Rating:  Summary: Ronald Reagan - An American Legend Review: I first read this book when I was in my early twenties. I was amazed. I couldn't put the book down. Reagan's closest family members and friends like to talk about how the President was "distant" and lived in his own world. This book will let you see the real Ronald Reagan and get inside his world. The stories and insider view of Reagan's life and presidency will amaze and inspire you. You will learn the simple values and principles that have made this man one of the most beloved Presidents in recent history. His charm and sunny disposition come radiating from the pages. The book is excellently written and is an interesting read from start to finish.
Do yourself a favor, buy this book and buy a few copies for people that you really care about. Better yet, buy this book AND buy the audio version so that you can hear the words come off the page and alive with the the voice of "The Gipper."
Ronald Reagan Wisdom...
From time to time we've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?
- Ronald Reagan 1981 First Inaugural Speech
I know in my heart that man is good.
That what is right will always eventually triumph.
And there's purpose and worth to each and every life.
- Ronald Reagan
Rating:  Summary: REAGAN IS THE GREATEST U.S. PRESIDENT OF THE 20TH CENTURY! Review: I have always been a great fan and admirer of President Ronald Reagan! He restored the American pride within us all. As an admirer of President Reagan, I could not resist reading this book. I found it to be very beneficial to my understanding of the greatest U.S. president of my lifetime. This book gives the reader a better understanding of the personal events that shaped the life and career of President Reagan. The book makes Ronald Reagan appear friendly and approachable. It made me long for a return to REAGANOMICS!
Rating:  Summary: Right from the horse's mouth, as they say Review: I read a lot about Presidents, biographies by other authors, administration histories by political scientists and historians, and the memoirs of the presidents themselves. As presidential memoirs go, this one is stylistically slightly above average. I say that mostly because a big chunk of the book consists of diary excerpts with no additional elaboration, whereas when reading autobiographies, I generally prefer past tense narrative that intermittently quotes the author's diary, because this allows for further reflection and explanation by the author.As to the substance in the book itself, it is very interesting, though occasionally cryptic. It sheds a lot of light on Reagan's approach to the world during his tenure in office. I've always considered him a successful, though not a great, president, and reading his words reaffrims that opinion. He saw everything that happened everywhere in the world as a part of the US-Soviet confrontation, and he was very successful at dealing with the Soviets, although he was also lucky in having Gorbachev as his counterpart during his second term - if Chernenko had lived longer, or had he been replaced by another hard-line old guard general secretary, we may still be in the Cold War inspite of Reagan's efforts. But Reagan's success with Soviet relations actually caused problems elsewhere, notably in the Middle East, and to a lesser extent with China, where we single-mindedly attempted to prop up any anti-Soviet regime without thinking about post-Cold War consequences. We are paying the price for that today. Reagan's book illustrates how his mindset influenced policy and why his administration, and he himself, was brilliantly effective in dealing with the Soviets, and with our Western allies, but not so far-sighted or effective in dealing with the rest of the world.
Rating:  Summary: After Lincoln, the Greatest American President We Ever Had! Review: I read this book in a week. Very interesting and fun read. I felt like President Reagan was really talking to me as a friend reading his autobiography. Alhough I was born in 1981, I've always liked Reagan even then when I did not completely understand him or his policies. As a child of the 80's, I felt it was a time of prosperity and great optimism. I'm grateful for what President Reagan did to mold our world by bringing down the Iron Curtain and spreading democracy all over Europe and the former Soviet Union blocs. Not only this, he also restored America again. He showed us that we could be great again and need not settle for mediocrity like Jimmy Carter encouraged us to do. The world is all the better off for us and our children now and in the coming years because a man named Ronald Reagan was president.
