Rating:  Summary: It works! Review: This is the book that changed my life! I was always in unhappy relationships until I read this book and executed its principles. I am getting married in 4 months!
Rating:  Summary: Of limited value Review: The Rules may be fine for "catching" a man (though it has problems in that area too), but what happens once the engagement or marriage takes place? Most women (including myself) would want to have a real emotional partner at that point in our lives, which requires the rules be set aside if that is to truly happen. And if the man was attracted in the first place because of The Rules being played on him, then what? A woman who used The Rules may find out that her man is there because of The Rules, and not because he has found a life partner that he connected with on a meaningful level. I think the book has more downside than upside.
Rating:  Summary: I think we have more going for us Review: The Rules imply, both directly and indirectly, that a woman doesn't have what it takes to get a man interested in her and keep him interested. She has to rely on subterfuge. If a woman doesn't have a lot going for her, then I suppose The Rules can only improve her chances! But for most women that do have something to offer as a potential girlfriend and/or wife, using The Rules could make guys (who, btw, are privvy to this stuff by now) wonder if the woman they're interested in is really "all that" if she has to rely on The Rules instead of on her own fine qualities! Having to use The Rules seems like an admission of being a "less than attractive" woman. I'm not sure I want to label myself as such
Rating:  Summary: Taming of the "Deux" Review: Ellen Fein's recent divorce notwithstanding, this title has enjoyed a recent upswing in popularity. After fighting with myself about it for a week or so, I finally dove in, expecting a collection of manipulative wiles that would be more appropriate for my widowed great-aunt. My self-satisifed smirk slowly faded, however, about the sixth time I recognized MYSELF in the pages. Yes, I had thrown myself at a man like that, and lived to painfully regret it. Yes, I made the mistake of moving in with a man, thinking that he would somehow realize, after I cooked him breakfast a few hundred times, that I was the girl of his dreams. And, most humiliating of all, IT WAS I who asked a man I loved fiercely to marry me, believing that, surely, if he only knew how much I adored him, if I could only make it clear to him... I can safely say that I have learnt my lessons well, and will never have to go through that kind of agony again. The final thing I want to mention about The Rules is that, despite all appearances, it is NOT a book about how to manipulate men. NO. It is a book about how to manipulate YOURSELF so that you will not throw yourself at some hapless fellow, who might, God willing, turn out to be YOUR Mr. Right. How to manipulate YOURSELF so that you won't allow yourself to get head-over-heels involved with a "loser, user, abuser" who just happens to be great in bed. One more tiny piece of advice: Don't mention that you are doing "The Rules" to anyone, not your family, roommates, friends, and especially, not him. It's the kind of information that no one needs to know, and it won't help your cause in any way if word gets around. Just enjoy the results, and when you are happily married, tell your daughters!
Rating:  Summary: This book is a woman's best friend! Review: Blunt and to the point. I guess this is why this book so feared and hated by men. It's great because it reminds a woman to have her own live in addition to whatever dating life she has. The book provides common sense reminders and tips. Based on the angry male reviewers, I thought this book was telling women something awful. But to my pleasant surprise, it reminds women to avoid dating married men, make sex the last thing you do with him, avoid "common law" living arrangements, etc. Isn't this book advice a good mother would give her young daughter? This book is scripturally sound, too. Women, STOP allowing a man's self-promotion to be your only guide for dating. So what if he says this book "doesn't work on me." He is simply being his own "propagandist." If you don't agree with the book, you are entitled to your opinion. But if you hate the book, something is wrong with you, especially if you are a woman! Good job by the authors.
