Rating:  Summary: Dopey book - and as overpriced as its author. Review: I am happy to say that I did not spend money on this book - I borrowed it and read it in a few hours time. I am not a speed reader, but this is actually a small book with little content. I had never read any of O'Reilly's books and I thought that perhaps reading this one might make me change my mind about him or see him in a differnt view. Did't happen. And given O'Reilly's popularity I was expecting something better.As his TV and radio show, this is just another O'Reilly ego-trip - a self-serving account of his views, opinions and ruminations on different subjects - much like watching or listening to his tv/radio shows, except this can cost you more money and, to me at least, a lot less interesting. In his usual authoritative manner Bill tells us what he thinks about this and that issue - what and whom, among us, is good and bad - who is our friend and who is our enemy - who is alright for us and who is dangerous - yadda, yadda, yadda... I believe that this book is addressed to the same audience that finds O'Reilly's simplistic tv/radio ramblings clever and informative and who may be unaware, or unconcerned, that his statements and assertions are often distortions and manipulations of the facts. I was really expecting some support for his arguments - some documented facts, references, bibliography, footnotes ... anything. Instead, what we get is Bill's authoritative, unsupported and biased views. If any one still believes O'OReilly's claims that he's neither a conservative or a liberal, but just an independent fair-minded guy with no political agenda except the truth, then I suggest that, besides this book, you may also enjoy some of the fairy tales in the children books section. Although O'Reilly shows some admiration for Bobby Kennedy in his book (perhaps as a fellow Irishman), there is absolutely no doubt that he is a conservative man with a right-wing agenda - and as any good right-wing conservative with an agenda, he, ofcourse, preaches to us about the evils of (guess who?)the Clintons! In fact, we are told that, of all the women in America at this time, Hillary is undoubtoudly the most dangerous - mainly because she is (gasp) ambitious. God help us all if Mrs. Clinton ever succeeds in her fiendish plot to become the first woman POTUS, because then she will, without a doubt, take us all down into the abyss (and we can't say Bill O'Reilly didn't warn us). Now, how is that different from Coulter, Limbaugh and all the other right-wing radicals? Not to mention, fair-and-balanced? In this book, O'Reilly also engages in his now familiar rants against the decadent entertainment media and celebrities. He is, as usual, angry at the rap artists ( and in this subject I often agree with him)- but he is also quite annoyed with Whitney Houston ( maybe because she married a rapper?)but, more puzzling, O'Reilly goes on a big attack on Jennifer Lopez! It is strange - I understand the thing with Whitney and drug abuse (this was obviously written before Rush Limbaugh's news), but why the contempt towards Lopez in particular? Was it her rapper ex-boyfriend? The green dress? Ben Affleck?. Hard to tell what makes JLo particularly despicable in O'Reilly's eyes but not, say, Britney Spears - other than the obvious difference. To use one of Bill's favorite words, I will say that this is really a dopey book - and I don't mean "dopey" in the Limbaugh sense, but just dumb, inconsequential and without much substance. Those who are die-hards O'Reilly fans and are fascinated by anything he has to say will probably enjoy this book, although they are not getting much for their money. But if you are looking for an interesting argument, intellectual challenge, or even humor, you will be dissapointed. On the positive side, this is a short and easy to read book that won't take up much of your time or brain power, which is why I gave it an extra star.
Rating:  Summary: Am I being I-N-S-E-N-S-I-T-I-V-E? Review: This was written BEFORE Bill O' Lielly lost his marbles,& jumped off the boat. He's been spinning in vain ever since. Of all his books,this is the book to read......Anything written post-meltdown just isn't worth your time or money. So to paraphrase O' Lielly, CUT HIS MIC NOW!
Rating:  Summary: O'Reilly Really Loves O'Reilly Review: When I finished this book I realized that there was no way I could love O'Reilly as much as O'Reilly loves O'Reilly. You cannot accept everything he writes as fact. Some good points, however.
Rating:  Summary: Topic list Review: Consider this in addition to what Bill expounds in his books: 1)If 3% of the population in the U.S. controls 97% of the total wealth,then 2-250 million Americans will never achieve the american DREAM over their working lives.Consider that the U.S.poverty rate is $17k per year but the average retail or hospitality worker earns perhaps $15-20k per year.. With wages like this, how can anyone prosper or support a family? 2) There is no minimum accepted standard of living in America..it doesn't matter if you have to work 100 hours per week or live in the most plagued part of the city or have your children attend the worst schools-- just do what is necessary! 3) How many of our leaders in business, politics and religion propose to be devoted to the Bible yet benefit from interest revenue-generating entities, of which interest, or preying on another's misfortune, is not permitted? 4) There is a silent discrimination against single workers without children in America. When parents rightfully exercise their maternity,paternity and family medical leave benefits plus a multitude of other dotted line benefits, who do you think picks up the slack in the workplace but single workers! 5) Women have gained great independence but there is no support with that strength. How many women pay for dates? How many women help support men much as men supported them financially in the past? Were women really that unhappy 50-60 years ago? Were men?? And there is truism that society does not want to face-- men ALWAYS pay for sex in some form. 6) Does the U.S. government really want literacy when you consider that the French Revolution started with a highly literate peasantry whose stomachs were half-full? 7) How much of our domestic and foreign policy genuinely reflect the will of the people? Do our leaders view citizens as sheep to be herded and manipulated? Do the american people tacitly approve of our policies? Do we as americans really care?
Rating:  Summary: Is this book an autobiography? Review: Is this book an autobiography? (For you Fox News viewers: Autobiography means that the author wrote a biography about his own life. It does not mean it's a biography about a cars life.) Reading the title you might be mislead to think he's talking about himself. Check out Al Franken's book "LIES (and the lying liars who tell them.)
Rating:  Summary: He's not that bad for a conservative Review: I like Bill O'Reilly though I consider myself a staunch liberal. He is always using truth and is not blinded by partisan idiotics like Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh. I tink he could tone down the Clinton bashing though. Sure Clinton didn't take many risks or push things forward while president, but hey, while he was in office the economy was great, we weren't locked in a bloodbath war without any help, and we weren't under constant fear. The same cannot be said about our current president.
Rating:  Summary: O'Reilly At His Best Review: I love this guy, and he puts advice and experiences into words the average reader can agree with. I rarely disagree with this guy, and this book was just an example of his talent whether it be writing, or being the host of a show...he is a good writer, with a fantastic sense of humor that really drives his points home.
Rating:  Summary: O'Reilly Rules Review: Just like his other books, this one is classic O'Reilly. Whether he makes you mad or you agree with everything he says, O'Reilly has many valid points about America and it's RULERS. Great Stuff, as usual.
Rating:  Summary: This is great Review: Personally I like Mr. O'Reilly because he does not care if you are the prince of England, because once you enter that No-Spin-Zone, it is all over for you. Mr. O'Reilly hits America with a dose of reality and most of what he has to say in this book is straight forward, and it is not sugar coated like most anchor's out there are. Mr. O'Reilly brings the facts, and what should be done in order to save this society we call America. Good work, Mr. O'Reilly.
Rating:  Summary: Not Impressed Review: I checked this book out at the library out of curiosity because I had seen O'reilly on tv and always wondered how such a rude person could represent a news station. I wasn't impressed any further after reading this book. This book is just more of his close-minded ideas. On tv he cuts people off when they are presenting the facts, this is not accurate news. I go to the news for facts, and I look at peoples records of what they have done. I don't recommend this book unless you are just curious what makes this guy tick.