Rating:  Summary: This is a "How To" on building a LOUSY relationship Review: If you want a DECENT relationship - read Susan Page's "If I'm So Wonderful Why am I Still Single".
The Rules will get you what you deserve:
1. A relationship built on manipuilation and lies.
2. A guy who wants you because he believes he can't get you. This is someone you think will be a good person in a committed relationship?
This book proves that there are women who can be just as big a jerk as a man can be.
Rating:  Summary: A guide to adolescent sexuality Review: First, this book is not completely bad. I like women who appreciate and like themselves. I think it's healthy that women develop that before they get into a relationship--while I'm an emotionally supportive guy, it's not my job to be an emotional crutch. Emotionally secure women are more attractive anyway.
That said, I do object to the way of thinking about men that lurks in the background of this book. The basic idea here is that men are brutes that need to be manipulated into loyalty and faithfulness.
This does not describe me. It does describe some friends of mine. While I like these friends, and I have fun with them, I would not recommend that a woman I cared about date them. If a Rules Girl has the power to tame them, great, but they'll never have what they could with me. Because what's worse is that this implies that the largest possibility for man-woman relations is what's available from manipulation and domination. It rests upon mythic archetypes (Beauty and the Beast, specifically). While we should acknowledge mythic archetypes as deeply ingrained parts of ourselves, we should not hand our romantic relations (or any other relations) over to those archetypes.
The women's movement and the rearrangement of sexual relations is a genuine step forward towards a rational, post mythic sexuality. The recent confusion and uproar in our relations this has caused is only there because we are still working out what rational sexuality would look like. It will take a few more generations at minimum to complete that.
The recent confusion and uproar in our relations is also uncomfortable. Women don't like it, and some may want to return to the mythic past. I understand that. Moving forward takes courage. For women who don't have the courage to step into the unfamiliar and invent new ways of relating, this book is great. It's a cookbook: you should read it, go find your Beast, redeem him with your love, and live happily ever after. Have a great time.
But for women who have the courage to meet men as equals, and establish an authentic, loving relationship based on mutual respect and engagement, don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: Rules? No. A way of life? Maybe... Review: I was urged to read this book from a solid "Rules" girl, despite my inclinations against playing relationship "games." What I found was a deeply insightful book about the way which our mothers and grandmothers survived, how we should utilize their experience, and--most importantly, how we should build on it. Ms. Fein and Ms. Schneider urge their readers (presumably women) to be busy, to have full lives, and to be content with life and with oneself. Rule Number One is by far the most important, and, if followed to exactness, all the others are simply elaborations on the first. To "be a creature unlike any other" is to have the self-love and compassion for others that becomes the essence the authors claim men fall in love with. What makes "The Rules" such a contradiction is that the premise of self-love and involvement in life must be laid down as "The Rules," that it must be a "religion." This is not true. To do so, I believe, is to be untrue to oneself and manipulative of others. If a woman's life were full of joy, she would not need to solicit a man's attention; she'd remember within ten minutes of a phone conversation that she has a batch of cookies in the oven to cool or next morning's 9 a.m. meeting agenda to plan--and she would get off the phone because she really has "a million things to do." Other Rules, such as Accentuate the Positive and Be Easy to Live With are easily followed when one has self-acceptance and the serendipity that such a disposition allows. Unfortunately, other of Ms. Fein and Ms. Schneider's suggestions, such as accepting The Rules verbatim (and not discussing them with contradicting friends or one's therapist) and purposefully leaving the phone off the hook question the respect for the individual and the quest for an honest life that I feel a woman who is a "creature unlike any other" would truly embrace. Rather, they play up the fears of The Other--"Men are the enemy," Ms. Fein and Ms. Schneider warn us--and leave no room for the magnamity that distinguishes us as human, "Love Only Those Who Love You." The chase and the challenge are important--and crucial--for one does not want for what one has in abundance, but this can be done without deceit and augmenting the insecurities of men. Be a creature unlike any other, I say, and the rest will surely follow
Rating:  Summary: The Rules: Setting Boundaries for Self-Respect Review: While a few of the rules seem somewhat silly to me, I must say that
most of them focus on a woman living her life, setting boundaries, and expecting
to be treated with respect. I can't argue with that logic. The
main point of the "Rules" is that you can't force or coerce a
man to be interested in you. He either is or he isn't. And how
you conduct yourself within a dating relationship determines to
what degree you will get that respect. The Rules are boundaries around dating behavior. This book is about developing
self-esteem, and not waiting around for a man. The Rules also
serve to sift those with romantic intentions from the rest. The message
within is "cut to the chase, and yes, the chase *is* important!"
