Rating:  Summary: Brians Winter Review: Brain's Winter Essay The novel brains winter the author Gary Paulsen produces an absolute masterpiece. Brian who is a thirteen-year-old boy has crashed while going to Canada to visit his father. He has already survived the summer and part of fall but will he survive winter. It is the sequel to Hatchet and it gives an awesome description of the struggles in the winter. For example Brain needed to use his survival skills like to hunt animals, build a shelter, and provide warmth. Brian had gone through the summer trying to survive and stay alive, and he had thought that it was tough. But now he is in a whole new world. It is below freezing temperatures, food is harder to hunt in the snow, and he had to kill more animals for food plus to use the skin to stay warm. As he moves along winter and he gets used to the surrounding he hunts larger animals such as moose and deer. One day he went after a moose and was attacked and hurt in the process of killing it. So he tried smaller game and he then killed a deer. He thought the deer had suffered to much and he felt bad for it. But later in the book he found that when the moose was attacked by the pack of wolves he was no longer in sorrow for the deer. The deer compared to the moose was so much quicker. The wolves attacked and practically ate it alive while the moose struggles to get away. In the first couple chapters of the book Brian was a little unprepared for the winter. He had felt better now that he had the survival pack with the food, lighter, pots, and sleeping bag. He had felt the cold air and the leaves falling off the trees, but he had ignored all the signs that nature was telling him. He then noticed he could see his breath and ice started to form around the lake. He then realized that it was going to change fast and he needed to catch up to be ready and prepared. Brian had had a good idea of what the winter would be like. He had gotten many ideas from nature to make his shelter warmer and to have better chances of surviving this winter. For example, Brian had seen the beavers making a house by packing mud around the outside of their shelter and so Brian had done the same. He then realized that he now had a warmer shelter so all he had to do was make a little fire to make it warm. Brian also later in the book discovered that he needed snowshoes to stay above the snow. He had got this idea from the rabbits because in the winter the rabbits adapted by growing bigger feet to get away from predators easier. I would rate this book a four out of five stars because it is a nonstop action book. It is a great book for the outdoorsy type of person and it is a heart pounding descriptions such as both the moose killings. And the author has one of the best ending out of all the books I've ever read. But you have to read it to find that out.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: Ninety - four days in the wilderness, forty degree below zero temperature, no food, and you're alone without any contact to the outside world. Now you know how Brian Robeson felt in the novel Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen. Brian was on his way to see he father in Canada when his four-passenger plane crashed into a lake because of the pilot's sudden heart attack. Brian has to now face winter and the challenges of the woods. He has to hunt for food, make his own clothing to stay warm and learn how to be friend the animals. Not that tough you say? Gary Paulsen is a survival writer, he wrote the Hatchet series and Brian's Winter is book number two out of the three book series. I think he wrote this book to entertain but also to teach us some survival tips incase we ever get in that sort of a situation. I agree with the message that he sends out through his book because of the fact that he knows what he's doing. The best part of the book in my opinion was the climax because it was written so well, he is good at writing suspenseful situations. The main character was of course, Brian Robeson, a thirteen-year-old boy who was just like any of us, regular kid. I wouldn't want him to help me out if I crashed in the wilderness because he wasn't sure of what he was doing a lot. He didn't know much, like how to build a fire or how to make arrowheads. I think I could survive on my own, but I would like to just stay home and not be stranded in the woods, thank