Rating:  Summary: Good, old-fashioned advice. Review: I can't really understand why some people (those who have actually read the book, that is) have such a problem with it. The book just stresses weeding out men who aren't all of that interested in the first place, places a high regard on one's self-esteem, and stresses that a woman should stay very busy and interested in many things. Most of it is just old-fashioned advice that our mothers and grandmothers *tried* to pass on to us. I think that following The Rules (as much as one can) can save a woman from a lot of heartbreak and disappointment. And, what's wrong with that!
Rating:  Summary: How june Cleaver scored the Beaver's dad Review: When beooks of this sort sell this well, I have to stop and think, "so that's what the Midwest is for." The male self-help book equivalent must be titled "Snagging a Sugar Momma in 12 Easy Steps." Listen Stepford wannabes, time to get past your programming. Wake up and smell the Sanka June because if you actually find a guy who is slow enough in the head to let himself be put through the hurldes like a show dog, well, let's just hope you can teach him to go on the paper and not tear up the yard.
Rating:  Summary: reprehensible Review: According to the vile and pernicious authors of this dangerous work, "The Rules are innately unselfish" (66). This is a rancid mix of understatement and revealing untruth. The "unselfishness" of The Rules translates into the total erasal of individuality and obliteration of the self in order to achieve an arbitrary goal through a misguided, manipulative, and cultish method. That same "unselfishness" also represents the insane fixation upon a goal exterior to oneself, where a woman takes that goal and shoves an unsuspecting man into it, thus using a human being as a means to an ultimately selfish end. The Rules is a great book for wiping out all that matters in human interaction.Fein and Schneider take a few basic psychological principles, misinterpret them, and derive from them a system of self-repression and a totally untenable attitude toward life and love, damaging to everyone but to no one more than the "Rules girl" herself.
Rating:  Summary: When will Mr. Fein and Mr. Schneider come out of hiding? Review: I find the excessive focus on marriage to be simple-minded and naive, if not downright deluded. What's wrong with a long-term relationship? Better still, what's wrong with being single? Anyone that desperate to get married, to wake up to the same old face day in and day out for the rest of their live long days, needs to have their head examined.
Rating:  Summary: Very basic rules every woman should know Review: I am a Europan living in a latin culture. This book is about what my mother taught me and her grandmother taught her. It could sound old-fashioned, but some things in life really don't stop being valid in what comes to how to be a happy person with a good self esteem. This book works for professional, modern women. It teaches us, in a simple and humoristic way, to treat ourselves well, protect us from disfunctional relationships, and find the men who really respect us and want to love us unconditionally. It gives clear guidelines that have helped me to make wise, fast decisions when before I would go crazy thinking weather I should call him or not. Every woman who thinks that she deserves healthy, serious and respectful relationships in life should have this book. Not only to get married but to enjoy authentic frienship and family relations as well. I don't agree, though, with some things about actually being in a relationship with a man, because you really have learn to be assertive as well when there is something you don't like about how the relationship is going. So if you get this book and another one about being assertive, you really are more than set to be very happy. I read this book from a friend and now I am ordering it to have it as a constant reference.
Rating:  Summary: Honestly, the book has a few flaws... Review: Interesting book. Just one question, what happens to a "Rules Girl" when the guy she is dating reads the book? He (if he has an IQ over 80) is going to know she is "Doing the Rules" on him. I didn't give the book "one star" because there is some depth to the book that I agree with. *GOOD POINTS* Ellen and Sherry put a time limit of 1 to 2 years of dating (prior to marriage) before getting "out" of the relationship. I agree with them. (If both parties are over 25, and have been dating for 2 years, and they aren't married, they are not GOING to be married.) No way will the guy propose. I also agree with waiting until the man says "I Love You" before you sleep together. The physical part, that only makes the relationship better (and stronger) if there is already love there. Now, I'll tell you why I disgree with the premise of the book. #1) The book isn't fair to WOMEN! The only rights women are given in this book is the right of refusal. That's not enough. Women should have the right to satisfy their own happiness! (A woman could practice "The Rules" her entire life, and never get chased. What is she supposed to do? Keep waiting? Die single and alone? Yuck.) #2) The 50's are over. Women work now, and they make money. Women don't need a man and his financial security. Women should be able to ask guys out, even pay for a meal. Why? WHY NOT? It's fun to treat. I love treating ladies, and I also love to be treated! Also, if you treat a guy, (here's a litle secret ladies) he will REALY think you are something special! (Big Time!) Why will he think that? Because he will KNOW that you are not trying to take advantage of him, and HIS company is enough for your time. (Much the way your company is enough for him!) If his company is NOT enough for your time, then you should re-evaluate what you are persuing. (Is it marriage, love, and happiness, or is it money, security, and material "things?") #3) Heed