Rating:  Summary: Like it or not, The Rules work! Review: Yes I know people say this book is "demeaning" and "immature" and so on... but whether we like it or not, The Rules do work! Being too open, and too affectionate is just going to scare guys away... take it from someone who knows! This book teaches women to respect themselves and their valuable time and teaches them to demand respect from the men they date! I have to admit I don't like some of the rules, especially the one about not returning calls (or emails, as the case may be) but I there are guys I write to online and when I don't email them for a few days I find that they are contacting me (emailing me) several times (if they're interested)! :) So ladies please just follow the advice outlined here... take it from me... being too open just gets you burned! The Rules are not about hiding your true self, the way I see it is that you are your true self, just tone it down a bit! :) P.S. Rules Girls can email me at medazzaland1014@hotmail.com :)
Rating:  Summary: If only it were better written... Review: I love the basic ideas behind this book: have self-respect, don't be so desperate for a man's affections, have your own life, and don't be so darn negative all the time! Unfortunately, the writers have included such easily-attacked fluff as "grow your hair long," "always wear lipstick," that sort of thing. If you can find the positive message behind it, this is a good book and effective as well. Used correctly, it can help women be less dependent on men, more positive and confident, less "easy" (and therefore safer), and more likely to enjoy their lives as single women (ironic, being that this book is designed as a way to get a husband). The great thing about "The Rules" is that if you follow them, you're so happy being single that your original goal (snagging a husband) might not be the goal anymore!
Rating:  Summary: well, it works Review: I bought this book about two years ago - read it, applied it a little and found it generally made my then partner angry with me. Which I eventually realised was because I was expected to keep chasing after him, waiting for him, etc. In the end we broke up - not because of the book, which I'd forgotten by then, but because he didn't really want me or a committed relationship. Which would have been clear if I had once stood back and watched to see if he would come to me instead of vice versa. Then I rediscovered the book and as I couldn't emotionally afford to get trampled on again, followed it pretty much to the letter. Surprise surprise, I weeded out all the men who couldn't be bothered calling me, wanted me to do the chasing or who didn't really want to be in a relationship. I was, in short, amazed at how well it worked, how much it has helped my new partner (fiancee) value me and how it's helped me maintain my independence, friendships, self-respect and interests while having a relationship. I don't normally read, much less follow, books of this type, but it was so beautifully practical and yes, worked so well, that if you're looking to sort out the serious men from the users, it's very much worth your time and money. I don't normally post online reviews either, but I genuinely feel grateful to Ms Fein and Ms Schneider.
Rating:  Summary: I know it works, but it's not for me.... Review: I have really mixed feelings about "The Rules". I know they work, but I don't think I really want to be married to a man who can be manipulated into wanting me. If you "catch" a man by acting not being yourself, then you have to act that way the rest of your life. I personally would rather be with a man who I know is in love with the real me, so I can always be myself! However, I do think women should pay attention to some of the rules... I think it basically comes down to respecting yourself, not revealing everything all at once, taking things slow, and having your own life. I think it's okay to call a man every once in a while... if there's something you think would be fun to do together, like a movie or hiking, then call him up and say so! I like people who are willing to go after what they want in life and don't want to wait for something to happen, and I want a guy who feels the same way. But for heaven's sake, if he NEVER calls you and NEVER asks you out, you might be barking up the wrong tree. If you hate the rules, I have a few book suggestions for you. "The Real Rules" by Barbara Deangelis is a great book... it will tell you how to find the right man for the REAL you. Melissa Bank's "The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing" is hysterically funny. It's a series of short stories, and the last one is about a woman who is trying to follow a very thinly veiled version of "The Rules". The authors of the book follow her around in her head, giving her advice on how to catch a guy she likes, and it very nearly backfires because the guy fell in love with her when she was being her natural witty and funny self. When she did the Rules, he thought she didn't like him. Another good book for Christian women is "God on a Harley", by Joan Brady. It's about a woman who keeps getting her heart broken. She meets Jesus in a bar, and he tells her what she needs to do to be happy. It really helped me get back to a good place after a bad relationship. God bless you and best of luck in your search for love! ALWAYS BE YOURSELF and you don't have to worry!
Rating:  Summary: Good advice for those who don't know any better Review: You know, the authors of this book really seem to have hit a nerve. It's interesting that a book whose main advice is "Don't let him see that you are an immature twit who only cares about catching a man" is such hit. Clearly, there are women in the world who needed to have it literally spelled out that acting like a twelve-year-old will not usually result in a successful relationship with an adult male. I guess for those women, this book is good. However, for those women who already have a balanced perspective regarding the role of men and romantic relationships in their lives, and for those women whose gut instincts generally result in constructive acts and healthy communication, this book is beyond ludicrous.
