Rating:  Summary: Your soul won't let you put this book down until completed Review: "17 Lies That Are Holding You Back & the Truth That Will Set You Free" speaks directly to the innermost part of the soul. The part that hides from the light in anonymity, yet when uncovered, screams with the pain of a cold awakening.Fear and doubt are mortal enemies to entrepreneurs who put it all on the line in pursuit of our passions. This book helps us understand how we plant the seeds of fear and doubt, and how to deal with them. As I read the heading of each new chapter, many times I thought, "This will have no relevance to me." I was wrong each time. I've told myself every single one of those lies, and I often had to explore every stage of my life to find a lies' occurrence. You'll gobble up each chapter like it is your last meal, but it is really a wakeup call about the fears and doubts we all train ourselves to believe in. Reading about each lie opened up old wounds, but started the healing process. When you read this book, you'll feel empowered to change your life, and pursue your dreams, because nothing is really holding you back but yourself. It's an enlightenment in the most powerful sense. I started reading the book the evening of the day it arrived, and did not put it down until I was finished, around 1:30am. I almost wish there were 30 lies, or even 300, but the 17 identified by Mr. Chandler hit home with force. I am a better man having read this book, and I'm going after my dreams with renewed vigor.
Rating:  Summary: do not waste your time and money Review: Steve Chandler has a good point when he stresses that our experiences are limited by some beliefs that we acquire in social life. However, despite the fact that each chapter begins with an example of a lie (belief) that any of us would recognize as a damage to us, Chandler does not develop the idea coherently. So, every chapter begins well and seems interesting, but as you keep reading, you will soon notice that his main and unique point is that the belief in question is a lie because it's a lie! If you don't believe me, try to read any of the chapters in a bookstore before you but it. You will thank me someday.
Rating:  Summary: A good adjunct to therapy Review: While 17 Lies didn't teach ME anything new (I've been around a while and have worked out a lot of the kinks in my psyche by now), I can't wait to recommend it to a friend of mine who just told me that after a 20 year marriage, he's on the market again and figures he has one year to learn all the psychological stuff he missed along the way. One year isn't enough, I told him, but with the help of 17 Lies, he just might make some real progress. I fully agree with Chandler's philosophy of taking charge of your own life. I think too many people are unaware of the options they DO have and tend to focus on the areas where little change is possible. All in all, a good readable overview of the self-motivational field for anyone who feels stuck and frustrated.
Rating:  Summary: Taking Charge of Your Life Review: Steve Chandler has hit the mark with "17 Lies That are Holding You Back & the Truth that Will Set You Free." This is a gem of a book. The reading of the book is easy; ah, but putting Chandler's advice into practice is the hard part. His views are all the more credible because he cites how he had to apply these same principles in his own life. Frequently Chandler reminds us of things that seem familiar, but which we have effectively hidden from our selves. Much of the book may prompt a response from the reader of, "Oh yeah, I already know that." Then the insight comes and you recognize that the real challenge is one of implementing these steps. If you are prepared to make some changes, do some growing and be happy, get your hands on this book and follow through on what you read.
Rating:  Summary: The Freeing Power of Truth Review: This book came as a gift to me in more ways than one. First, I was sent this copy in the mail for free. Second, it is a book that reminded me who I really am. Third, this book drew my attention into places of my heart, my mind, and my soul only words of truth have the capacity to enter. I found this book very refreshing to my soul. As I read it, I found myself agreeing and smiling in my heart. It is an inspirational book filled with wisdom that will set you free. It is filled with power in that the author reminds us of 17 Universal Truths which are part of the collective conscious awareness residing in us all. I hope all who read this book will find in it a reflection of their own soul speaking to them. Samuel Oliver, author of, What the Dying Teach Us: Lessons on Living.
