Rating:  Summary: Interesting book Review: I read The Rules when it first came out, and I would feel phony doing a lot of them. It just seems to me the ultimate desperation to read a book to catch a man. See the irony of it? Several reviews said that men "definitely know what they want" and so I guess if a man doesn't want YOU The Rules won't work anyway, and if he DOES want you I think he will regardless of whether or not you follow The Rules. I personally would feel uncomfortable with men chasing me all the time. What if you aren't interested in a man and he misinterprets it as you working "The Rules" on him (like, oh she must REALLY want me). What a mess THAT would be! If I can't tell a man that I think he's a great piece of work without him getting all freaked out about it and pulling away, forget it.And yes, it DOES scare me to think they work.
Rating:  Summary: Every woman is worth fighting for. Review: Being a very sheltered and naive woman before entering college, I have found out the hard way that the only way to find a man who will love and cherish you is only if you love and cherish yourself first. If only I had read this book! It is not about learning self-absorption, but rather knowing your value and worth as a unique, loveable woman, and not settling for a man who will treat you with disrespect. Being a doormat (women are more prone to this unless they've been raised otherwise) invites men to manipulate them and abuse them emotionally. The Rules give preventive measures from becoming such a victimized woman. I have just ended a relationship with a man who was initially attracted to me, but who never became in love with me. I had jumped in too early without really knowing who he was or what his beliefs were. If I had paced the relationship better and guarded myself more, treating myself as a treasure so that men could view me this way as well (which The Rules effectively teach you to do) I would have come to this realization earlier. But for me it was too late for me to salvage myself from emotional turmoil. What women should ultimately take away from this book is the fact that people (especially the male gender) will only treat you with the level of respect and dignity with which you treat yourself. It is one of the most important lessons I have learned. After reading this, I know I will never allow myself to be hurt again.
Rating:  Summary: Ok, but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater! Review: This book just takes things a bit too far. Sure, it is essential not to act desperate, be overly-available, or ignore good grooming habits. But acting indifferent will only serve to scare anyone off...I know. I tried that seemingly uninterested pretty demure wallflower bit with men. And let me tellya, playing hard-to-get only made guys give up! No guy I ever knew would have chased a girl when he received clear signals she was either playing games or wasn't interested, but that's just the people I've known in my lifetime. My boyfriend told me my honesty and straightforwardness was what made me stand out from all the rest; the fact that I didn't play games. He was clearly interested, but I upped the anty by telling him I liked him! I never had to throw myself at him or play games...it was a mutual thing. So everyone's different! I wouldn't wear lipstick while jogging, it just isn't me! And I'm happy to say that my boyfriend accepted me for me. I wore no makeup and just good 'ol blue jeans, and was still irresistable.
Rating:  Summary: just remember Review: do unto others as you would have them do unto you and whatever you sew, so shall you reap. these are basic universal truths that cut across all religious affiliations. if you use the rules as a manipulative ploy they will return to haunt you someday. it's simple karma. the rules may get you a wedding ring but i have never known that to be a guarantee of happiness. another universal truth that is a little more difficult to own is that we only attract to us someone that will reflect to us what is going on at the deepest core of ourselves. in other words we only attract mirrors. if you attract men that don't love you and respect you then what is it in you that is attracting these men? at this point the book is correct: love yourself and you will attract love.
