Rating:  Summary: kind of disappionting... Review: I'd just like to say that I waited so long for this book, and it isn't at all what I expected. I'm not saying it's terrible, no star wars book is that bad, it just didn't live up to my expectations and what I thought it should be. It's the worst of the NJO books so far.First and foremost, it was way too short! That goes for the other NJO books as well. Second, where's Han? I think its out of character for him to be moping around in bars while his family's on the edge of death! Third, where's Leia? She hardly appears, and seemingly does nothing in the battle--which leads me to my next point: there was no battle! Corran's fight w/Shedao Shai was painfully short, and so was the rest of the fight in space and on the ground! What was horrifying? Elegos's death for one (you notice that Corran doesn't run to a bar and drown his sorrows like Han does). Ithor's death-very much like Alderaan: a peaceful world destroyed in war. the misspelling of Pelleon's name on page 288: "Gilead" instead of Gilad. The ending--very weak and unresolved. Confusing? very! first, i don't like how Anakin uses two lightsabers and doesn't feel drained at all--maybe its an age thing. The fact the Daeshara'cor fades at death confuses me even more with the Jedi-fade-death thing. It seems as if the plot isn't connected as well as the other books--like the book was written in a hurry. Although these points brought the book down, it wasn't all that bad. I liked seeing Fey'lya in a new light--actually doing something to help rather than complain. I liked that Ganner was awakened and brought into the fact that he's not invicible, and that we see Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin more, although it does seem as if the original characters that made star wars famous are being lost in the shuffle. All in all, I'm already looking forward to the next release in August.
Rating:  Summary: The Best NJO book yet. Review: This was good book overall. It is one of Stackpoles best and the best in the NJO so far. My only problem with it is that Kyp has no depth. I hope Kyp devolps in the later novels.
Rating:  Summary: Best one yet Review: Ruin is the best NJO novel thus far, and IMHO one of the best Star Wars novels, period. Stackpole as usual has done a great job of characterization and character development, while weaving together other parts of the SW universe and telling the story in a compelling fashion. Particular highlights are Corran's story, the Solo children continuing to mature, and some notable guest appearances... along with several dramatic action sequences. Would suggest that readers who have not read the first two NJO books do so; Ruin does stand fairly well on its own but knowledge of the back story is very helpful.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Star Wars Novel Yet Review: This has been the worst Star Wars novel yet; for five reasons: 1. This is Mike Stakpole's final SW novel. 2. The fall of Captain Corran Horn. 3. Sheado Shai is just a rip off of Nom Anor. 4. Colonel Jagged Fel is just a love intrest for Flight Officer Jania Solo. 5. It's really short
Rating:  Summary: Not as good Review: Ruin, the third entry of the NEW JEDI ORDER series, isn't as good as the previous two installations. The primary reason for this is that Siege, which was going to be the middle volume of this would be trilogy, was cancelled, so a lot of ideas and events seemed kind of either forced or unbased at the beginning of this volume. However, a lot of cool stuff did happen in this novel -- more on that later. The biggest problem with this book, and its predecessor Onslaught, was that they tried to say too much. Though the publication of Siege would have helped, it wouldn't have alleviated this problem. The author crams a ton of events from a bunch of characters' POV into a few chapters, and then the book skips a week until the next big battle, skipping what would have been very interesting character building times. Another problem with this too much being said is that certain smaller plotlines were just dropped. I found myself not liking the enemies, the Vong, in this book. Vector Prime set them up extremely well, alien and menacing, and, well...alien in thought and deed. In this book, however, they're still theoretically obsessed with pain, but they're too petty. They've gone from a terrifying unified force to political infighting among their own houses, petty acts of revenge, and are just too human in their thought processes. Most of the characters are in character, but Luke and Corran are still often preachy-speechy, not seemingly able to have a normal conversation, while the Solo kids, for the most part very interesting characters, seem to be mostly just worry-warts in this book. While I wasn't expecting to see Han much, he gets more space than some other characters -- Leia is sadly neglected, as is the new and potentially very good character Danni Quee. However, because it's Stackpole, of course we get our myriad of familiar characters. Good old Kapp Dendo's back, Pelleaon, Chiss, Baron Fel is mentioned. Which leads me to another interesting but completely undeveloped character -- Fel's son, Jag. The action isn't as good as in the other books -- in fact, most of the big battle isn't seen from the POV of the fighters, but is instead outlined after the fact. While there are a few very neat sequences, such as the destruction of the "grand," and the defoliation, most of the action scenes aren't what we've come to expect from Stackpole either. And he effectively makes it impossible for any other author to use his character Corran also. Still, while the writing isn't so great, a lot of very interesting and important events occur, and a lot of neat insights and foresights are made. While this book doesn't have that "great book" feeling to it, it is definitely worth reading as one of the more "important" in the Star Wars line. I'll give it 3.5/5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: It looks GRRRRRRREAT! Review: I have been looking forward to this book for a long time and know I can't be dissappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Not bad at all Review: All in all, the book is pretty good. Some of the ideas and plots are a little farfetched even for Star Wars but I guess that just adds to the flavor. Michael Stackpole is an aewsome author, so I like pretty much like everything he writes. In the book, you get to know some of the not-as-well-know characters and I think that is waht makes it most interesting. This is definitley a must have if you are a Star Wars fan.
