Rating:  Summary: Informative and Entertaining -- As Always Review: I congratulate Bill on the book "The O'Reilly Factor." I read the book over a recent weekend and found it a super fast and informative read. As always, I enjoyed learning things about him that I didn't know. And I was grateful for the several substantive mentions of "Those Who Trespass," his novel which my company published in 1998. But what I liked the most -- and will probably retain the longest -- were his dissections of the media (funny and penetrating), his exhortation to read BOOKS, and his drug policy recommendations. All three would make excellent magazine articles on their own, and could do our society good if so published. I'm not surprised that the book hit #1 on amazon.com's ratings today (9/14/00). While reading the book in public, a middle-aged woman interrupted me to tell me that her 84-year-old mother, who's wheel-chair bound and has grown more liberal over the years, rearranges meals so that she can catch Bill's show every night. "She doesn't agree with him on much," said the woman of her mother, "but she finds Bill and the show so stimulating." That's so typical of the comments I continue to hear from people who've just discovered the ever-truthful, always entertaining Bill O'Reilly.
Rating:  Summary: O'Reilly Brings a Breath of Fresh Air To His Readers Review: Bill O'Reilly never ceases to amaze me. This book takes the cake. As a college student, I know that the world would be a much better place if my generation would get away from MTV and migrate toward anything O'Reilly is involved in.
Rating:  Summary: A great book that gets down to the essence of how things are Review: I have to admit from the start that I am a Bill O'Reilly fan. No one else on the current American media landscape is as transparently neutral politically as he is. Or stands his ground better when he is challenged. He simply states what he thinks is right and wrong, then defends his point-of-view and more often than not he makes sense. I don't agree with some of his conclusions, but after he is done, I can usually see why he thinks the way he does. He isn't blinded like so many of the other tv talking heads are. It is said that his cable show is the fastest growing in America, well it should be. I watch NO tv except for his hour spot and I tape that to fast forward through the commericals. It's that good! He says our tax system is out-of-control and then demonstrates in the book that we pay over 70% of our income back to the government, and then they waste it or lose it. Look at Haiti, our government "lost" over 1,000,000,000 dollars there. Lost it! A billion vanished and no one in Washington cares. He says Janet Reno is a failure and then cites example after example of her incompetence. He isn't against anyone party or side but isn't for any either. That's what I like. Anyway, this book is really well-written and will be very hotly debtated. O'Reilly has opinions and isn't afraid to put them in print. But no matter what you think about him or his style of reporting, after reading this book you will respect him and I think that is all he cares about. You will be glad you bought this book, and you will probably start taping his show too.
Rating:  Summary: O'Reilly is the greatest person to ever host the Factor Review: Having only speed-read this book, i can only say that it is simply the best book. ever. People who hate stupid people will love this book, and stupid people who try to read it will hate it. Booya!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book. An excellent medicine against liberals bias. Review: This book in an excellent review our reality and a great tool to learn to be more critic with our life's instead of accepting everything that comes from our super liberal media, media that always tells us, not the truth, but what we want to hear in order to keep us with a looser state of opinion. Thanks Bill for your courage
Rating:  Summary: Finally!!! The Truth Review: No matter what the can't-think-for-themseleves democrats have to say, O'Reilly is right down the middle. They are just shell shocked after having a lifetime of Dan Rather trash. The book is exactly what O'Reilly says, "Don't do what I've done." A outstanding account of what those in the elite media don't want you to know. Read this and get caught up on what you've been missing.
Rating:  Summary: You'll laugh, you'll be angry, and you'll learn something Review: Whether commenting on the sexual peccadilloes of our national leaders or decrying the hypocrisy of limousine liberals, Bill O'Reilly has a way of making his point that not only convinces you, but makes you wonder how on earth anyone could believe anything else. Sometimes this is infuriating--that is, whenever I disagree with him--but more often it is thought-provoking and usually quite funny. If you're the sort of person who shouts back at your television, you might find this book a little grating, but everyone else will enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Not all I had expected Review: Perhaps it is because I am such a huge fan of The O'rielly Factor (TV show) that I had such high hopes for this book. I was let down however. We all know O'rielly is a great interviewer, but that doesn't mean his insight into every issue is necessarily correct. I found much of this book to be common sense, and the rest to be purely personal opinion. Which of course is fine if you are looking for O'rielly's opinion on a wide range of issues. If, on the other hand, O'rielly is not your first choice of people to ask for dating advice, then you too may be let down. Don't get me wrong, this is a good read, and O'rielly fans (and probably the haters too) will enjoy reading it. I was hoping for a thorough investigation and report on the American system. What I got was a bunch of opinions on a bunch of issues.
Rating:  Summary: Factor this review.... Review: Bill O'Reilly's new opus is essential reading for all who are interested in truth, justice, and honesty in the media, in our culture, in our everyday lives. This book reads like an extended version of his Fox news program The Oreilly Factor. It is hard hitting, anectdotal, and witty throughout. There is no one in the media more incisive and relentless in his pursuit of the truth and accountability than Bill O'Reilly, and his book vouches convincingly for that assertion.
Rating:  Summary: More words from the king of straight talk. Review: Mr. O'Reilly's TV show has us glued to our sets nightly for his honest, frank and pragmatic views on the culture we share. Now, these thoughts are available in book form, and his penchant for slaughtering every one of our sacred cows continues. He doesn't pick political sides either, heading right up the middle in his efforts to lambaste both Democrats and Republicans with equal venom. Take that Martha Stewart! Take that Bill Clinton! Take that hypocrisy and bipartisanism! There's someone new on the scene, and he's talking loud, and he's telling the truth!