Rating:  Summary: Fantasic novel trilogy and great book edition! Review: THE LORD OF THE RINGS is truly a classic trilogy novel. After reading THE HOBBIT, I wanted to know more and had to go and read TLOTR. I have to say that TLOTR was much better than THE HOBBIT! THE HOBBIT is an easier, more fun, and lighter story to read, so THE HOBBIT would be better for younger readers to enjoy. But THE LORD OF THE RINGS is more dark and there is a lot more adventure and action. Plus, it is longer. MUCH longer. Over 1,000 pages total.THE LORD OF THE RINGS is the story of Frodo Baggins, the hobbit who leaves the quiet, peaceful hobbit-life of the Shire and goes off on an incredible journey to destroy the One Ring that his cousin, Bilbo Baggins, had left behind when he disappeared. Frodo must take the Ring across Middle-earth and throw it into the Cracks of Doom. Along for the adventure are Frodo's hobbit friends, Merry, Pippin, and Sam. Gandalf the old, wise wizard guides the way, and the hobbits receive help from Gimli the Dwarf, Legolas the Elf, Boromir of Gondor, and a tall, mysterious stranger named Strider. If Frodo does not destroy the Ring, then the Dark Lord who created the eleven Rings, could get it back and have the power to rule all others. There are three parts to this trilogy: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, THE TWO TOWERS, and THE RETURN OF THE KING. There are six books in the three-part novel. The edition to this novel is pretty good. It contains all three LORD OF THE RINGS novels, and a whole lot more. On the covers, there are pictures from the film trilogy (THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING is in theaters now). Inside the book, you will find notes on the text from the publisher, a foreword to the second edition, and a prologue which has information about Hobbits, Middle-earth, etc. Also included in this edition are the complete appendices and an index. This one volume edition is a must have for all fans of THE LORD OF THE RINGS. It is a great travelling companion, too because instead of dragging along all three books, you can just take this one big one with you. J.R.R. Tolkien has written a fantasy masterpiece. It is a classic and one of the best written novels ever. THE LORD OF THE RINGS tops my list along with the HARRY POTTER series (by J.K. Rowling), as the greatest fantasy stories ever. This novel and book edition is highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: A Book to be Loved Review: I am a high school senior on my way to college, and have always been a fan of fantasy, especially Tolkien. While I could write a review of the actual story, so many people have done it, and in these few words I could add no insight. I first read LOTR when I was 12, and I loved it, but I did not treat the books well. Now that I have grown to truly appreciate beautiful books, I decided to purchase the Collector's Edition of LOTR. It is a beautifully crafted printing - a truly flawless copy of a flawless story. I have checked through the entire book and it has no mistakes. While it is a thing of beauty, do not purchase it to sit on your shelf. It is a book, and thus deserves to be read. In this case, it also deserves to be red. A great gift and a great purchase for yourself. I hope to have the opportunity to pass it on to my children, that they may love and cherish it as I do. It is the only edition of the book that will last that long. A great edition of a great book by a great author; never a greater combination has the earth seen.
Rating:  Summary: The Lord of the Rings Review: This is my favorite book. I highly recommend it to anyone who can read.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing literature. Review: I actually watched the movie "Lord Of The Rings" before ever opening one of Tolkien's books. After seeing how incredible the movie was, I immediatley purchased this book and started reading. I have never seen the likes of Tolkien's writing style before. It is truley amazing how detailed and wonderfully scripted his novels are. For me, reading Lord of The Rings immersed me in Tolkien's Middle Earth. I only wish I discovered his books sooner.
