Rating:  Summary: Adventures of a Psychic , a reincarnation of MyGuide, Myself Review: I was so excited to see Sylvia on Montell Williams show that I rushed out that day to buy "Adventures of a Psychic". The book was soo good that I read it in one night. It was so good to know that there is life after death and I will see my loved ones and not be in fear when that day comes. That same week I wanted more of Sylvia's works so I went to our local library and found "My Guide My Self". Boy was I disappointed. Here I found that this book dated 2/90 was the same EXACT book word for word, page for page, as the book I had just gone and paid $13 dollars for. I felt cheated. I don't know if Sylvia realized that we would find this out but I hope she addresses this and I feel an apology is owed to all who have gone to buy this book and then later to find out its the same EXACT book. Shame on you Sylvia!
Rating:  Summary: It changed my life Review: I believe this is the best book I've ever read, yet I haven't read Sylvia new one yet- I hope it's just as good or better! One reader said that he didn't like that she started her own religion. Well, I'm sorry that you think that all people are satisfied with the organized religions of today. That's just not the case. I myself have been searching for what "religion" I honestly belong to because the ones I see around me, I have some major disagreements with. Besides, all religions were started by SOMEBODY. Just because some of the more popular were started hundreds of years ago doean't make any relgion less important to the people who believe in it. How excited I was to see that Sylvia had actually started a religion that fit my beliefs perfectly! I know I'm not alone now, I just wish there was a "church" of hers where I live. Even though we all know we don't have to go to church to go to heaven- I just want to be with others who believe the same as I do. This book gave me so much hope. I know realize that everything that happens to me, happens for a reason. It was a choice that I myself made to perfect my soul. My family relations have been improved greatly due to my attitude after reading this TERRIFIC book!
Rating:  Summary: Great read Review: This book gives us tons of insight of the life of Sylvia Browne. If you are a Sylvia fan and avid reader of her books, this might bore you a bit. I had to skip about 4 seconds because they were literally the same words as in other books. If you've never picked up a Sylvia Browne book, then you will be enlightened.
Rating:  Summary: Impressive, enligtening and powerful Review: If you've ever wondered what it's like to be precognitive, clairvoyant, clairaudiant, or to experience other psychic abilities, Sylvia Browne's ADVENTURE OF A PSYCHIC is a must read. For those who don't believe in psychic phenomena, this book will make the reader a believer. Written in clear concise tones, with undercurrents of both religious philosophy and pragmatism, Browne's ADVENTURE OF A PSYCHIC tells not only the story of Browne's life, but also gives a basic understanding of our purpose on this planet. The voice of Francine, Browne's spirit guide, imparts a basic understanding of the purpose of this "learner's planet" and the dimensions beyond. Despite the ability to help others with her gifts, Browne also makes it clear that her gifts don't guide her own actions; her mistakes create her life lessons just like everyone else. In addition, Browne shares her experience in helping with hauntings, missing persons cases and predictions of various tragedies or world events. Throughout the book, Browne emphasizes that all people have psychic abilities, and offers insight to opening to those innate abilities. Having listened to the abridged, taped version of Sylvia Browne's ADVENTURE OF A PSYCHIC, I assumed I was familiar enough with her story that the book would be a quick skim. While the tape includes inflections and details that might not be in the book that really give the listener a sense of Sylvia Browne the person, the book gives a deeper understanding of her psychic experiences and the lessons she wishes to share. While the text is less personal, less a "conversation", it does contain more detail, to the point that at times the book becomes a teacher. Indeed, both the book and tape must be experienced to fully appreciate all the lessons Browne has to share, as a person and as a professional psychic. Consequently, ADVENTURES OF A PSYCHIC both the book and on tape, as separate experiences, come very highly recommended. Bright Blessings, Weaver
Rating:  Summary: Adventures of a Psychic , a reincarnation of MyGuide, Myself Review: I was so excited to see Sylvia on Montell Williams show that I rushed out that day to buy "Adventures of a Psychic". The book was soo good that I read it in one night. It was so good to know that there is life after death and I will see my loved ones and not be in fear when that day comes. That same week I wanted more of Sylvia's works so I went to our local library and found "My Guide My Self". Boy was I disappointed. Here I found that this book dated 2/90 was the same EXACT book word for word, page for page, as the book I had just gone and paid $13 dollars for. I felt cheated. I don't know if Sylvia realized that we would find this out but I hope she addresses this and I feel an apology is owed to all who have gone to buy this book and then later to find out its the same EXACT book. Shame on you Sylvia!
