Rating:  Summary: Dos estrellas por el esfuerzo. Review: La formula de los bestsellersEstos libros están diseñados para ser leídos de una manera rápida, sin tener que poner mucho esfuerzo en ellos, no sé si la formula es valida, aunque en verdad les funciona a muchos escritores para hacer dinero. Tomas una trama, la llenas de intriga , pasión, le pones un tema de moda y luego la escribes de una forma que resulte de fácil lectura, la publicas en paperback y edición de bolsillo, si ya eres famoso como Grhisam, no te olvidas de poner en tu libro un avance del libro que viene para la próxima temporada en la parte posterior y en la parte delantera todo lo bueno que dicen sobre el libro, en cada periódico, incluso en la portada si es el New York Times, le pones una portada impactante en rojo y negro con letras escarlatas o doradas y ahí tienes un bestseller Porque lo hacen? Bueno, la mercadotecnia y el publico que pide mas de lo mismo, que no se cansa de leer literatura barata que en diez años ya nadie recordara Quién estaba en las listas de popularidad hace diez años¡? A quien diablos le importa Ya ese señor hizo lo que iba a hacer, recaudo y se fue, y el ambiente literario seguirá sin él. En cuanto a esta novela, sigue las mismas pautas, que arriba he planteado, sin decirnos nada nuevo sobre nada. Un viejo milloneta amargado que le deja su fortuna a una hija que nunca menciono, parece trama de novela televisiva, cursi hasta mas no poder y totalmente aburrida, pues que se pueda leer fácilmente no deja de hacerla mas aburrida, pues no hay barreras que derrotar,ni nada que descubrir, el autor se encarga de que todo encaje a su tiempo y así no tengas que cansar tu agitada mente de lector voraz de novelas baratas de supermercado o de aeropuerto ; además no puede arriesgarse a perder su publico de lectores pasivos que lo leen todo...... Luis Mendez
Rating:  Summary: A lot of fun then it fizzles Review: This is a good book to read when you have a long plane ride, are going on vacation, or just have some time to kill. The book starts off strong and keeps your interest most of the way through, although the last 100 pages are a bit slow and let you down after the fun read of the first part of the book. The book is still worth the read. The strong point of the book is the main character who is interesting enough to keep you interest even when things slow down at the end. Also, I appreciated the positive and realistic portrayal of religious faith Grisham gives us. Christianity is not glamorized, but it isn't beat up on either like it usually is in books and movies. As a Christian missionary who is moving to Dourados, Brazil, I found this depiction of faith refreshing. This book can be a great read if you let it be what it should: A fun way to pass the time and keep you entertained. Just be ready for the (boring) ending.
Rating:  Summary: Skip this Grisham!! You'll be terrrrribly disappointed! Review: Grisham was one of my favorites, UNTIL The Testament. It seems as if he was looking for a place to stop and just could NOT. There's little action, and I became so sick of life on the Pontinow, I began to itch. Skip this. Skip Street Lawyer also.
Rating:  Summary: Action packed book, but a let-down ending Review: THis is a classig Grisham book - action packed, every page suspenseful, and captures yoru attention within the first 10 pages. There aren't really any cliffhangers here - it's a drama, with a clear good guy and bad guy separation. For me, the ending was a let down - I expected more from Grisham, especially since the dust jacket promises a "surprise ending".
Rating:  Summary: Really liked it Review: I really liked this Grisham even though it was not as suspenseful as some of the others(Pelican Brief is my fav). I liked the characters and hated some of them. I thought the story was interesting and real.
