Rating:  Summary: still not sure about this philosophy Review: two years after my purchase of this book, I am still unsure if this is the way to go. Times have changed so drastically as have men, that I almost wonder if the men that love being the 'chasers' might never let themselves be caught. There are men that are shy and come across their dream woman, yet think she is unattainable. And if you follow this book, your dream guy could be thinking you are the one, yet he gets no clear signs of interest from you so he never does anything. If this book has all the answers, why is there a 'rules' bulletin board full of women trying to catch the right guy? This book reduces it all to a game, and if it really and truly worked, don't you think that all women would have found it, and found their man by now?
Rating:  Summary: This book is does not cater to women who worship men ... Review: ... but it does help women avoid self-defeating behaviors. For centuries, men have had secret "rules" about dating and marrying women. Now, all of a sudden, The Rules by Ellen and Sherrie is published for women and MANY men can't stand the book. Yes, this book is also hated by a few women who worship anything a man says/does. What this book did for me: it saved my life. Formerly, I was a female who listened to WHATEVER a man said, did things his way, stayed with him til HE dumped me, etc. I have always been told by nearly every man (including my ex-husband) who left me, that I am a "good" woman but for some other man. These same men would end up madly in love with or marrying an unattractive, total b----! Thanks to this book, I realize being "good" meant being a doormat for a man to wipe his feet on. This book has helped me recently screen out a date who turned out to be very dangerous. In the beginning, he appeared perfect but then he called me far too much (3 times a day, at odd hours) and inviting himself to my home (he never learned where I lived, thank God!). When I stopped calling him, he went into a rage and left me. Just days later he began dating another woman who let him into far too much of her personal life. He stole her identity and threatened violence against her and her family. He is now incarcerated. This could have easily happened to me had it not been for "The Rules" about phone calls, not letting him know too much too soon, etc. I don't care about what the critics (especially men) say. This book helped me avoid a dangerous man. Now I am engaged to great one. Thanks, Ellen and Sherrie
Rating:  Summary: yuck!!!! Review: A terrific book for women with zero self-esteem who want to further hone their skills in becoming manipulative, controlling psychos. Ever hear about letting love happen? This book might be handy if you're a woman who hates herself so much she only longs for unattainable zeros, and needs quickie advice on how to "play the game" properly. An absolute disgrace.
Rating:  Summary: Right On The Money..... Review: This book is right on the money. Simple and to the point, it describes basic male-female psychology better than any "professional" I have ever read. Men and women are not the same, they think differently, feel differently, and want different things. What appeals to one will not appeal to another, which is why most feminist viewpoints do not work. Demanding does not work. Since I changed my "clinging vine" attitude towards my relationships, they have improved dramatically. It is no longer the end of my life if a relationship does not work out, I just move on with my life, because I am important too. I just wish I had read this book back in high school...if you command respect from the beginning you will find the ones that will give it to you. The others will pass you by, with no great loss.
Rating:  Summary: All things considered, as valid as ever Review: Since the marriage of Ellen or Sherrie or whichever it was fell apart, it would seem that the authors did err in overselling their original product: claiming that your husband would handle you like precious porcelain and crave your bod forever, et al. However, the Rules themselves still stand. The fact is that, as the authors explicitly point out in their introduction, they did NOT invent the Rules: they are part of the collective folk wisdom of American womanhood, and, like the creators of the "Foxfire" series, they recorded them for future generations so that they wouldn't be lost. Having been coaxed into a disastrous marriage by one dreadful self-help book ("Smart Women, Foolish Choices,") my recovery from the ensuing divorce was greatly aided by two wonderful ones: "Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them" and "The Rules." One taught me how to spot men who'd give me heartache; the other, "The Rules," gave me practical advice on how to winnow them out and concentrate on the decent ones. What it's really about is pacing yourself. Don't get in too deep with a man before you've had a chance to size him up; give him the chance to do the same thing with you. If some of the specific advice is a little too influenced by the authors' ethnicity (i.e., the stuff about manicures, jewelry, and wearing loud colors), the general admonition to take your time and size up the situation before committing to anything is universally applicable and unquestionably valuable to every woman who's either looking for a mate or intent on keeping her independence.