Rating:  Summary: So it's come to this Review: I had a hard time trying to decide how many stars I should give to this book. I mean, everything said there works, and I'm not only talking about men, but most situations (workplace, family, etc.); anyway, I'd have wished that it wasn't necessary to publish a book like this in this era of enlightenment and female independence. To think that there are still women that have to read a book like this in order to realize that they should get a life and stop acting like lovesick losers chasing men around makes me want to scream. As a feminist, I disagreed with some of the things in this book, but, sadly, everything in it is so true. Bottom line: this book is for those who need to act like they have some dignity.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunate Book Review: The rules WILL help you weed out those guys who aren't interested in you. They will also weed out those guys that are interested in you and are the Mr. Rights of the world. What kind of guy will these rules land for you? Well, let me put this way, remember how Tom Sawyer tricked his friends to whitewash the fence? If you don't, Tom acted like painting the fence was the cat's meow. He made it "exclusive" and desirable to paint the fence. His friends were made to think that painting a fence is fun. Tom denied them that "perceived fun" for some time, teasing them, until he finally gave in. Those friends felt so "privileged", they couldn't admit that they were tricked into painting the fence. And they stuck with the fence until it was finished because they didn't want to give up what they worked so hard to get. If you told them that they were tricked, they would be in denial. Those are the type of guys you will attract. But like I said, the rules will weed out the "players". I think a lot of single guys out there might think one of these two thoughts when meeting a women (1) I like her, maybe there's something there (2) I don't like her enough to have a real relationship, but maybe there's still sex. Those women that ended up under number 2, have been burned. (Unless, all they were looking for was sex) They've been hurt, and they're looking for a book that will prevent that from occurring again. Certainly, a guy who sees you as number 2, will not work hard to be with you. On the other hand, what if he sees you as number 1? I think you will lose the really good guys. The ones that are sensitive enough that they will view the rules as "cold" and unfriendly. I also think that there comes a point when a guy just says "I give up". "I'm doing everything I know how, and she's just not responding" "Time to move on" The funny thing is, I've worked very hard to be with a woman at different phases in my life, and I've been burned so often (which is life! it happens to men and women) that I don't feel so motivated to work as hard for the next girl. I expect the woman to also share in the telephone calls, the getting together, etc. It's not going to be all me. If I don't get the sense that she likes me or is interested in me, I don't want to waste time. Isn't that what women are complaining about when they search for books like the rules? Women, you don't want to waste your time either. Don't you think that what makes the "rules" a test to see if a guy is serious about you goes both ways? think about it
Rating:  Summary: They really sound superficial in the book Review: but I've been a Rules girl, so to speak, since the day I was born and well, I don't know what else works, but this has worked for me. Although I have to say, there's one rule I never followed: don't ever return his calls? I may be brief, light, take a while to call back (not on purpose, but because I really have other things to do), but yes, I'll call back. Not returning calls is what I've done to get rid of people I wasn't interested in, and it worked very well...
Rating:  Summary: True no nonsense Review: This book gets criticized because it is reality. Of course the authors do not know you or your man, so use your brain when reading. For example when they advise you to NEVER return a call, use your instinct because it might be okay to call once in a blue moon. Only YOU know your relationship, and what risks you are willing to take. Of course if you call there is a risk there, of you being hurt. So stop criticizing mundane details and think for yourself - that is what your brain is for. The authors are tell-it-like-it-is dignified women. Even on the back of the book they EXPLAIN that people need to take this book, and think of how strict to apply these suggestions. It is a MUST READ for women who no longer want to ever be hurt by a man.
Rating:  Summary: Good Book Review: This is a good book. As a man, I can honestly say that I've been most attracted (and have fallen in love with) the women who weren't totally into me. However, I think Ellen and Sherrie go too far in some places. Not returning calls is a bit extreme. Also, not approaching the guy may be wrong. Guys are EXTREMELY shy around girls they are attracted to, and the large majority of the time, they are too afraid to approach. Just because a guy doesn't approach you doesn't mean he wouldn't love to get to know you. So other than that, I think the advice in the book is good. A woman having sex with you too early is definitely a huge turn-off.
Rating:  Summary: ladies, the rules work, whether or not you agree with them! Review: Anyone who has read the rules and has tried them knows they work. They require patience and strength, but in the long run they will save women a lot of heartache. Let's face it; it's more fun to be pursued. I'm a feminist; still, I know that it's the man's job to pursue the woman. We deserve it! We should be wined and dined. He needs to work for it. Believe me, men do not value that which they don't work for. Try them and you'll see. You owe it to yourself!