Rating:  Summary: The books view of the family first was interesting. Review: I think the book made a lot of good points. For example, children have so many problems at home that it can make it more difficult for them to concentrate on school. Philosophies I got from this book are: think and listen to our childrens problems, help children realize there is a problem and go from there, and do not let society change you, but you change society.
Rating:  Summary: A Book that every women from 9 to 99 can enjoy. Review: I am an Education Major and this is the book I choose from the list of titles. I was very happy that I did. This is thre kind of book that every women should read. If you are young you will understand where these girls are coming from and if you are older like myself, will can get an insight into where these girls are at and what they are going thur. It would be a great book for a mother to read then give to her daughter. It could be a good starting place for the two of them so as to be at almost the same level of knowing what is going on. It could maybe even help in keeping troubles from stating or getting any worst. Either way they both would have a better understanding of the many things in a young girls life that they have to deal with. So many of the things the young women have to face today, 30 years ago were either unheard of or we were keep from hearing about them unitl we were MUCH older. When I finish this book I will be sending it to my own daughter, who is married and has a baby. She can keep it untill her daughter is older and then she can read it again.
Rating:  Summary: Very Informative Review: I am a college student majoring in elementary education and chose to read this book to present to my class. I really enjoyed how the book showed many different situations that adolescent girls must deal with. There are alot of obstacles that many girls face and until now I was unaware of them. The book was very informative and interesting. I only wish that some facts on adolescent girls could have been placed in the book along with the many great case studies presented. Providing case studies with girls from different backgrounds was great. It proves that there are girls with many different situations, some good and some bad, that need help surviving the problems circling around their lives.
Rating:  Summary: Thank You Review: I've been meaning to read this book for some time and when I saw that it was available on audio-cassette (meaning - I can listen to it in my car on the way to work and back every day) I grabbed it. Wow. As a social worker who works with young women I have to tell anyone who questions what Pipher says to think again. Our culture is girl-poisoning and the roots of it are in sexist thinking and behavior. So many people think that feminism 'happened' in the 1970s and now we are in a post-feminist era. Please, it's needed now more than ever and this book tells us why: eating disorders, low self-esteem, self-injury in adolescent girls who start to be hammered over the head with messages about how they should be, how they should look - or is it - how they shouldn't look. Also recommend a book called "No Fat Chicks". The real work ahead though, I think, lies in working with men (young and old) to defeat their sexist attitudes that do such harm to young women.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful book to help anyone dealing with teenage girls. Review: Whether professional, volunteer, or parent (or all three) this is the the most insightful book I have found. After alot of concern about dieting and clothes obsession, I realized, as I read, just how healthy my own daughter is. I wish I had this book 20 years ago!!
Rating:  Summary: Really helped me to understand the young people in my life. Review: Dr Pipher really helped me to understand the young people in my life. She is right on in her analysis of how society has changed since our boomer childhood days, and in offering positive ways to help with our teens' problems.
Rating:  Summary: It deserves at least 10 stars Review: REVIVING OPHELIA SAVING THE SELVES OF ADOLESCENTE GIRLS. AUTHOR: Mary Pipher, Ph.D. It is a brilliant book that, through using real therapy cases, Mary Pipher, Ph.D. relates different aspects that adolescent girls, ( and boys why not?) go through inside themselves, searching for themselves, changes in their bodies, changes in their environments. The beauty of this book is that it puts a lot of weight on the "consumer life" we are living in this end of century. Television, music, stereotyped girls and boys, drugs, sexuality, that, in such confused minds that see everything greater that it really is, confuses them a lot more. In spite that parents, family problems, divorce, depressions, sexual feeling etceteras. may in fact appear have great influence on adolescents, the cultural "consumerist" environment of the time period we are living and that our children are to see has a much more strong impact and a greater influence on them. One of the aspects I liked the most is that Mary Pipher, Ph.D., is not so pessimistic about these years. Specially if the adolescent has something to attach to, such as sports, reading, a special person, love for music or arts, a good school, an understanding teacher o even friend. I will be looking for each of my kids to get that special thing, so they do not suffer as much through these years. This piece of work is for me a "GUIDE I WILL BE REVIEWING CONSISTENTLY", even thought my older children are two boys aged 9 and 7, and my only girl is 3. Actually, I am regretful that this book did not include boys likewise. However, I am of the belief that I will be reviewing this book quite a lot as my children continue growing, since a lot of the cases could or could not be similar to my cases. But it deserves 10 rather than five stars.
Rating:  Summary: Tough Truth That Can Save Review: As I read some of the other reviews - particularily by those who shun this book - I am shocked that women would reject the good message this book shouts out to parents, teens, teachers, and anyone else who may work with adolescent teen girls. This message is that society and the media push girls to grow into people they were never meant to be in the first place. It is right on the money when it says that girls, when faced with puberty, oftentimes lose their true selves to false selves. Granted, some of you may not have dealt with this "phenomenon" (which I find hard to believe) but MOST of us have and can relate to this book. Rather than reject it, take what you can from it so that you may understand and help others. Becoming overly defensive only makes others question why you would take it so personally if indeed you haven't had to deal with these very issues.
Rating:  Summary: "Reviving Ophelia" is a wonderful book. Review: You have a daughter. You comfort her, you support her, you love her. Then she suddenly has sixteen candles on her birthday cake and she wants to date the lead singer of a punk rock band. You're scared to death. You're afraid to let her out into a world of madness and danger. You don't want her to end up pregnant, on drugs, or without a decent home. You want her to know who she is and to be confident about making choices. Her teen years are supposed to be the best times of her life. Yet, there are so many things you are afraid of. Our society glares with true malevolence at adolescent girls, and Mary Pipher's book about the worlds of adolescent girls lets them know they indeed are never alone-"Reviving Ophelia" is a book of case stories. There is a variety of several subjects, including teen pregnancy, drug abuse, dating violence, family matters, and divorce. The book really is most likely the best book for adolescent girls and their parents that has ever been written. Read it.
Rating:  Summary: Great read for teen girls and their parents! Review: I found the stories and refrences timley and honest. Breaking through the sterio typing of good girl, bad girl, follower. I do workshops and presentations relating to girls issues of the next millinium and have found the influence of womens rights and personal awarness is branching into our younger offspring at an earlier and earlier age. This new age awarness for girls is commonly known as Girl Power! It comes in as many forms as there are girls in the world and gives the confidence back to girls who are at a younger and younger age wanting to be women. Reviving Ophelia reminds us of the common stugels we all face as young women. It also reminds us that our girls also face very diffrent challenges and accomplishments than we and those before us did. I am the mother of three young girls ages 6,8 and 10 and my mother died by a drunk driver when I was 15 so I have no rescource of wisdome to go to. Books like this, magazine articals and talking with other moms of older girls is what gives me the confidence to raise three girls. I highly recomend this for older teens as well as to be used in a language arts class in high shcool or college courses like sociology or a Womens Studies course. I have used this book as a referance for subject material with my workshops and presentations and the discussion that is prompted frorm the book is always very intresting. Very intresting and insightfull, well researched, ethnically and socially balanced. This book is for anyone who has a adolecent girl they love or care for!