Rating:  Summary: O'REILLY TELLING IT LIKE IT IS Review: "The Good, the Bad, and the Completely Ridiculous in American Life" Bill O'Reilly covers just about every topic you can think of from money to dating and politics. He really gives his opinion and shares with his readers his own experiences on different topics in the book and writes about all the ridiculous things that people do and say. He throws in "RIDICULOUS NOTE", "BACKUP STATS" and "THIS JUST IN" on almost every page, little inserts of different stupid things that are done these days. For example one "RIDICULOUS NOTE" tells about a "Relationship expert, Barbara De'Angelis" who rakes in the money by giving people advice about love, but she is working on her fifth marriage. Or another one was how people buy a $900 fur coat for $600 with plastic thinking they got a bargain, but by the time they pay all the interest on their credit card their bargain cost them $1800.Bill O'Reilly isn't afraid to let you know what he thinks or tell you how things ought to be done. He says exactly what he feels like Clint Eastwood is "the shrewdest actor/director" he's ever met, "NFL Gear: garish caps, jackets and double-knit jerseys are eye pollution" and abortion is "brutal" and "Americans should abhor abortion not champion it", Tattoos really say "Beneath these silly pictures and slogans on my skin, I'm a dunce." People should step up and take responsibility like O'Reilly does in his book and on his show, The O'Reilly Factor.
Rating:  Summary: Informative and Interesting - High-five to Mr. O'Reilly Review: Is he Liberal or Conservative? After reading this book you will still have no clue. However, you will find out that Mr. Bill O'Reilly does have great views on a variety of different topics. He hits on topics from celebrities and how everyone wants to know every second of their lives to topics about sex and how it runs Americans lives these days. I read this book for a class and thought how bored I was going to be. I had watched Mr. O'Reilly on his television show and was not overcome with joy on having to read a book that he had written. Boy, was I mistaken. I could not find myself able to put the book down and I agreed on almost every one of his opinions. Reading this book has given me a lot of different perspectives on life. One example being, parents are living their lives through their children. Giving their child everything they did not have during their own childhood. Taking their children on play dates or buying them those way too expensive toys from name brand stores. Even though I was not excited to read this book, I am glad that I took the time to. This book has allowed me to analyze situations in a different way. This book has also made me enjoy listening to Mr. O'Reilly and I now find myself tuning in to watch is television show. If I could I would give Mr. Bill O'Reilly a giant pat on the back and a high-five for a job well done.
Rating:  Summary: Want some facts? Review: I don't have 3 days to tell you all of oreilly lies so just check the site http://oreilly-sucks.com/
Rating:  Summary: Bill O'Reilly at his best Review: Bill O'Reilly is a great social commentator and is exactly what our country needs to stay together. This book is basically an outline of his personal beliefs and stories from when he was growing up. It does have political commentary as well but be warned that this is NOT strictly a political book. As I mentioned it focuses more on what he beliefs and what he believes is good for America. He is a very funny writer as well. I especially found the chapter, The Dating Factor, to be the most humorous when he describes his first date to the drive-in. If you buy this book expecting a nothing but fact political commentary, then you will be disappointed. Buy this book for what it is, an outline of ideals and beliefs for what America needs, and you will love every second of this delightful read.
Rating:  Summary: Hate monger and bigot! Review: Immediately you realize that this book is just another episode of O'Reilly telling us how great he is, and we're reminded over and over, till we're nauseous. He's been called every name in the book, but never humble. 'O? Really?' spews out self-righteous advice, political commentary, and bigotry. Though the ultra conservative drug addict, Limp-baugh is worse. If you're rich or powerful you can get away with almost anything. Our country is in trouble because too many Americans listen to these hate mongers and bigots. Remember, Christ was a liberal. Guess that's good enough for me. This near-do-well is not looking out for us in the least. Al Franken hit it right on the nose with his book, which isn't politically correct. This book was a waste of time, but it'll make a terrific gag gift to one of my friends for Christmas... and I do mean GAG! Bill O-Really is neither intelligent, nor does he offer any sound advice. He is a self-absorbed egoist who lacks empathy for the hard working class of Americans. The owner of the Fox Network is a close friend of the Bush family, so don't expect anything from them except Total Bias. Buy Al Franken's books instead. Also two excellent government conspiracy books, Alien Rapture and Crossfire.
Rating:  Summary: Like a conversation Review: Mr.O'Reilly wrote his book in a very free style as though he was speaking, so it flowed very well and was easy and enjoyable to read. The things he wrote about Hollywood, the news business, and just life in general confirmed many things that I suspected were true, and he made me aware of some other really ridiculous people and situations. The truth in his very short paragraph about Bill Clinton was chilling. (You'll know it when you see it.) I have only one negative comment--he got a little self-indulgent in the last chapter. His book is well worth reading regardless of your political views, because neither liberals nor conservatives have a lock on the ridiculous. We're all guilty of being a little ridiculous at times, and he points it out with that little gleam in his eye.
Rating:  Summary: Listen up, people!!! Review: If more people would try to listen to O'Reilly and his common sense, no holds barred, shockingly true, revelations, the world would be a better place. This book truly shows the ridiculous and corrupt for what it is....ridiculous and corrupt. I like his honesty, humor, and ability to wade through the mud that most public figures cloud our minds with. He asks the questions that we all should be asking and demanding answers for. - I don't agree with all his views. Yet, I find his insight and knowledge refreshing. I know there is at least one person out there with a solid moral foundation who is not willing to compromise his integrity just to please others. Political correctness goes out the window in favor of truth in this book. I couldn't put it down.
Rating:  Summary: O'Reilly -- Completely Ridiculous Gasbag Review: The biggest difference I can see between Bill O'Reilly and the Big Fat Idiot is that Rush is by his own admission addicted to drugs that have seriously altered his behavior and thinking patters over the years. We don't know what exactly it is that makes O'Reilly so idiotic, but who cares. O'Reilly publishes a lot of books because the same 500 people buy them, then some nut group buys a skid full and gives them away as door stops at the meetings of the local Bund. Please Gasbag O'Reilly. Sue some more people like Franken. Show you've got cojones and stick it out there -- so you can get it cut off like Franken whacked you. You got laughed out of court and we'll all still laughing at your supreme silliness. Get the Nazi Broadcasting folks to back you again ... so you can demonstrate just how ridiculous you are. No content. Just noxious air moving through the rectum from a liar who stands up then and points a finger at someone else.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: I love Bill O'Reilly. He is fastly becoming one of the most influential political guys in the world. Why, you might ask, because he calls it down the line. While other authors like Al Franken, Michael Moore, and Rush Limbaugh give there one sided opinions O'Reilly tells it how it is. No matter political party he will bash you. This book is basicly a continuation of his show hence the name The O'Reilly Factor. If you like his show you should love the book. If your a liberal you probaly won't like it as much as a conservative. Nevertheless it's an interesting book with an interesting and opionion and I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work Bill.
Rating:  Summary: I love HIS WITTY AND REAL REMARKS! Review: I love his show his books everything. We need a guy like him in our society. He is not afraid to tell it like it is. Best show i ever watch was Corruption of the American Child. If you have not seen this yet, you should. Great source if you are doing any paper on negative influence on society today. Excellent!