Rating:  Summary: An American Hero Review: I was 11 when Ronald Reagan was inaugurated. President Reagan is probably a big reason why I'm a Republican today, despite the best efforts of the teachers in the NYC public school system along with most if not all of my college and law school professors to demonize and/or ridicule the man at every opportunity. This is his story from his perspective and "An American Life" is an interesting and engaging journey through the life of a great man. I read most of this book while traveling and it is as captivating a page-turner as any novel. It's not a dry and boring political memoir. It's a very well-paced story. I particularly enjoyed the chapters on his childhood and the years before he entered politics. The gradual transition from actor to politician is interesting as is the way he went from California Governor to Presidential candidate. Obviously the bulk of the book deals with the eight years in which Ronald Reagan served as our 40th President. You could focus on the domestic issues but the events that led to the end of the Soviet Union and the Cold War are most fascinating. Liberals gleefully mocked Reagan's style and strategy in dealing with the U.S.S.R. but as usual they were without a clue. Sometimes you have to trust your instincts and President Reagan rightfully did just that when he dealt with Gorbachev. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the important role Nancy Reagan played in Ronald Reagan's life. Their enduring love gave him the strength to be a great President. "An American Life" is filled with Reagan's good humor and cheer - an excellent autobiography.
Rating:  Summary: A very readable autobiograpy of a great president Review: In 725 pages Mr. Reagan tells a story of growing up in small town America from humble beginnings thru the presidency. The chapters are relatively short, each one an interesting story and written in a very readable style. This was a page turner for me and I could hardly stop reading. This book is all the more valuable as an autobiography, as Mr. Reagan's present illness set-in shortly after the end of his Presidency so we will likey not to be able to read any further works written by him. He discusses subjects from early politices, the California governorship and affairs of state during his presidency, his meetings with Mr. Gorbachev and its impact on the fall of Communisum in Russian, the tearing down of the Berlin wall and much more. Few people doubt that Mr. Ronald Reagan was indeed a great president, probably one of our greatest. This book will help you understand the man.
Rating:  Summary: The Great Communicator also a Great Story Teller Review: In his autobiography Reagan successfully defends his title as the Great Communicator, an appelation bestowed on him by a vexed liberal media for his incredible ability to communicate to the people. I have read few books more interesting and fun to read than this one. Reagan makes his own life unfold like a novel, and the historical insights are amazing, coming afterall straight from one of probably four presidents who shaped our nation's history the most. My only criticism of the book is some slight redundancy of points and an overreliance on large excerpts of letters towards the end. Letters make wonderful references for writing historical books, but they can be pretty dry themselves. Overall though, a most fantastic read.
Rating:  Summary: Ronaldus Magnus Review: In this 1990 autobiography, ex-President Ronald "Dutch" Reagan tells the story of his life, from his birth in Tampico, Illinois in 1911, to the end of his term as President of the United States in 1988. Moving along with a gentle humor and an unpretentious openness that endeared the "Gipper" to a nation, the book gives the reader a fascinating look into the real life of America's fortieth President. I must admit that I am far from impartial when it comes to President Reagan. I came of age during the Carter malaise, and the advent of Ronald Reagan seemed like a complete rebirth of the country to my young mind. In this wonderful autobiography, Mr. Reagan takes you into his heart and mind, showing you the forces that formed him and the steps he took to form the world. If you do not like President Reagan, then I am confident that you will not like this book - people rarely write autobiographies to expose startling and upsetting facts about themselves. But, if you are a fan of Ronaldus Magnus, then you will LOVE this book. I know I did. I highly recommend this book to everyone!
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful self-account by a great President Review: In today's day and age of instant polls and a feel-good presidency, it's heartening to note that, not long ago there was a President who was moulded into a different sort of leader than many of us have come to expect. Reagan's account of his early life is especially revealing. His strong stand against the attempted Communist take over of Hollywood is a little-known testimony to his moral courage and foresight. When you finish the book, you really understand that he was the right leader at the right time: he won the Cold War, restored pride and confidence to America, and began the process of slowing the role of the Federal government in our daily lives. The wonderful thing is that you come to know this through a simple, matter-of-fact recounting of the truth -- not through some self-puffery, over embellishment of his time in office. This is all Reagan, pure and strong.
Rating:  Summary: what does it take to be a successful leader of the U.S.? Review: It takes a man (or woman) like Ronald Reagan. Reagan speaks to you like you're an old friend, and one cannot help but wonder if he made everyone feel like that throughout his presidency. I agree whole-heartedly with another reviewer in my concurrent disbelief of how this President can possibly be demonized by some (especially law school professors). Reagan takes the reader on a journey into his heart and mind throughout his life, explaining his positions simply along the way. Reagan needs no excuses, and demands no praise. I was only three when Ronnie took office, so this book was essential for my understanding of the man. As I have said in other book reviews, I implore those who would criticize the man to read this book before continuing to do so.