Rating:  Summary: All By Himself Review: MISSING, YOUNG BOY IN CANADIAN WILDERNESS. Brian's Winter is a great book, written by a great author, known as Gary Paulsen. A thirteen-year-old boy named Brian Robeson is visiting his dad in Canada for the summer. When he gets on a plane to go there, the pilot had a heart attack and died. That meant that Brian had to take over and try to land the plane in a safe place somewhere in the wilderness. Brian is faced with many different challenges to overcome to survive in the wilderness. Brian is left with nothing, no food, clean water, shelter only a hatchet. Brian wants to survive this crash very badly, so he gets to work thinking about how he can build a shelter and more weapons. Will Brian be able to survive scorching heat and freezing cold weather? Brian's Winter was a very fun and great book to read because of the way the author, Gary Paulsen writes. Gary Paulsen writes with very great detail to make the readers feel like they are Brian. Brian's Winter is filled with many chapters that at the end there is a cliffhanger to make you want to keep reading. Once you begin to read this book, you do not want to put it down because of how interesting it is, and there's no good spot to stop at. After reading this book, I feel that I have learned a little something about what it would be like to be stranded in the wilderness for over 3 months with almost nothing. I also feel that Gary Paulsen wrote this book to explain to readers what it would be like to be in the wilderness and that its not as easy as some people think. Gary Paulsen picked a very good setting for this book because of the different weather changes. Canada has very hot summers and very cold winters with many feet of snow. Brian Robeson is also a very good person to be in this position because he is a very intelligent person. Over all I would rate this book at about a 9 because it's a great book and it gets the reader thinking about what's going on and what's going to happen. I would definitely recommend this book to other people because its very descriptive and it's a very easy book to understand and to read.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Survival Review: A young teenager named Brian Robenson was stranded in Canada's wilderness from a plane crash that he survived. Brian only had a few pieces of equipment to use to survive. Brian had many downfalls in his adventure but somehow he survived living on moose, deer, rabbits, and any other prey he can hunt down. During Brian's Winter Brian learned about many skills he didn't know he had. You'd be surprised by how Brian survived on his small equipment. Through these 94 days in the wilderness. Brian has learned a new way of life that is hard to survive in and to not give up still thinking there is something out there to live for (his father or his mother). Brian's Winter is a very interesting book I recommend to everyone that likes survival books and all that good stuff. Survival books are very interesting like this one but this book is part of a survival series. Other books that Gary Paulson has written that go along with this book are Hatchet, The River. If you like reading books that where the characters in the story don't quit and just keep trying hard then you will definitely like this book, I guarantee it. Before my teacher introduced me to this book I never heard of it before. When I read the first few chapters I got addicted to the story that is why I believe that anyone would like it.
Rating:  Summary: brian's accomplishments Review: Gary Paulsen has done it again he brought you the first survival book Hatchet, and he did it again with the sequel to it called Brian's Winter. It is again Brian Robeson surviving in the Canadian wilderness and only using his instincts to survive. But there is a twist in this book it doesn't take place in the Summer or Fall, it takes place in the Winter. During this book Brian is attacked, frozen, and he learns the real keys to survival. Luckily for him at the end of the first book he got the survival pack, which contained many things he used during the book brains winter. Brian in the book is attacked by a moose, bear, skunk and other things he is pushed to the edge but he pushes back, he over comes obstacles that we wouldn't dream of doing like eating grub and bugs he also eats moose, deer, birds, and rabbit. If you want an action packed survival book you found your book If your looking for a good interesting survival book this is it. It has everything you need in a book plus survival tips, I would recommend this to any interested survival reader. I would say that this is the best survival book I have read yet. If you are interested in this book I would say read Hatchet first or at least the summary of Hatchet, it will help you understand the book Brian's Winter much better than just reading it first. But you will still catch on because this writer is pretty good a describing what happened in the first book. If I was to rate this novel from 1-10 I would give this book an 8 just on how much detail there is in it. I think Gary Paulsen put a lot of time in this novel.