Rating:  Summary: Total nonsensical rubbish; doesn't even deserve 1 star Review: I've seen Ms. Fein & Ms. Schneider on the talk shows and never have I seen two women more full of themselves. These women forgot one very important rule... DO NOT PLAY GAMES. Men despise games. Yet this whole book is a 'how to play games' in order to get a man. Men want one simple thing... to be loved and accepted for who they are. You don't need 'rules' to tell you what is just common sense. Women... you do not "need" this book! The sad fact is that many women feel they have to have a man to make them happy and fulfilled. No one can make you happy but YOU. If you have self-confidence and inner peace within yourself you don't 'need' a man to give you these qualities.
Rating:  Summary: Read this Book... Review: especially if you want to be regarded as a B****! This is the manual that will ensure your life is sheer fantasy, until you get the "prize" the almighty ring. Then reality sets in. Degrading to women, as if we are unable to think, feel, speak, or support ourselves, but we are slaves to the male ego, never revealing anything about ourselves. This book creates manipulating wallflowers, destroys the positive self esteem of women and enforces weakness. Young girls could be ruined for life by this book. I am not a feminist, and loved to be treated by a lady, but I will not play such foolish mind games, no one should. Respect is what all women should demand. If you want to read a positive, intriguing book that captures the TRUE essence of what and how women should find a mate, read The REAL Rules by Barbara De Angelis. It is informative and allows you to be yourself, remain in control and have a meaningful and healthy relationship.
Rating:  Summary: Single? In Pain Over A Man? This Book WILL Help! Review: I first read THE RULES on a friend's recommendation in 1996, before it became a best-seller. I read it in one sitting; I couldn't put it down. The situations the authors described could have been taken from my own life. The advice made a lot of sense. And THE RULES REALLY WORK! I formed a RULES support group and I've watched as women in the group got engaged and married. I'm still single, but my relationships have been better since I read this book. It motivated me to improve my life in other ways, too. After first reading the book,I had some questions, so I wrote to the authors. They sent me a personal letter in response. I've met and spoken to Ellen Fein a few times and she is a sweet, intelligent woman who knows what it's like to pine over a man and truly wants to save other women from heartache. I find that most of the negative criticism this book has received came from people who did not read it all the way through. You can't just read the title of each chapter. The essence of this book is in the authors' explanations as to why each RULE works. I've read a few dating books, but this is the only one that actually changed my life. Instead of giving you useless, vague advice such as "love yourself," THE RULES provides you with specific actions you can perform. Five years after my first reading, I still believe in the book's philosophies and I still follow THE RULES.
Rating:  Summary: Mixed Feelings. Review: While I condone some of these "rules" for the simple reason that it's always better to take it slow, I highly disagree with one rule. The one that says in long-distance relationships, HE has to make the first 3 visits. I was in a long distance relationship a while back, with a guy that lived in Scotland. And I still look back on that as the most culturally educational experience of my life. Why? Because I got to see Scotland, Poland, Germany, London, and Amsterdam, not to mention parts of Canada (and of course my own hometown of Seattle). If I had obeyed that stupid rule, I would not be able to say I've been around the world! Because I disobeyed that rule, I have met so many nice people who I am still in touch with, I have taken amazing photographs, and I have grown up tremendously. So girls, Make that visit and get some culture in your life!
Rating:  Summary: Single? In PAIN? Read "The Rules." It WILL Help. Review: I first picked up "The Rules" on a friend's recommendation in 1996, before it became a best-seller. I read it in one sitting; I couldn't put it down. No book has ever spoken to me like "The Rules" has. I am a different person because I read this book. DOES IT WORK? Yes. I have friends who I met through "Rules" support groups who got married by doing "The Rules." I am still single, but my relationships have improved since I read the book. Men cherish you more when you do "The Rules." This book helps you weed out the bad men and stick with the good ones! It will motivate you to improve your life in other areas, too. Most dating books give useless, vague advice such as "love yourself." This book gives specific actions that you can perform. My first reading of the book left me with questions, so I wrote to the authors, and they sent me a personal letter in response. I've met and spoken with Ellen Fein a few times. She's a really sweet, good-humored, intelligent person who truly wants to help women avoid heartache. (Those questions I had are answered in "The Rules II.") Most of the negative criticism "The Rules" has received came from people who did not read the entire book. You can't just read the title of each chapter! You need to read the whole book to understand why each "Rule" works.