you very much! If I could change one thing in this book to make it perfect I would have to change the main character. I didn't like the way Brian did things. I would have made the main character about six-teen years old and kind of muscular. That way he could do more like kill moose with just a spear. I would rate this book a 4 out of 5 because it was very good. I liked how everything went except there were some slow parts but it was over all good. Finally I would have to recommend this book to everyone. I would hope everyone would read the whole series and learn how to live in the wilderness. So if your ever stranded, whip out your novel of Brain's Winter and you should be fine.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: Brian's WinterTo begin with, the novel Brian's Winter took place in the wilderness. The author of this book is Gary Paulsen. Brian Robeson got stranded in the wilderness all by himself. Brian had to learn how to survive on his own. He had a hatchet and a gun and some other survival gear, but most of it he had made on his own. I think the purpose of Gary Paulsen writing this novel was to mostly give survival tips on how to survive in the wilderness on your own. I also believe he wrote this novel to tell people that if a teenager can survive in the wilderness all alone, anyone can. The literary element that I think Gary Paulsen handled best is the setting, because in this novel you can actually see what is happening. The main character in Brian's Winter is Brian Robeson. If I got stranded in the wilderness all by myself and got one wish to bring someone into the wilderness with me I would bring Brian, because he lived in the wilderness a very long time, and he knows what to do in every kind of situation. In Brian's Winter there are really no ways in which I disliked the book. I would rate Brian's Winter a five out of five because it describes every little detail. I would definitely recommend this book to a friend, because it is easy to comprehend, and you can easily visualize what is happening in the novel. In conclusion, I feel that Brian's Winter was a very interesting book. I had gotten a lot interesting survival tips while reading this book. If I had ever got lost in the wilderness I would pretty much know what to do now that I had read this novel.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: Brian's Winter Gary Paulsen is the author of Brian's Winter. I believe that Gary's purpose for writing this novel was to show some survival skill that could help anyone in the wilderness. Also, Gary gives good descriptions of the settings, characters, and as you read his book you'll feel as if you're in it to. Brian was the main character in the story. He does not really know how to survive, but in time he learns. Brian also learns to hunt, cook, listen to nature, and construct several things in the wild. At the beginning of the story Brian is home sick and lonely, but as he gets used to all the nature he calls it home and wants to stay. I would rate this book a four out of five. Because it was well written and kept my interest through the whole book. I would highly recommend this book to any one who has the slightest bit of interest in nature. Though that is only two reasons of why you should read this book there are several other that you could find when you read Brian's Winter.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: Brian's Winter Have you ever been camping? You were out in the wilderness, but it was controlled. Brian in "Brian's Winter" was trapped in the wilderness. With only his common sense he had to survive. I will be telling you what I thought of the novel. Gary Paulsen wrote this novel called "Brian's Winter". If you liked Hatchet you will love this book. Gary wrote this as a sequel to tell people what would have happened if Brian had to live through the winter. His descriptions of the setting were so in depth that you could see it in your mind. Brian was a young teenager maybe 14 years old. He didn't have a lot of common sense about the wilderness, but he learned quickly. He really did not know things that everyone should know about the wilderness. He was a teen so what can you expect. I thought this book was okay not a great book, but a good read. I gave it a 3 out of five. I didn't like the main character, but I liked the way the book was told. It was very descriptive.