Rating:  Summary: Much Better Than the Illustrated Version Review: I would like to say a few words about this book (the collector's edition) vs. the illustrated version. It seems that a lot of people have commented about the broken type that is in this version. Sure, there is an occasional letter that is not perfectly formed or maybe it has a small break in it. However, I do not believe that it takes anything away from the reading experience. In fact, I think that the photo offset printing gives the book an aged look that goes very well with the leather binding and the light yellow pages. Everything about this book is pleasant to the eye - the binding, the print and the paper. One should also note that the hardback film cover books are also photo offset and they also exhibit a few print quality defects. If you are into perfect "laserjet-like" type then sure, this is not your baby -- you might want to consider the illustrated version. If pictures are a must then again you need the illustrated version. However, I might comment that while the pictures in the illustrated version are very nice they do nothing for me as far as enhancing my reading experience. The collector's edition is my favorite format.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfull Review: This tome is fitting for such a book. Paper back is for the car but this is for the book shelf!!
Rating:  Summary: Poor sample pages Review: I'd like to know why this edition, being sold as the 'Illustrated Edition' has 34 sample pages available on the web site of which NONE show any examples of the illustrations (except the cover) ! I hope you will treat this review as 'contructive criticism'
Rating:  Summary: a beautiful book Review: i love this book. it restores all three lord of the rings books into one volume like it was originally planned to be all those years ago when it was written. there are maps of middle earth inside along with geneology of the hobbits and an alphabet of the language. i got this book for my last birthday but first read it 9 years ago when i was in 9th grade. it's a bit heavy to carry along with 3 other skool books but i managed and believe it or not it actually got me out of trouble once. anyway, i love this book just because of the aesthetic beauty of it. the story inside is wonderful as well. it's the tale of frodo baggins and his inheritance of the One ring from bilbo. it goes from the rolling hills of the shire to the dark shadows of the mountains of mordor. the quest to destroy the ring and frodo is the only person to have the strength to carry out the deed. it's the tale of the nine and their odyssey to mt. doom to throw the ring back from whence it came. this book is filled with danger, battles, orcs, evil spirits, ring wraiths that hunt the bearer, and sauron the original owner of the ring who wants to get it back. a must read for any fan of the hobbit or of the new movie that has come out.
Rating:  Summary: Very Complete Review: I listened to this version (Mind's Eye) years ago when it was on tapes and immediately fell in love with Tolkien's world. Maybe the voice acting and effects aren't the best in the world, but it still immerses you in Middle Earth so you feel like you're there. It is also a much more complete version than any of the others I have heard. I like the fact that it includes the scenes with Old Man Willow, Tom Bombadil, the Barrow Downs, etc. Even some of the scenes which are included in other versions are much more detailed in the Mind's Eye production. For instance my brother tells me that his BBC version brushes quickly past Gandalf's battle with the Balrog, which I think is one of the epic encounters in the books and very vital to the story. The Mind's Eye version does it justice with a detailed description in gripping fashion. If you're looking for a beautiful *sounding* version of LotR, despite many missing scenes, go with the BBC version or better yet buy the DVDs of the new movies when they come out, but if you want a (nearly) complete version that lets you excersise your own imagination, get this one.
Rating:  Summary: Wow. Review: As a lover of J.R.R tolkien for as long as I can remember, I need to stress to EVERYBODY who has not read the story to PLEASE read the story BEFORE you watch the movie. You need to create the pictures of the story in your head or else you won't see anything except for the movie scenes. The Lord of the Rings has so many hidden meanings in it that it is better to see it from your point of view and not Peter Jackson's. Anyway, this hardcover copy is the most well-crafted version that I have ever seen. Not only does it have all three books in one it also has an extensive array of information in the back of the book including; the correct pronouciation of Middle-Earth's language, a timeline of all the events of the third age, some of the main characters' bio that is not mentioned in the book, and a lot more. Yes, this is an extremely expensive book and to tell you the truth I do not own it, (yet). If you don't have a money tree in your backyard, or your name is not Donald Trump, by all means, buy a lesser-expensive copy. To all of you that love good craftsman ship, (or a teenager, like me, that still hasen't put "save" and "money" in the same sentence yet,) buy this copy.