Rating:  Summary: Just finished it and... Review: ... It's tough to say how I feel. I feel both happy but sad at the same time. I will only tell the bad. I feel bad for Corran, Jaina and all of the Ithorians. But I feel the book was good and a great for Mike Stackpole to go out. And By the way WHERE THE HELL IS HAN?
Rating:  Summary: longer please Review: Stackpole is definately a great Star Wars author but this book has been a little predictable. I feel like i waited an eternity for the book to come out and to find it wasd only 292 pages was a dissappointment. i would love to see more developement of the jedi. who are they, why are they of one side or the other. Jacen has almost become a whiner, Anikan and Jaina have solid conflict and direction, maybe Jacen will be the next "Luke." i love the book but i wanted a more adult oriented read not a short stepping stone or set up book for the rest of the story. i am also wanting more Han Solo i need him and his struggle needs to be dealt with but i guess i have to wait till august for that.
Rating:  Summary: "Hindsight criticism is always based on fantasy foresight" Review: For those who felt the two most recent books were short on the snap-hiss of lightsabers and personal combat/conflict, you will find all you want in this latest installment. Shedao Shai leads the Yuuzhan Vong against the New Republic and a somewhat surprising ally, and brings with him all the Vong are known for. This book continues to take place in the very dark abyss R. A. Salvatore dropped this Star Wars experience into with Vector Prime. The sadomasochism of the Vong is more intense this time around, and I am tiring of it. Evil always was portrayed in Star Wars with much left to the imagination; the terror suggested was always magnified by the imagination of the reader. When an interrogation droid hovered into Princess Leia's cell in Episode 4 we were not present for whatever took place. In Episode 5 we only see the very beginning of Han Solo's treatment at the hand of Vader, a scream, and then a scene change. Now we have the Vong's "Embrace Of Pain" that is pure horror story not science fiction. The level to which it is used stretches credibility. There is nothing clever about it, it's just graphic. I lost track of the number of beheadings and the ways they were described. The other offensive and defensive organic weapons of the Vong continue to fascinate, but there novelty is wearing thin. A new fighter on the side of the Republic is more interesting this time around. And the best part is you will never guess who leads the squadron. Michael Stackpole continues as one of the best writers in the Star Wars Universe. The story he shares here is very well told, and strikes a balance between the times spent on Jedi Reflection, the Senate Politics, and the action that always has been the heart of Star Wars. There are more bits of comment that suggest other changes are coming. I am beginning to wonder if when this latest cycle of books has ended will it coincide with the final movie? George Lucas has said there will be no 3rd trilogy from him and he will not allow someone else to continue the story. These books may be the final trilogy, and they may bring everything full circle. Just a thought. I do have one personal hope that someone will take a lightsaber to Borsk Fey'lya. I realize I may be slipping to the darker side, but if there in an appropriate place for this sentiment, it is within this series. A very good read that all fans should enjoy.