Rating:  Summary: Keeping a balanced fun life & have a good relationship Review: This book explains WHY men react to things the way they do. I was concerned it would be a bunch of games but it actually was a good reference source. Being an ambitious & outspoken career woman I couldn't understand why the "honest & direct" approach didn't work with the men I really liked but ALWAYS seemed to attract the men I didn't like. Now I suddenly realize what I was doing wrong all these years! It was also great to have some of the warning signs to watch out for with men early in the relationship so I don't waste my time or his. Being cautious & not blurting out your entire life story in the beginning of a relationship was really emphasized. I also like how this book mentions having a life outside of a relationship & keeping busy. There is nothing more annoying that reading a self-help book that tells you to spend your whole life wrapped around your husband - how boring, smothering & ancient history! Thank God this book doesn't tell you to give up your friends, family, work & favorite hobbies and interests! It was ironic after I read this book & mentioning it to some of my married friends - who are even more direct than me - they explained they had read this book, followed the advice & finally got their husbands. This book is definetely worth reading!
Rating:  Summary: So This Is How To Attract Men, Huh? Review: So, let me get this straight...in order to be more attractive and sought after, a woman has to not say much during the first date (To give the impression that she is mysterious.), don't talk on the phone with him for very long (Set the timer for fifteen minutes, and when it goes off, tell him you have to go now.), don't return his phone call and don't show much interest in him at all. Did I get this correct? Well now, here I am, forty years old and without a meaningful relationship. I knew I was doing something wrong. I get it now. I should be playing games and act like a tease in order to find that "right man." Oh thank you for your most insightful wisdom. First thing tomorrow I am going to start acting like a tease and don't show my interest in men. I am going to start acting aloof and unapproachable. I know this will bring the man of my dreams to me. I can't wait! I just know it will work! Who cares if it's advice men don't like and have repeatedly said that advice like this doesn't work. I'm going to listen to these two women, because they are so intelligent on this subject, instead of listening to men on what they like.
Rating:  Summary: Just for models Review: If you dont look like a model, or if you sometimes feel insecure and/or ugly, I think the rules wont work for you. If you think men are toys to be manipulated and are ALL so stupid that they wont forever see the true you, then this book is for you. The rules might get you a very insecure and/or stupid man, or a smooth casavona who can match your pretentiousness. If you dont own the world, orif you sometimes struggle through life like the rest of mankind, buy a serious book. These authors are making money out of peoples insecurity. There are better books out there.
Rating:  Summary: Essential for Men's Self-defense or Offense. Review: Great book for women who are not getting what they want/need in relationships, and for men who want to be "rules-proof". Remember men: Regardless of what they say or do, how they posture, or how good they look, virtually all women want to get married, far moreso than men. Therfore it is a buyer's market for us. Remember that when they are trying to get you to chase them and not calling you back. This book is great for single men who are not yet ready to settle down and for those male doormats. You can use these concepts and have these Rules Girls eating out of your hand! Before I got married, I studied this book carefully, and used it mant times; my specialty was rules girls. I would almost laugh aloud when I encountered one, because I knew what was in store for them. I enjoyed beating them at their own game. Women are just as egotistical as men, and it shows when they realize you've beaten them (turned the tables). When I met the right woman (my wife), we both knew it, and neither one of us played any games, and still do not. Guys, combine this book with another awesome book, "Nice Guys Don't Get Laid", and you'll be invincible.
Rating:  Summary: I wish I knew more about self-help books... Review: I agree with several of these other reviews; applying some real-life common sense and subtlety to The Rules will probably get you a man. Before you dive into this book, however, please consider two things: 1. These rules mainly discuss ways to pretend you're not interested in a guy. If you need these, you're probably a little clingy. Maybe you'll want to investigate WHY you're clingy, instead of simply pretending not to be. 2. The rules admit to being what they are: a way to trap a man. Trap a man? Honey, it's the new millennium! Why are you still trying to trap a man? I thought women were supposed to be able to attain happiness without the husband hunt! More advice for introspection: if you're that desperate to get a man, any man, then maybe you need a real self-help book instead...one that will help you work on whatever issues you've got there. If you find that guys won't call when they say they will, or don't treat you with the respect you deserve, this book will probably help solve those problems. But please consider this: if these things are happening to you, you've probably got bigger problems you should worry about first. Take the time to address those, and I bet you'll be happier in the long run.