Rating:  Summary: Superb Stuff Review: I loved this book! I read it at a time of intense stress in my life, and found the concepts more than relevant to my situation. As a diabetic who has long harboured deep feelings of inferiority, I found the section "There's something wrong with me!" absolutely life-changing. My professional life has taken on a new glow, and for the first time in 5 years I am having fun working. I'm sure that some of these ideas are available elsewhere BUT not in such a readable format. And it's the readability that makes the book so useful.
Rating:  Summary: Not Steve Chandler, but you; only you can set yourself free! Review: Apart from all his truth-mongering, I suppose Steve Chandler would agree readily enough with this review's title: the message in his latest book speaks lucidly to that effect; only the message is not Steve Chandler's alone. Let me say first that I do not find fault in his 17 LIES (however seemingly arbitrary the number seventeen, he has done his commercial advertising research!), only that it could probably have been written more effectively in 17 pages; it certainly has been done far better in the works of such writers as Idries Shah, G.I. Gurdjieff, Abraham Maslow and Colin Wilson. Steve Chandler, a sort of "COLIN WILSON Light (TM)," seems to suffer from the "conversion syndrome" of those who have hit bottom in their uneasy past, but who eventually found religion and now must give all the world their TV movie script. The sensitive reader will also perceive an underlying angst in this book. (For example, the author seems to beg justification when he is compelled to write that the Oklahoma City Bomber should be sentenced by vigilantes to death by letter bombing.) I suspect that the ever-burgeoning self-help/New Age/pop psychology markets will be able to palm off 17 LIES on a great number of readers, for it is indeed a friendly book, one I was able to finish reading in fourty-five minutes to an hour. The book could conceivably provide the impetus to a small percentage of those readers to seek out other works which deliver the same message in a more effective form. Although it flounders under the notion that sincere, good intentions and actions are quite enough to effect a cure for all our daily hurt, 17 LIES is a good beginning for those who are not yet sure they are ready to go beyond their present programming - the decent sort of people who starve for real change but who have never before willingly offered the truly significant sacrifices that alone can fuel it.
Rating:  Summary: Truth Kickstarter for those who seek more! Review: I found this cozy book about 17 lies to be really helpful in transforming my life. I liked the simplicity of Steve Chandler's writing style. I would highly recommend this book for other corporate trainers or people wanting to transform their lives. You'll find yourself discovering which linguistical lies you've been communicating to yourself at a deep level and bringing a smirk of a smile to your face because you've seen yourself inside each truth. 17 ways of exploring your inner darkness. Great book for those thinkers, philosophers and students of life. If you like zen-type of stories, you'll find enlightenment in this tome. It's good writing from an experienced trainer, and motivatonal speaker.
Rating:  Summary: Eye opener Review: This is a very inspiring book and I loved the author's tell it like it is attitude. I really related to this book and started some of these life changing strategies already. This is a must read for conscious living. Thank you for sharing your insight.
Rating:  Summary: 17 Lies that are holding you back Review: In my life, just in most, exists someone who puts limits on what I do and what I accomplish. This person prevents me from trying new things, tells me that I can't do it, tells me I'm too old, settled in my ways, not capable. I look at that person - me - in the mirror every day. No other person in my life has ever been so likely to blame, offer excuses and discourage me from trying new things than myself. It has taken me a long time to understand that most of the limitations I have encountered in my life were ones that I put on myself. Steve Chandler's book "17 Lies That Are Holding You Back and The Truth That Will Set You Free" talks about the lies we tell ourselves, the excuses we give for not truly living. For example, one chapter is titled "Winning the Lottery Would Solve Everything." The reality is that people are just as happy before winning the lottery as after. Their mindset and attitude on life is what crated and sustained their happiness, not money or the things it buys. The cliche says that money can't buy happiness. One reason cliches exist is that they are truths that people recognize on some level. I recommend this book if you are wondering why you haven't accomplished what you want in life. I think you will recognize yourself in some of the chapters and hear the echoes of the things you have said to yourself all your life, put-downs you would never say to a friend. Maybe in the end, you can learn to be a friend to yourself.