Rating:  Summary: This guy likes it Review: I like this book and I'll tell you why in a minute; but first picture this....it's the year 2196 and a lone survivor of a lost civilization is combing the Northwest coastline (near where Seattle & Amazon Books once existed). He is desperately searching the sand and tide for a piece of a puzzle....what happened to these people? How did they die off? Suddenly he steps on something hidden in the surf. He frantically brushes the algae away and reads....The Rules!
But seriously, I do like this book because it serves a function. It matches the women living in the past with the men living in the past. Thus, cleaning up the sea a bit for the rest of us fish.
Rating:  Summary: I hope this is just a joke Review: This is probably one of the biggest wastes of paper I have come across in a long time. What are we
trying to do here? Any book that promises to catch "Mr. Right" obviously doesn't believe in having
any type of real, intimate relationship. Especially not if Mr. Right is captured by denying that equality is an essential in any relationship. I think it is a sad statement of society when this book is on the bestseller's list and people are actually buying into this.
Please, Ms. Fein, don't waste our trees or our time.
Rating:  Summary: wonderful! women are too nice - this evens the field! Review: Women have been told for the last few decades that they must give up the one thing that gave them some protection against male domination - their feminine wiles!
This book not only enourages women to get back in touch with their feminine side, but clues women into why they will only lose if they attempt to imitate men's patterns inthe dating world. It takes two to tango - most guys want their tango partners to be a woman! It reminds him that he is a man - and takes some of the guilt off his shoulders!
Read it -- even if you do not agree - by the time you have finished this book you will have learned more than in one hour of soul searching counselling or girl talk
Rating:  Summary: It brought my boyfriend and I closer together! Review: I first heard about the "Rules" in a Newsweek article aboutCarolyn Bessette-Kennedy, who was reported to have followedthem. Out of curiosity, I bought the book and tried them out with my boyfriend of six years (see Rule 26). Immediately, he became more attentive and eager to spend time with me; the fact that he now knows about them hasn't diminished their impact. Moreover, my life outside our relationship has grown more fulfilling because I'm not wasting time obsessing about the relationship. The "Rules" worked for me!
Rating:  Summary: Terific and true Review: This book drives the PC crowd nuts because the authors really understand human nature and male/female interaction. You may not like it, but it works! Reminds women and men alike of how much our lives and destiny are biologically determined. Even if you don't like the theory, you have to admit it works. Men -- read this too, either for self-defense or to remind yourself of what you have been missing in the women you know. Give a copy to your girlfriend, or find a girl who has read this book and taken it to heart. Rejoice all lovers of free speech and expression that this could be published and be so successful
Rating:  Summary: Another book on how to trap a man. How original, Mrs. Fein. Review: I just recently met a girl I liked very much. It was very hard for me to call her to ask her out in the first place. She never returned my calls, which really hurt, and obviously I did not keep calling someone who gave the impression of not even liking me (most girls at least call back and say no thanks, let's just be friends, etc). Now I find out that she was interested, but she wouldn't call me back because she was a "rules" girl (which I had no clue of what that meant until someone explained). I found your stupid book at the store and read through it (in a nutshell its about playing games with the very person a girl should be honest with). She still doesn't have a boyfriend, and now I'm dating someone else who had the decency to return my calls. Your advice caused nothing but hurt to both of us, luckily we are friends now (after an honest conversation...advice omitted in your book). Thanks a lot for making dating even harder than it already is, Mrs. Fein