Rating:  Summary: A skeptic in Arizona, however....... Review: First let me say that I am very skeptical of all religions, especially the organized ones that only seem to want your money and I've been this way since I was a child. Also this last year has been the worst year of my life what with losing 4 family members including my husband and 4 close friends and my job, which was sent to India. So that's my background and mental state when I started reading this book. I liked the way Sylvia was bluntly honest in her describing herself and her life. She didn't make herself look completely wonderful or all-knowing. She seemed very down to earth. I was impressed by the fact that she provides a lot of free help to people. Yes, her personal readings are expensive, way out of my price range especially since I'm still unemployed, but her books are very reasonably priced. This book gave me a lot to think about and more than that, things to hope for. I tend to look at things from a very logical perspective and I've never found a religion that does that. Sylvia gave some very logical explanations that makes me feel somewhat better or at least more understanding of what has happened in my life in the past year. I think I'm able to look to the future with a more positive outlook than before reading this book. I'm still skeptical about religion but maybe not as skeptical about spirituality. But beware, reading this book could be exspensive. I just purchased three more of her books. :-)
Rating:  Summary: Bit overhyped Review: For well-known psychics, business is big money. While I don't decry that anyone ought to be able to make a living at something, charging $750 per reading (as I understand she does now) is a bit much. Shouldn't the most neediest of people, the people who perhaps might most benefit from the reading be charged less? Gee, for $750, I'll tutor you for 3 or four days in physical science and one 100% percent of it will be accurate! My main quarrel with the book is its presentation of heaven. Greek architecture, a constant 78 deg F "climate," no bugs--just "friendly" animals, councils running the show (committees), and research places where scientists do the research for scientists on Earth. Maybe this is Ms. Browne's vision of heaven, but not mine, nor I suspect that of millions of others. The one thing that Ms. Browne is probably correct about, is that heaven exists in a higher set of dimensions with considerably higher frequencies. And it's also likely that as a consequence, a different set of physics probably applies. After that, your vision is probably as good as mine. I'm willing to bet to some extent, what any soul arriving in heaven experiences is going to be somewhat dependent on his or her knowledge and beliefs. Technology (and many other of mankind's activities) continues to wreck the earth despite the goodies it provides for us. The thought that there are people up there in "scientific institutions" busily inventing plasma TVs, the next version of Windows XP (hey, you didn't get the last version right), and better insecticides scares the bejesus out of me. Aren't they teaching enough ecology and themodynamics to you guys up there? (Heck, I'll teach you the basics for free--just "visit" me in the evening when a new episode of West Wing or CSI isn't on.) I do think that some of Ms. Browne's spirituality is appropriate; it just gets carried away some times. In case I'm totally wrong about this, it'll be a relief to know there won't be any roaches or spiders crawling around up there. :)
Rating:  Summary: Adventures? Review: Just like reading Huck Fin.....Only Cosmic What's next Sylvia Browne reality show?
Rating:  Summary: An Introduction to Sylvia and her Gift Review: This is a well-written book telling us about Sylvia and her experiences growing up with her strange "gift." She is a person with whom we can identify. She is a regular girl, no phony attitudes or "hocus-pocus" and she explains herself, her experiences, and her attitudes clearly to the reader. Knowing her roots are composed of a traditional religous heritage, a blend of several religions, and trying to retain those beliefs along with her psychic gifts, we have Sylvia. Interesting read. Evelyn Horan - teacher/counselor/author Jeannie, A Texas Frontier Girl, Books One - Three
Rating:  Summary: It was ok, but not enough Review: It did not give me enough info into her life. I do believe there is some psychic ability in sylvia. I am an open-minded critic. Those who are very critcal, closed minded(a few of the raters of this book) should not read it. There is alot of portraying Sylvia as having a VERY diffcult life, having dealt with alot of situations so that she would understand people, but I did not see , at least in this book alot of tragedy or difficulty. I was shocked to read she saying her mothers death as not a loss, yet I read NOTHING which portrayed her mother as a bad person or evil, and I have bought one of her audio's which said her mother was a dark entity, and I thought "Wow, where did this come from", what did her mother do that was so bad, besides maybe for the first few years of her psychic ability her mother not understanding it or her and that her mother took alot of bath's. So does that mean that if we don't fully understand someone and we take alot of bath's then we are dark entities? I would like a better explaination of this from her, more detail and not so much"Sylvia is facinating and brilliant", there was alot of self-admiration in this book also. But it was ok.