Rating:  Summary: Shallow, Stupid, Boring and Completely Self-Absorbed Review: If you spend all of your time obsessing about your weight, the amount of cigarettes you smoke per day, the calorie content of every drink, and the best way to let some loser guy get into your bed while an obviously good one gets your cold shoulder, than READ ON. If you have more important concerns, you will hate it. I just wish I could have given it zero stars.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Find For Anyone Who is, or Has Ever Been, Single! Review: I absolutely love this book! Helen Fielding is a witty author who has managed to take the pulse of all single women everywhere and from that, create Bridget Jones. Every one of my friends that have read this feel as if Bridget Jones is their personal story, and you will too!
Rating:  Summary: Lines that make you laugh out loud or cringe...or both! Review: I found BJD hilarious! I suspect that anyone who was offended by this book must be one of those "smug marrieds" who has forgotten what life was like before marriage. Or maybe they haven't forgotten, they just need to pretend they've got it better. Yes, Bridget is a little obsessive and neurotic, but don't we all have our moments? So what if it's not "literature"! I didn't read this book expecting anything other than a good read. I'm more impressed with an author who can create vivid, interesting characters with whom the reader can identify than one who's showing off his or her intellect. Helen Fielding certainly met my criteria for what makes a good book. Believe it not, her portrayal of a British "singleton" wasn't that far removed from the experiences of this Louisiana "singleton". BJD may have been a little exaggerated, but every time I laughed or cringed at one of Bridget's escapades, it was because they brought to mind a few of my own.
Rating:  Summary: Can't Stop Giggling Review: I read this book in the plane while in a long distance flight. Although I boarded alone,I couldn't stop giggling.This book can appeal to every woman all over the world in common.I was so surprised that we women have common feeling even if we live in different society each other. I really feel sympathy toward Bridget. I can see why Bridget feel like those way quite clearly, because I've have same experiences so far. I want to recommend this book to every female friends of mine. And I look forward to read "Part 2" of this book!
Rating:  Summary: Hysterical! This book will brighten anyone's day! Review: I couldn't put this book down! It was great fun to read and I highly recommend to women and men who want to understand the annoying things about being a woman!
Rating:  Summary: A great book for single women Review: I read this book recommended by a female friend, and since then it hasn't stopped in my bookshelf. All my girlfrien love it. The single ones find a lot of things in common with Bridget Jones. It's a great book.
Rating:  Summary: A great Austen-inspired book Review: I just finished reading the fabulous book The Diary of Bridget Jones and could not escape comparing the parralells between it and Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Not only does bridget herself make numerous references to the book but she also seems to be living a nineties version of with Bridget as Elizabeth, Mark as Darcy, Natasha as Eliza Bingley, Pam Jones as both Mrs.Bennet and Lydia, and Daniel as Wickham. Fielding offers a superb recapturing of the same feeling of Austen's classic without an overbearing idea that you have read this before. A superb and absolutely hilarious book overall!
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious, Won't be able to put it down Review: This book was so funny I couldn't put it down. When it was over, I wanted more. This is a book that any woman, any age can relate to. I'm going to recommend it to all my female friends.
Rating:  Summary: 'I thought you said she was thin!' Review: This book is incomparitable to anything else I have ever read. Helen Fielding really is a genius and should go down in history as the women who really did say what she thought. The explosiveness of the book comes from it's reality, and consequent originality. Bridget Jones is the best literary character ever invented, if laughing hurts DO not READ this book, you will be on the floor on several, least fo all when Bridget turns up to a 'Tarts and Vicers' party which has, prior to her knowledge, been down-graded to a normal luncheon. READ, DEVOWER, LAUGH, CRY, LOVE. .................and then read it again!!!! TRULY EXPLOSIVE.
Rating:  Summary: Funny, excessive, but to long... Review: I'm German and we had to read this book in school. Of course it was a great change to Shakespeare Sonnets and dramas (which I actually liked a lot!) Tomorrow I will probably write my graduation test on BJD... Well, what I want to say is straight and simple. This is a great, and amusing book, which is worth reading it by all sexes, of all ages (starting at 16). Of course the figueres are clichés, but that's what so hilarious about the diary. It reminded me of a show called AllyMacBeal - I think it's pretty popular over in the states. There are just two negative aspects I would like to comment on: first the lenght...it's a bit 2 long...and second (and that's why it's too long) it's too transparent and clear. From the first time B. meets Marc, everyone knew that he will be 'the right man!' Okay that's it. Thank you.