Rating:  Summary: Brians winter Review: Brian's winter is about a boy that got stuck in Canada because his airplane when down. He has to survive there and eat food to live. He makes a Bowen arrow out of rocks and rabbit skins. He made a home out of wood, mud, and twigs. He killed a moose, deer, and rabbit. I thing this book is very good it had a lot of thing that I was entertained in. the book is good for every one that like the woods and out side. I will give this book a 10 because it was interested to throw the book.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: Brian's Winter is about a boy named brian who is stranded in the Canadian wilderness during the winter. Brian had to try and survive until someone found him or he could find his way out. I liked this book because it had action in it. I didn't like this book because it didn't give enough action. I would recommend this book if you are the kind of person who likes action and books on surviving. This book is good for kids in the sixth maybe even the fifth because they can experience a survival book and what it is like to be lost in the wilderness. I gave this book a 4 out of 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review Review: The Book Brian's Winter was an overall good read. It was about a boy named Brian who was stranded in the middle of a remote location in Canada after his plane crashed in the summer. It picks up where the previous award winning novel; Hatchet by Gary Paulsen left off. Instead of summer, the book takes place in the season of fall quickly changing to winter. During the novel, he encounters many new things, such as bears, skunks, and a moose or two. Brian had to rely on his hunting skills from the past and his overall common sense knowledge to survive the harsh upcoming winter. There were many good aspects of this book. The main aspect of the book that I liked about it was the exciting action and good elements of surprise through out every chapter. I think that there were really no bad aspects of this particular novel. Although, I might say the one thing that I didn't like about it was the ending. It kind of just sounded a little too plain. If there were never any sort of epilogue, you would probably be left wondering what really happens in the end. If you like the outdoors, hunting, or just would like to explore a different of genre of books that you are not use to. I suggest that you go pick up yourself a copy of Brian's Winter. I most likely rate this book an 3.5-4 out of 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: My Brains Winter Review Review: This novel Brian's Winter is about a stranded boy, named Brian, who is surviving in the many challenges of the wilderness. The book starts out in springtime where Brian is learning a lot about nature. Brian has been in the woods for a very long time since the plane crash and has encountered many animals and was surviving well, until winter came. Winter struck with surprise to Brian and he had to figure out how to survive. Brian learns many survival skills and tips through the time he was in the woods and taught me many things, too. This book was easy to understand and it gave you many different kinds of pictures to visualize in your head. This book was not only a book to just read and never read again, this book taught me many different kinds of skills that I would use if I were stranded in the wilderness. Also this book gets even better if you re-read the chapters that you already read because sometimes there is some really cool things that you missed. One of the skills that I learned is how you can through dirt over a fire and make coals. Another one is that you can use flint rock to make fire and bowen arrows. Some dislikes that I had about the book was on how Gary Paulsen used a couple of old-time-words that no one ever would use today. Besides that I think that this is a great book and I would rate it a 5 out of 5 because I thought that this book was very good and I could never put it down. I always wanted to keep reading ahead.
Rating:  Summary: Brians Winter Review: Brian's Winter is about a 13-year-old boy named Brian. He was on a plane when it crashed. The pilot died, and Brian managed to survive. Soon he found himself abandoned in the Canadian wilderness. He realized that he's going to have to build a shelter and start hunting in order to survive. The winter comes with its freezing temperatures and furry snow, but Brian is ready for the cold days and nights as never before. I liked the book, because it includes a lot of tips of survival, and because it describes such an adventurous event. The only thing that didn't satisfy me in this book was the ending, which by the way you'll have to read the book to find out. I felt interested in the chapters ahead through out the novel, that's why I would rate this book an 8/10.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: I really loved this book, it's exciting, thrilling, and very good. I was probably mostly interested in this book because, I like archery, and I'm interested in the concept of surviving in the wilderness. I'm not going to give away any part of this book because when you read it, it has you wondering of whats going to happen. Will Brian get saved? Or will he suffer to the end? He needs something more to survive, something he can count on to keep him going. He will need new equipment, better weapons, and food! The little hut won't do it, he has to improve, make better choices, and must live with what he's got! I think everybody should read this book - what would happen if Brian hadn't got rescued!
Rating:  Summary: brians winter Review: brian was cool. he was a tough man. he would not give up. he only had a hatchet. he was the only one there you should read this book. it would be good.i didnt like but you might. my friend liked it to.