Rating:  Summary: my favorite book Review: I enjoyed Brian's Winter because it was a surprise all the way through the book. My favorite part of the book is when Brian thought that he heard gunfire, but it was only the tree sap freezing up and making the trees explode.This book is the continuation of a book called Hatchet, as if he had not been rescued though. This book is about a boy named Brian Robeson who is stranded in the wilderness with his only tool, his hatchet. He survives by making a war bow to kill for food and protecting himself. By the kills, he turns the hides into coats, boots, and laces, which keeps him warm in the winter. He also found pots in the tail of the plane that he boiled his meat and water in. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes surprises. This book can be for all ages. Anyone who wants to learn a little about the wilderness this is a perfect book for you. This is my favorite book. Anyone who read the first one and thought it left you hanging Brian's Winter tells you what would happen if didn't get rescued or saved before the harsh winter came.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's winter Review: In the book Brian's Winter by Gray Phaulson, a 13 year old boy gets stuck on an island by himself; after a plane crash. This book is interesting and exciting. Brian Robeson had just been in a plane crash on his way to visit his father. When the plane crash Robeson ended up on the Canadian wilderness by stranded himself. Robeson soon learned how to live on his own and survive by himself. Using his intelligence, his instincts, and the only weapon he had a hatchet. As he lives through the fall he learns to make a fort to live in, a bow and arrowheads. He also leaned how to hunt. Robeson lived trough the fall he also found more weapons, lighters, pots and pans. He found all of his tools on the plane that he had crashed in. Robeson lived every day of his life as an adventure by hunting and gathering wood for fires. Robeson also faced times where it would be really cold and rain all day so it was hard to find dried wood. He knew that his deadliest fear was coming soon. One major strength of this novel is that it is interesting. This story is interesting because you get to see how he learns to adapt to his environment by, making things that helps him survive. Some of those things where weapons such as a bow and arrow heads. Some other things that were interesting was the way he learned how to hunt, and cook his food. It was also interesting how he made a fort and his clothing. Another strength of this book is that it is exciting. This book was exciting because Robeson gets in really tight spots where he cheats death. Another reason why this book is exciting is because; he lives every day of his life that he is stranded as in adventure. Those are just some of this novels major strength. In other words this novel was interesting and exciting because of what Robeson does and what happens to him. This book would be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Rating:  Summary: I Would Say This Book Is A Five Star Winner And Two Thumbes Review: Brian's Winter is by Gary Paulsen. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat. It did it with me. It is a book you will love and may even make you want to read it again. This is an exciting story of Brian, a thirteen year old boy who gets lost in the woods after his plane goes down. You are probably wondering how a thirteen year old boy survives in the wilderness all by himself. Well he gets charged by a moose, meets a skunk, who he names Betty, and gets attacked by a bear. Keep in mind that the only thing he has to defend him elf with is an ax and a club. People that enjoy being outdoors will enjoy this tale. You will like the ending to the story. Brian has few tricks of the trade like he smokes the meat he gets. He is very independent. As you can see that this is a great book to read.
Rating:  Summary: Brians winter Review: Brian winter is a good book. Brian is thirteen years old he was in an airplane crash in Canada. Brian is the only one who survived. He only has a first aid kit, broken gun, hatchet and matches. He has to survive on his own he needs a shelter and some clothes and food. He also needs to make stronger weapons. If he wants to hunt bigger game. He uses the entire animal he doesn't let anything go to waste. He uses animal skin to make clothing and also to make some of his weapons. He finds lots of friends and enemies one of his friends is Betty the skunk. She protected Brian from the bear attack and Brian is very great full. Brain feels very lonely and he is starting to forget his family. He also miss them very much. What I liked most the book had lot of very good descriptions of the forest and how he was breathing and how he liked the animals. Also this book can help you learn how to survive in the wilderness. As well in some of the chapter the author keep you hanging at the end of the chapter. The part that I thought was cool was when the trees were exploding and Brian thought it was gunshots. I thought this book was good I would rate it 4 out of 5 because the book was exiting and suspenseful. Like in this one chapter Brian got attached by a bear the author said that the bear was thrashing throw out the cave (brains home). There was also a part were Brian killed an animal and then the author made it so visual he said that the arrow went threw the moose then the moose started to charge at him and then Brian pulled out his lance and the moose ran on to it and the moose hit heads with Brian and Brian passed out.I thought the author did a good job on this book.
