Rating:  Summary: Got low self-esteem? Review: Just when I had hope, a book such as this comes along to remind me how shallow some people truly are. This book is not just a how-to book in the manipulation of men, but worse.... It's a book to make some women feel that it's okay to be nothing more than an object. A trophy with nothing to contribute to a relationship. An object to be discarded once used. Anyway, this book is a must read for all those women with low self-esteem.
Rating:  Summary: Talk about Irony Review: I heard about this book a while back when the media hyped it up. I thought that "good" men an enough of a tough time finding a nice girl that this would make it impossible. Games do not work in finding a compatible mate. Don't belive me, just ask Ellen Fein. If her secrets are so sucessful, then why did she just file for divorce?
Rating:  Summary: Now it all makes sense Review: I always wondered why my relationships started so nice, went so fast, and ended w/o any good reason. I thought I am the best and the nicest, so everyone should appreciate me. But then again, I saw the girls who are less attractive with nothing to show got the best guys. This book made me realize that the harder to get you are for a man, the more you are worth to him. Girls who are too nice are taken for granted, I've seen this in my relationships over and over. Only problem I have with this book is that, it might help you get a guy to marry you, but do you really get to know him when you are busy exercising these rules?
Rating:  Summary: It works Review: There are a lot of people who hate the idea of this book because it seems like such a throwback to the 50s and quite anti-feminist. I was not too fond of the idea of this book either, but I was curious and picked up a copy one day in the bookstore, just to see what everyone was talking about. And oddly enough, a lot of the rules are the things my very liberated mother taught me and my sisters: That we were valuable people who should cultivate all our interests and that the only man worth our time was one who treated us well and pursued us to the ends of the earth. I had been inadvertantly following the rules my whole life, and wondered why I always had an easy time getting great men (while not putting out), while so many other women bemoaned the fact that men treated like them doormats. I was following the rules and didn't even know it. I think a lot of women think that feminism means that you get to act just like a man, but it doesn't work that way. Sadly enough, men still want the thrill of the chase - all men, even the good ones. This book addresses a basic fact of life, and tells you how to get what you want, no matter what is politically correct, the proper "feminist" thing to do, and etc.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, this is what women really need to know!!!! Review: The rules are outta sight!!! Some of them common-sense, like when they encourage women to look reasonably feminine, you'd think this would be so obvious, but so many women who want a loving relationship are missing this basic mark.Also, the "don't call a man and ask him out" thing.... My mother used to tell me that and of course I didn't listen...I felt that a girl had just as much a right to call a guy as the guy had to call the girl! While that's true, what I failed to appreciate was that's not really the issue. This book helps women be successful with men based on how men process their thoughts, not based on 'what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander'... And, more importantly, it works!!!!! My exception is the "never initiate sex with your husband" thing, because if you never initiate sex with hour husband, he'll think maybe you don't love him.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Reminder Review: I think alot of women these days wear their heart on their sleeve way, way too early in relationships. They want to move the relationship faster than he does and they end up getting hurt in the end. This book reminds us that we can and should let the man take some responsibility for developing the relationship. It's not about playing games and the authors stress that point. We are to be honest, but mysterious. There is nothing wrong with that. Rather than laying all our cards on the table in the beginning and risk getting rejected, we should reveal ourselves little by little. What good is getting to know someone if you know everything about them in 2 dates? Even if you don't take all the advice, at least try a few of them.
Rating:  Summary: It's all about boundaries Review: I like this one because it reminds us as women to establish and guard our personal boundaries. This is not a game, rather a way of determining what you will and won't accept in a relationship. This is a how to book. The lessons aren't easy. Learn how to start relationships the right way and learn a formula for keeping balanced while you stay in that relationship.
Rating:  Summary: excellent guide for trapping a wimpy puppy dog as a husband Review: No modern man with the slightest amount of self-respect would put up with what is recommended in this book; there are just too many single women out there to bother with someone who plays these games. If you follow this book, you may find such a spineless man to marry, but you will surely stay home most Saturday nights. If he should grow a backbone, you'll be divorced. If you are always getting used and dumped by guys, you need to create some self-respect. This book is not about developing self-respect; it details how to marry a man who has none. It's true that men are pigs -- that they have sex with women they don't have feelings for; learn to avoid these men. This book on the other hand is about using good men, which in my opinion is no better than the aforementioned pigs. I thought modern women wanted an equal with whom she could share her life and dreams with -- someone who is a pleasure to be with. Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines "feminism" as "...political, economic, and social equality of the sexes"; I am all for this; THE AUTHORS ARE NOT FEMINISTS. Fein and Schneider seem to think that a husband is no more than a servant and bottomless bank account. THIS is what the male readers find offensive. I totally agree with "Sad but True" from August 1, 2000; "Oh My God!!" from December 6, 2001; and "And I thought guys wrote ridiculous advice books..." from December 9, 2001. Now notice how many times the word "I" appears in "I really like the book. 10" from March 14, 1997. I must agree with her in that dating more than one person (and being open about it) does keep you from falling in love with someone too quickly and helps you keep perspective. Self-respect is what will help you find a healthy relationship. This book does not foster healthy relationships.
Rating:  Summary: And I thought guys wrote ridiculous advice books... Review: on this subject. Ladies, if you want to better improve your chances in finding that right man, don't read this book. If a woman was to ever pull this stuff on me, I would stop calling her. Geeez! "Don't talk to him for too long over the phone"?! "Be mysterious and quite when on that first date"?! I want to be with a woman who is fun to be with. One who asks me questions and wants to know about me and my life. A man likes it when she shows him interest. Ask him out on a date every once in awhile. Read THE REAL RULES. Now that's a good book.
Rating:  Summary: Oh My God!! Review: I'm a late comer to this book, and I wish I was even later. How can you possibly find that right man if you practice these "Rules"? You should be mysterious during the date by not talking much or asking him questions about himself?! You shouldn't approach a man because it will make you look like that you are an easy catch, thus making you not a very good mate?! You should hang up after ten minutes of talking to him on the phone, because then he will want you more?! OH MY GOD!! This one hit the trash can before I even reached the last page.