Rating:  Summary: Cool Book...cover to cover Review: And that Mike Rodges is one cool dude. Makes me want to read all the Op Centers I missed.
Rating:  Summary: Bad and Getting Worse! Review: Another bad book with Tom Clancy's name on it. That is starting to be the norm these days. Striker is supposed to capture a radical cleric who is creating problems between India and Pakistan. The story never gets off the ground. The plot is awful. The action is actually ho hum. The characters even fall short. But remember,that is the style with Tom Clancy books these days. A very dissapointing book. I sincerely think that Tom Clancy should fire his ghostwriter.
Rating:  Summary: Worst book I have read in a looooooong time Review: As a big fan of Clancy, this book was a biiiiiig disappointment. I wish Clancy had put more research( actually more research is wrong, more is a comparitive word and is used to compare to finite entities, but here the entity called research was zero, so I should say some research)before writing the novel.
Rating:  Summary: Could have been better Review: As an avvid Clancy fan who has read every book he has had to offer, I was enthusiastic about his latest Op Center, especially after how he left off the last one. This story however, didnt move me and seemed to have left a bad taste in my mouth. This could be because it seems that Mr. Clancy has begun to farm out his noteriety with this series to anyone who can write a book. Plot seemed real enough, just how he brought us to it and how he lft us at the end is something I hope he will fix in future writings of this series.
Rating:  Summary: Great Beach Reading! A page turner. Review: Great book to toss in your bag and read at the beach. Line of Control is written in an easy-going style and you can read it in one or two sittings (I didn't want to put it down!) This is my second Op Center book (I also read Divide and Conquer) and now I want to go back and start at the beginning of the series. What I enjoy most is getting to know the characters and seeing how they react in different crisis situations. Obviously the author has researched the technical and political stuff but it never gets too heavy.
Rating:  Summary: Once I put it down, I could not pick it up Review: I bought this book before heading out on an airline flight, and found I could not read more than half of it before skipping to the end. Absolutely terrible writing, lacking focus or direction. I'm at a loss as to where all these 5-star reviews came from, surely these are not Tom Clancy's regular readers. Clancy can write, the licensed "author" of this book cannot. As another reviewer said, it unfolded like a contract being filled out. This book alone has ensured I will avoid any "created by" series by Tom Clancy, how could he let this one out of the barn door? A big disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Tom Clancy is being "used" Review: I can write a better one if Tom Clancy gives me the go ahead! Dumb scenario and dumb plot. I bought it because of the misleading backplane (something about an "Islamic Clergy" in Pakistan arousing anti-India sentiments and OP-Center sending in "striker" to fix that.) The author loses the plot and sends "striker" to map Pakistani Nuclear deployment instead and thereafter they are redirected to protect a Pakistani terrorist team that is running from a division of misguided Indian Infranty Division ordered by a lunatic Indian Defence minister who wants to trigger, according to the author the following scenarios: India and Pakistan nuking each other to hell, Somehow China takes this opportunity to nuke both India and Taiwan to hell. US nukes China to hell because of what it just did to Taiwan and **nuclear fallout** in Japan. And Russia just nukes everyone anyway considering it has a stockpile to use up that is reaching an expiration date..
Rating:  Summary: Huh? Review: I could be alone in this. I too bought this book prior to an airline flight, and I based my purchase on two things. One, I thought Tom Clancy had something to do with it. And two, the blurb on the back seemed interesting. Well, I was mislead on both counts. I cannot for the life of me spot any influence from Tom Clancy - there is truly something wrong in the literary world when the cover of the book has the author in the smallest letters at the bottom. And where on earth was this supposed cleric stirring up rebellion against India? And when did the border "erupt" between India and Pakistan? Did I miss something? I'll admit I'm not the most observant reader in the world, but I'm sure I'd notice what the blurb claimed to be the major plots of the book. In the end, an okay book. Considering it wasn't by Tom Clancy. I certainly would not recommend it though, and I'd be making sure I am equipped with decent reading material before I take my next flight.
Rating:  Summary: A New Visit by Old Friends Review: I enjoyed this latest of the Op-Center series. The India/Pakiston conflict is one of the hottest international topics right now. I couldn't put the book down. The details are more than enough for the average reader (so I'm not a military general). I think the continuing development of the characters throughout the Op-Center series, combined with a new and exciting international twist, is what makes the books so enjoyable. It was good to reconnect with old friends for a new adventure. Then ending was a little ambiguous as to the future. I hope we continue to see our comrades in action in future Op-Center books.
Rating:  Summary: Worst book ever!! Review: I only borrowed this book because it said Tom Clancy on it and I was shocked to see that he had actually not written this book.
This is the most inaccurate Tom Clancy book I have ever read:
- Srinagar is not 25 miles away from the Line of Control
- India has a 'no first use' policy meaning that it will not be the first one to use nuclear weapons (this means the 'SFF' had no excuse to blow up anything)
- There is nothing like the 'naga naga' snake in India
- Cell phones do not work in Kargil or any city in Kashmir except Srinagar