Rating:  Summary: Dear John Re:Missing pages Review: Dear John, I know it was not intentional on your part, but I seem to be missing the ending of this book. I have gone to three bookstores to verify if it is only my edition that is missing the final pages, but to no avail. I refuse to believe that I have read the ending of this book. If so, then you have GOT TO BE CRAZY!! Coming to the end of the book you padded it so much that I could only assume a grand conclusion was coming. Where is it? You had me hooked and craving more and more and then.....nothing. My only advise to you is that if you can't find an ending to a story then don't publish it. I am sure your children can survive on the residuals from your other books and I am sure you didn't need that extra house or yacht. You really disappointed me with this book. I normally reserve story padding to people like Tom clancy who just seems to ramble on and on and thenget back to the story 100 pages later. Don't tell me that you are developing thi swriting style. If so, then change publishers or something. Don't fall into this trap. Regards Disappointed
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Review: The Testament is a wonderful story told by a master storyteller. One of Grisham's most redeeming stories about human nature, The Testament brings to light the sliding scale of the "lesser of two (or more) evils". From the very beginning, there are no bones made about how terrible the entire Phelan family is, from sire to ex-wives, to children, and all the way through to grandchildren. Troy Phelan is an aging tycoon, in a great deal of pain during his last days on earth. His ex-wives, his children, and his grandchildren all await his death, to inherit a piece of his $11 billion empire. Knowing that they have squandered the gifts he has bestowed upon them, and knowing that none of them have proven to be of much worth professionally (or privately), he jerks the rug out from under them by writing and revoking, and writing and revoking, will after will. Finally, he calls them all together to witness what they think will be the final will and testament...but Troy, being the sharp-minded sneaky businessman that has amassed this great wealth - pulls another fast one on them, presenting a holographic will that proves to be his ultimate will and testament, as he commits suicide shortly after signing it. Josh Stafford, Phelan's trusted attorney and closest business advisor, now must find the heretofore unknown heiress that Phelan has given the bulk of his estate to, with nothing but a name and a general idea of who she works for, and where she might be. Josh selects Nate O'Riley to go find Rachel Lane in the Pantanal region of Brazil; Nate just happens to be recovering in a private rehab clinic, and is due to be released soon. In choosing Nate, Josh points Nate towards his destiny, a journey through which Nate will never be the same again - a journey in which he finds redemption for his past. The Testament is one of Grisham's few novels that have positive meaning that one can take away and apply to one's own life. If an addict and alcoholic like Nate can safely traverse the shaky terrain towards sobriety and abstinence, without having to "work the program", then so can we all. Granted, it would be ludicrous to suggest we all go to some jungle region and contract dengue fever or malaria, but there is something there in such a journey - literal or figurative - that will take us to the other side of life that is healthy and whole. Kudos to Grisham for a "happy ending" for the characters in The Testament who strove to improve themselves. Peace Out.
Rating:  Summary: The Testament is Great Review: I have read every book that John Grisham has written thus far. I loved The Testament... I am a Christian and admire and respect John Grisham for broaching the subject of God, Christ, and religion, while writing a great novel which also enlightens us laymen to the greed and (hilarity) of the legal profession. The plot, characters, and story in general kept me turning the pages and staying up late nights to finish... I could not put it down. The only disappointment is that I was hoping for a more happier ending, which I cannot divulge or it would ruin the story for those who have not read it... I was hoping, however, that Nate and Rachel could have shared a future together in the Pantanal. John Grisham does not disappoint.... no matter how many novels he manages to "pump" out, which surprises me in a very positive way. The Testament is proof-positive of his integrity and soul.
Rating:  Summary: Great Grisham Review: I enjoy John Grisham's books and this one does not disappoint. I thought the characters were deep enough to be believeable, the plot was not beyond pluasibility and the whole thing moves along quite nicely making it an easy read. From corporate America to deep rainforest jungles this book gives you a great balance of dysfunctional families, action, mystery, romance and suspence. The book was a lot of fun, but not quite as satisfying as some of Grisham's other works. I would have gone five stars with a couple of minor changes to the resolution of the story.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible letdown Review: After reading books like "The Firm" and "Pelican Brief" I was expecting to be able to pick up any of Grisham's work and be impressed. I must say "The Testament" was a bomb. It might have been a workable plot but the characters were far too weak and dull to sustain it. I kept turning the pages hoping in vain it would get better....unfortunately it never did. Save your money and leave this book on the shelf.