Rating:  Summary: Gary Paulsen Brians Winter Review: Brains winter The story Brains Winter is a continuation to Hatchet. This is about a boy in his teen years and he is in a plane crash. The pilot suffers a heart attack and he is left on his own. That is Hatchet and Brian's winter starts when the charter is about two moths in the forest. The story is starting in fall and the main character Brian has established a fort and learned many things like how to hunt. Nevertheless, the winter is approaching so he has to prepare. Here are my personal reviews for this book so enjoy. The author of this story is Gary Paulsen and he is known for writing realistic adventure books. I think the purpose of this book is to show how difficult it is to survive in the wilderness. I enjoy this book because the author wrote this book as if I was there. I agree with his message that is how difficult it is to survive. I think that Gary Paulsen did an extordenary job writing this book. I only wish that this had turned into a movie. Moving on the best thing in this book is the plot and the setting. He described every think so clearly. This has to be the best adventure book besides Hatchet. The main character in this story is Brian Robinson. He starts living in the wilderness with some experience. However, winter is approaching. If I had to be stuck on a deserted island, I would not pick him. Brian has experience but has not lived in the cold. Lastly, Brian's Winter has been less then perfect in many ways. To begin with there were too little fights with animals and I would like to see more inventions. However, to me Brian had his life too easy. He did not really have a lot of trouble. To him every thing came too easy
Rating:  Summary: Brians Winter Review: BRIAN'S WINTER This book was the sequel to Hatchet and Gary wrote both of these books Paulsen. This paper will tell you about a brief summary of the book along with some other things like how the main character developed along the book and what survival skills he had learned. I think the authors message was to make sure if you were ever in the wilderness that you had the survival skills that bran had learned or it could be that when your on a camping trip to make sure that you don't eat the wrong berries, don't mess with bears and other kinds of things like that. Now to start out with is a brief summary of this book. First off this kid named Brian was going to see his dad in Canada and was taking a plane over there. So everything started out fine until they were flying over this lake and the guy that was flying him he all of a sudden he had a heart attack and croaked in the middle of the flight and was dead. So Brian took over the plane and crashed into the lake down below. And Brian had all of these things like a hatchet, matches and other important things like that. So he had all these things to do and live on his own until he was rescued. Sorry I cannot tell you the rest of it you will have to go and find out by yourself. The second thing in how the main character developed in this story. So how he developed in this story is in the beginning he was all soft and didn't know much about the wilderness but since he was in the wilderness he found out a lot of things like how to hunt eat berries that yoyo could an could not eat. Then he built his own cabin and fires so I think now you can say he got stronger from this experience. Finally I would have to give this book a rating of a 7 out of 10 because I think the ending could have been a little better then it was. But overall I think this book would have to be the best next to Romeo and Juliet. But like I said I gave you a brief summary, the character developed, and a rating.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review Review: In this paper I will talk about the book Brian's Winter. Gary Paulsen wrote this book. I will talk about the purpose of the book, a literary element that I think was handled the best, the main character, if I think the book was less than perfect, and I will also rate this book on the scale from one to five. In this paragraph I will talk about the purpose of this book, and if I agree with the message that he is trying to send out to us. The purpose of this book is to entertain us, and also to teach us some ways to survive in the wilderness. Yes, I do agree with the message of this book because it gives us some ideas of how to survive in the wilderness. In this paragraph I will talk about which literary element that I think was handled the best, and who the main character was and if I would want him to help me survive in the wilderness. I think that he handled the writing style the best because when I read the book I could picture in my head what is happening in the book. The main character was Brian Robeson. I would not want him in the wilderness with me because I think that he would be annoying. In this paragraph I will talk the rating of the book, and if I would recommend this book to a friend. I think that this book was very well written. I would rate this book a three out of five because there were some boring parts in the book. I would also recommend this book to a friend because I feel that it was a good book. In conclusion I would recommend this book to everyone who likes to read adventure books. This book was good because when I read it I learned some very important survival tips. It was also a book where there were only some boring parts, and it was very entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Survival Review: This Story is about a 13-year old boy named Brian that was in a plane crash. He was the only person to survive. he had to survive in the Canadian forests by himself through the winter until he was rescued. He had to make a shelter , hunt, and start fires. He had nothing to do for fun. This is the story of how he survives. Brian's Winter is a sequel to the Hatchet. In Hatchet Brian is rescued at the end of the summer. This story assumes that he was not rescued, but now must face winter alone. I really liked this book because you read about a boy who has no clue what he is doing and he learns how to survive. I thought it was interesting to see how Brian learned to hunt, cook food and maked clothing for himself. I would recommend this book for boys age 10 to 13.
Rating:  Summary: One of my all-time favorites. Review: This book is the sequel to Hatchet. Back in the woods with Brian. Now he must prepare for his worst nightmare, WINTER IS COMING!!! He doesn't know what to do. So he starts to catch rabbits and make vests, coats, boots to keep warm. He makes a better shelter to survive the blizzardous winter, etc. Buy the sequel to the hit, HATCHET!