Rating:  Summary: Brian's Winter Review: Gary Paulsen brings alive the beautiful and amazing wilderness in the mind's of his readers, in Brian's Winter. The novel is about a thirteen-years old boy, who struggles to survive in the Canadians woods. As the summer is turning into fall, and fall into winter he has to start preparing for the cold and brutal time of the year. He's been stuck in the wilderness for 54 days, but is he ready for the winter that he's never experienced before? As the temperatures and nature begin to change, Brian realizes that winter is coming. He knows that the main things that he needs to stay alive are clothes, food, water, and a good shelter. He also needs a fire to keep his warm. He makes new weapons, which help him in hunting larger animals. He uses animal skins to make clothes and meat to keep him from starving. One of the survival tips that Brian learns is to never waste anything, because it might be useful later. I really like this novel, because it's a very educating and also adventurous story. I also liked the way this novel was written by Gary Paulsen. He gives good description and details for his readers, which helped me with better understanding of book. I would rate this book 8 out of 10, because I liked most parts of the book. If you like action and survival stories, I recommend that you check out Brian's Winter, by Gary Paulsen.
Rating:  Summary: Cold Winter Review: Brian a thirteen year old boy doing what he can to survive the harsh winter in the strange new world. Brian was going to visit his dad in Canada for the summer. But a tragic freak accident happened causing the plane to go down in the middle of nowhere. Brian was the only one to survive the crash. He also had survived the summer. But Fall had come and he started to notice the changes slowly. Brian knew he had to get ready for winter because he did not know how bad of a winter would come. So he started to gather supplies he would need. First Brian made things that would help him survive the winter cold. Next, he learned on how to fight and survive in the new this new world. Third, Brian learned the many skills he would need to know. Finally, Brian learned what he was truly capable of doing. Still in the winter stranded alone Brian must still survive. Gary Paulsen had done an excellent job with this story. He made it seem very realistic. He was very descriptive and wrote very well. But he could have made the story a little longer and some of the chapters a little longer. Gray had made Brain an excellent character; he hadn't made him very good mentally. But other wise Brian was a well-written character. I would rate it at 4 stars out of 4, because of how well written the story was and how well written Brian was. This Story would be recommended for everyone and a lot of beginner readers, because how well written the plot was. Also for the beginner readers it's good because how descriptive Gray Paulsen had been for the story.
Rating:  Summary: Surviving the wild Review: Martynas Preisaits 04/26/04 B-4 Surviving the wild Imagine yourself in the wilderness, alone with no one else to take care of you, what would you do? How would you live and survive? A boy trapped in the wilderness w ho needed to live alone for more than six months. He ignored the signs the nature was showing him and when he finally understood that what is coming soon will decide if he will live or die. Slowly winter came and he got ready by making new weapons. His lance and also his war bow. He gathered a lot of meat by killing a moose and a dear. He used the entire hide to make clothes and a rug to sleep on when the ground gets cold. He discovered that when it gets really cold trees start to explode, he also learned that wolves are hunters who hunt in gangs and how terrible it is to see a prey being eaten alive! A cruel winter is coming and he still has a lot to do to prepare for it. This was good and had told about how to survive and live in the wilderness. The dislikes in the book that were found are that there should have been more intensity and the part where he was twice attacked by a bear and did not get hurt from him, sounded unreal. Brian was a good person for the story and I liked that the person who had no experiences in surviving in the Canadian wilderness, he was also not some big guy who could fights those big animals. I always thought that if someone gets lost in the wilderness, he or she has just a slim chance of surviving. This time Brian had to survive the winter, which seemed unreal. The last thing that I disliked about the story was the survival pack. He had a lighter, a rope, sleeping bag, pots to make food and some other stuff that helped him survive. I would rate this book an 8 out of 10 because it could have had some more action and some more adventure. It was a lot easier for him with all the other stuff he had. I would recommend this book to everyone who is going to fly a plane to their relatives or friends in places they have never been and also to everyone else who likes to travel.