Rating:  Summary: On The Money Review: This book is not about setting women back... it's about learning to love only those who love you. It re-enforces the truth - men know what and who they want. Don't fool yourselves. It's not anti male to understand that it goes against nature for women to chase after men. It's the way of the world. No movement is going to change that. The Rules is about keeping your dignity. The Rules tells you that if a man isn't interested, you're not going to enlighten him by making advances toward him. Don't you want someone who noticed how wonderful you without you trying very hard? Unfortunately, many women are in denial and won't take no for an answer. THAT is the real deception. Do The Rules and you'll never wonder if he loves you as much as you love him. Never wonder if he would have been interested unless you made your move. Cause when he spots the one REALLY wants, you couldn't do all the nice things in the world to keep him interested. And it's got to really suck when tells you that he wouldn't have done anything unless YOU persued it. Say it's not so but deep down inside we all know the truth.
Rating:  Summary: I'm a Creature Unlike Any Other and loving it!!! Review: When I first saw The Rules at a bookstore a few years ago, I was disgusted by the concept and by the writing. Several months later, in the midst of a relationship crisis, I saw the authors on television and the points they made just clicked for me. I gritted my teeth, went to the store, bought a copy and absorbed what they had to say. The Rules have revolutionalized my personal and professional life. Much of what the authors say is just basic common sense ... but it was common sense that I was sorely lacking based upon my upbringing. The fact of the matter is that we teach people how to treat us ... especially in the beginning of a relationship. It is crucial to take care of yourself, set good boundaries and not expect to change another person. It is essential to be pro-active. It is helpful to pace a relationship and take time to get to know the other person. And the fact of the matter is that if a man is truly crazy about you, he WILL express that interest and pursue you. I admit that I may have let a few nice men slip through the cracks by being a Rules Girl, but I have no regrets. In the long run this has been a chance that I've been willing to take ... especially since I have avoided a great deal of angst and experienced a great deal of joy in the process. I don't follow The Rules to the absolute letter (I tend to return most phone calls, for example), but I have adapted them to my own personal style and personality. I have met a wonderful guy and we are both very happy ... I highly recommend The Rules to any woman who is either struggling in the romance department or would like to enhance her love life.
Rating:  Summary: Trust me!!!!!!!!! Review: When I bought this book, I was a little apprehnesive. After reading it, I couldn't believe how correct the book was. Men will aprreciate you more when they have to work hard to get you. I know some of you out there will disagree with what I just said. However, everything is not made for everyone to enjoy. I definitely enjoyed reading The Rules. Trust me!!!
Rating:  Summary: I don't know whether to laugh or scream. Review: Earlier reviews have described it as "Disaster""Tragedy" and a good treatise on "adolescentsexuality." All of the above and worse apply to this book. The subtext of this incredibly narcissistic, childish and destructive book is OBVIOUSLY demaning to women. Simple, timeless advice such as "respect yourself", "put your best foot forward" and "don't reveal too much information immediately" notwithstanding, this book tells women they can't be lovable for who they are. But this book is EVEN MORE degrading and insulting to my own sex. It encourages cruel behavior on the part of women, who think that their "filtering process" will leave only the "worthy" standing. What utter bulls**t! What image of men does this portray? Guys who are impenetrable and live on your every word- sounds like A FEMALE FANTASY OF MEN INSTEAD OF REALITY. If you want a self-respecting, honest, spontaneous, passionate, attractive, sensitive guy, do you think this will attract them? Speaking for myself, I have better thing to do with my time- much to your self-absorbed surprise. If there were a woman out there who wanted a trusting, passionate, loving and mutually respectful relationship from someone like me, they'd better not read or follow the "Rules." There should be more outrage from other men about this, but too many stereotypes and standards, held up vigorously by women and other men, teach men that if they voice their negative opinions, they're "whiners." The whole idea of feminism is EQUALITY FOR ALL, INCLUDING MEN. I often wonder why there wasn't a men's movement before a women's movement, if this book describes anything about life before feminism.
Rating:  Summary: Okay, if not this set of Rules, create your own! Review: There was some good solid thought-provoking rules. Yes, there were some shallow and silly ones, too. Fact is, rather men admit it or not, they definitely have rules and codes they use on women. The fact that the most of the male reviewers have ridiculed this book means it has some merit. Also ladies, if you don't like Ellen and Sherrie's Rules, at least establish some of your own. Men do!