Rating:  Summary: Simply Superb! Review: Simply Superb! I don't think there's anything else to be said about this masterpeice. It may not be one of literature's greatest historical accounts but it certainly is one of the greatest action-packed yet emotionally moving adventures that modern readers will come across. Okay, so readers have to suspend their beleif to accept Taita as a multi-maestro in practically every aspect of life (well, almost every one.) but once you get past that, I guarentee you will not put this book down. The first half is a bit slow but it is very gripping and the 2nd half is very fast paced with superb action sequences awaiting you with almost every half dozen pages or so. Don't listen to the mindless negative reviews here. Read the book and decide if you like it nor not. it's not just your average action-adventure yarn. It's the extrodinary story of one very extrodinary man.It's both emotionally moving (especially the end)and crammed with action. Read it.
Rating:  Summary: Enthralling Review: ...I for one am happy that Wilbur Smith wrote a fantastic story. I'm not going to complain that he described the colour of papyrus wrongly or something equally as trivial and stupid in the book. Now the positive - I read this book in two days. A friend suggested it, and from the first page I couldn't put it down. Smith just has this way of telling a story that involves you. They are just so colourful and expansive. Everyone I know who has read the book loved it. This book restored my faith in quality story telling. Read it.
Rating:  Summary: love, war & ancient egypt Review: great book, have been reading the series - lent it out already a few times to friends and they all liked it. a great read worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: Consider this as fiction, and you're okay... Review: First of all, i must emphasize: THIS IS NOT HISTORICALLY ACCURATE FICTION. Once you come to grips with that, you can accept it as intriguing, and occasionally, romantic fiction. Sure, the technology isn't completely accurate and the characters didn't really exist, but that's what makes it fiction. Taita's genius and perfection do get somewhat annoying, and sometimes the plot seems somewhat farfetched, but all in all this is an entertaining read. Read if you: enjoy the setting of ancient Egypt, like a little romance mixed with historical fiction, like a good adventure Don't read if you: are an Egypt history buff, like pure fiction w/o romance, need completely feasible details.
Rating:  Summary: A Grand tale of Great Proportions Review: This book was a very informative on the culture and ideas of the ancient Egyptians. The book is some what based on true events. Fine archeological discoveries are in the making according to the original source that inspired this book. I thought that the first half of the book was more entertaining than the second half. Lord Inter makes an outstanding sinister character. The plot was realistic since both good and the bad people can bite the dust. Taita the slave is full of virtue, though not without some silly ideas concerning freedom and human anatomy. The front cover features a representation of Tutankhamen and his Queen in case anyone is interested, since the book does not mention it.
Rating:  Summary: A Heartpounding Adventure! Review: A most excellent read indeed! This was my first exposure to Wilbur Smith's work, and I was most impressed. The story is narrarated by Taita, a eunuch slave, during the mysterious 14th dynasty of Egypt. He writes about his adventures, accomplishments, thoughts, and feelings throughout. The battle descriptions are exciting and very believable, Wilbur Smith holds back no detail whatsoever, which means that this may not be the best choice for those who have a qweezy stomach. There are some brutally gory parts, which made my face twist more than a few times. Some of the reviewers have criticized the fact that Taita seems like a superhuman because of his accomplishments in so many diverse fields like astronomy, prophecy, architecture, medicine, engineering, etc. Well, let me say this- He was bought at a young age from the nobelest of the nobles in Egypt, therefore he became familiar with all the mannerisms of the educated, and had access to the educational materials of the time. Also he was a eunuch, so he was not distracted as most men are by raging hormones, etc. Add that to his natural intelligence, and remember that back then people probably tended to exagarate their feats more so than now, and you have a rather believable character. Once again, this is an excellent read, packed with history, action/adventure, and romance. Also check out The Egyptian by Mika Waltari, which is the best ever.
Rating:  Summary: Hail Taita! Review: I first read Wilbur Smith's "Eye of the Tiger" and thought it was a heck of a good read. River God, also by Wilbur Smith will sweep you off your feet! I loved this story, it will stay with me for a long time (probably forever). You'll laugh, cry and thrill to the chase! For anyone interested in ancient Egypt (or antiquity in general), this book is a must. Some readers were put off by the seemingly endless accomplishments by the humble eunuch slave Taita. Let's face it, he had to live by his wits if he was to survive. Today, Taita would be considered a polymath or genius by our standards. Being a eunuch, he is divorced from the drives and desires that keep most men slave to their passions. When reading the ancient historians (i.e., Tacitus, Lucan, Caesar etc.), most aggrandized themselves and their personal roles in history. Just looking at the entire civilization of ancient Egypt you can see how that culture made important contributions to civilization that is with us to this day. The Greeks, Romans and all the great religions owe a big debt to the ancient Eqyptians. A lot of research went in to this story and the probability of the events in the book are very high indeed. In River God, The depecition of politics, greed, lust and the human condition are timeless. To me, the success of a book of this caliber is that it makes you want to read more about the subject matter. Remember this is a work of fiction (the dynastic reign is fictionalized) so sit back, relax and let your imagination soar. When I grow up, I want to be like Taita... Thank you Mr. Smith! p.s., check out Stephen Saylor's books (the Roman Blood series) featuring Gordianus the Finder.
Rating:  Summary: River God Review: I discovered Wilbur Smith by accident and I'm glad I did. His books are totally engrossing. This book is the 1st in a series that will keep you reading long after you should have turned the lights out and gone to bed. His character development is among the best I have read and his descriptions of events and places are vivid. You'd think he was an eyewitness to the events as they unfolded instead of the creator and author. This is probably one of the best books I have read in a long while. When you finsih this, read Warlock.
Rating:  Summary: An epic adventure in a setting of ancient Egypt Review: I have to admit that after 150-200 pages, I couldn't force myself to read any more of this book. It was uninteresting and slow up to that point, and I gave up on it (something I almost never do). However, after getting stuck on the plane without anything else to do, I picked it back up, and began reading again. I'm glad that I did so, because the book was wonderfully entertaining after you get past the first 150-200 pages. I found it interesting that the author based the book on some scrolls found about 20 years ago, and I can't help but wonder how many liberties the author took on history and translation of the scrolls ??? Excellent read!
Rating:  Summary: a romance novel Review: River God is not a historical fiction novel. It is romance pulp that just happens to have the setting of ancient Egypt. The story revealed nothing about life in ancient Egypt. The neutered main character is completely unbelievable with how he is a 'master of ALL trades'. I regret wasting my time on this book.