Rating:  Summary: A Boy Trying to Survive Review: A Young Boy Trying to Survive A young thirteen-year-old boy named Brian is lost in the Canadian Wilderness, do you think he will make it out alive? In this novel Brian does not know any survival skills. The survival skills that he must learn are hunting skills, clothing, and recognizing nature=s signal. I will tell you more about these skills in my next paragrgh. The hunting skills that he learns are walk quietly towards the animal, be 15-20 feet away from the animal, and do not make any noises. He learns that he needs bigger and more powerful weapons, so he makes a new bow and arrow and a spear. Brian makes a lot of clothing. The kinds of clothing he makes are a vest with hood and sleeves, gloves, and snowshoes. The way Brian gets his materials are by killing rabbits, killing a moose, and taking strings from his sleeping bag. When Brian put on his snow shoes it made him a better hunter. Last of all he recognizes natures signals. He learns that he should pay attention to the weather. He didn't=t bother about the weather but when winter came he started to pay attention. Personal Reviews This was a very good book because it was descriptive and I never wanted to stop reading it. There was a very descriptive part when Brian went hunting for the deer, it was talking about how you could only see Brian=s head, and it said that he was walking very slowly towards it and then shot it. I would give this book a 9 out of 10. There was only two parts why I did not like this book was kind of to short and because it ended too short. Brian was smart and a patient kid, because he knew how to make a bow and arrow, a spear, and all kinds of clothing. He is a patient kid because he never gave up on the idea that he would make it out alive.
Rating:  Summary: Cold Winter Review: Cold Winter Brian a thirteen year old boy doing what he can to survive the harsh winter in the strange new world. Brian was going to visit his dad in Canada for the summer. But a tragic freak accident happened causing the plane to go down in the middle of nowhere. Brian was the only one to survive the crash. He also had survived the summer. But Fall had come and he started to notice the changes slowly. Brian knew he had to get ready for winter because he did not know how bad of a winter would come. So he started to gather supplies he would need. First Brian made things that would help him survive the winter cold. Next, he learned on how to fight and survive in the new this new world. Third, Brian learned the many skills he would need to know. Finally, Brian learned what he was truly capable of doing. Still in the winter stranded alone Brian must still survive. Gary Paulsen had done an excellent job with this story. He made it seem very realistic. He was very descriptive and wrote very well. But he could have made the story a little longer and some of the chapters a little longer. Gray had made Brain an excellent character; he hadn't made him very good mentally. But other wise Brian was a well-written character. I would rate it at 4 stars out of 4, because of how well written the story was and how well written Brian was. This Story would be recommended for everyone and a lot of beginner readers, because how well written the plot was. Also for the beginner readers it's good because how descriptive Gray Paulsen had been for the story.
Rating:  Summary: My response Review: When I had first read the first few chapters of Brian's winter, I had known this book was going to be a story that I would remember for the rest of my life and maybe even use some of Brian's skill that I would learn later on in the book. When I had realized what he was going through all by him self and his life on the line, I realized what if that was me. I had realized what he had to do to stay alive such as kill many animals for food, or build a sturdy shelter for protection, and some animal skin for warmth. I really liked this book because it taught me a lot of useful things and the author helped me picture a lot of images in my head. I disliked how the author put some words that I did not understand. Brian was the main character that showed skill, different attitudes, and ways of survival. I would rate this book a 9 out of 10 because I really liked this book. I would recommend this book for all ages, I think it is a great book and it deserves to be honored.