these next words, The Rules (tends to) attract stalkers, abusers, and domineering men. Why? Because the qualities in women that THEY are looking for, (Trophy Wife) are supported by very "Rulesy Mannerisms." You might manipulate a nice guy, but the odds are probably stacked against you. You'd do better being less mysterious and open your heart to someone you realy care about. (Ask a current "Rules Girl" that you might know, that might have talked you into buying this book, if she was persued by stalkers or abusive men. Ask her if she ever had trouble "Nexting" the guy.) #4) Anyone can read the book. Assume best case scenario, The Rules works for you, you build up your self-esteem with the book, you set up 50's thinking boundaries, you manipulate the "Perfect" guy, and you get married. What happens when your husband reads the book and asks you if YOU read it? Are you going to LIE to him? (There is a marriage built on trust.) The book is VERY straight forward, and guys can find out very easily if they are with (or ever HAVE been with) a "Rules Girl." Anyway, it is an interesting book. If women didn't work or care who they wound up with, if men didn't stalk, and men didn't read, I'd give it 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: MOTHER OF SONS Review: You may not like everything you read as being "unfair" but since life is not fair, you might as well know the RULES. This is the BEST advice book on relationships ever. Our Great grandmother's knew it by instinct, we have been very confused of late. As the Mother of sons, I know it's all true.
Rating:  Summary: If I am Not Mistaken Review: ....I believe that one of the authors of this book is divorced. Hmmmmmm! Ladies always know that you are a child of God! I have a renewed spirituality--and I feel great. I am fun, loyal, honest, and beautiful--I "feel" it in my soul--where it counts--that means I don't just "think" it. I want to "attract" a man, not "hook" him. I do agree that you should not chase after someone--but, if someone doesn't love you for you. Well......hmmmmmmm! God Bless!
Rating:  Summary: A comment from a male reader in Santa Monica, CA Review: I decided to read this book to try to gain a better understanding on why some women treat me the way that they do. I have heard that quite a few women are practicing what is written in this book. I am a 31 year old, single, male, and yes I do believe in love and yes I will get married to the right woman once I find her. I have to admit that there are some concepts in this book that do ring true. For example, I don't like to be told what to do or to be smothered. But who does? Some things in life are just common sense. I have met women who practice what is in this book and those women gave me a really cold and unsatisfyied feeling inside. In general, I will not approach a woman who does not give me eye contact. What happened to the art of flirting? Why would I approach a woman who doesn't want me? The authors are assuming that I have a high level of energy to keep on approaching women until I find the right one. They are also assuming that I have a high threshold for rejection. Please believe me my soul mate will not follow the rule to not call me and rarely return my calls. I want a woman whos cares about me. I would feel cold and unwanted if she were not to call me to see how I was doing. Yes, I understand that respect is very important. I also understand that anyone deserves to demand respect. But this book sounds more about how to punish a man who isn't treating you right or how to catch the eye and attention of the very aggressive male whom you want to tame. I am polite and give women respect so when they treat me like how the book describes I feel like I am being punished for being polite and respectful. I have been suspecting for many years now that many women really don't want love, they chose the drama instead. Hey, if that is what turns you on that is your decision. Rules girls leave me feeling cold inside and please do not think for a moment that this I what I consider to be true love. It's just another control game. This book is about all or nothing. What happened do dating and having some fun before marrage? It is better to get this experience before marrage because once you are married you might get curious and start to reflect. There are many many women out there that I would really like to get to know but they act so unapproachable that I don't want to intrude and feel like I am not welcome. It's really a shame because its making us both miserable. There is nothing wrong with some conversation. Yes, I do agree that the man should ask the woman out but she can speak first. Since when is saying hi and talking a painful experience? This isn't a book about love but about mental torture. Yes, I have been deeply in love and when we first met it was love at first sight. I will never forget how I looked into her eyes and she returned that gaze. It was the most perfect moment in my life.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! and At Last... Review: Girls, if there is any question in your mind about this book... take it from me, they work! After 10 years of painfully losing great potential husbands because I treated men like friends too soon, I have finally met a wonderful man, and managed to keep him interested! He is ready to propose -- something I never thought would happen so soon! During the relationship I have done the Rules to the best of my ability. And yes, he always does call back. And if he doesn't I know it's for a good reason. By not crowding him I have allowed him to fall in love with me, slow and steady. (He is a doctor and I am a computer professional.) Happiness, and no more lonely holidays, at last! I am a firm Rules believer. If you can't understand them and see their value, you just haven't lived life enough. Buy this book and memorize it. It will work wonders in your life.