Rating:  Summary: Not Clancy's Best Work Review: Information overload fills the pages of this novel that never really seems to get on track. When it clicks, there are some enjoyable moments, but those moments are spread out.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: I have been a Clancy fan from the beginning, but don't expect that I'll spend another dime on one of his works. If you want a disgused diatribe against environmental extemists without the snappy thrill and demonstration of techno-thriller know-how such as Hunt for Red October or, even more so, in Red Storm Rising (my favorite Clancy book), then this is a great book for you. The stupidly outlandish ultimate raison d'etre for the Rainbow team is absurd and insulting to readers. What is Clancy trying to do, simplify complex issues with simple jingoistic positions? I can get that from most of the people I know for free.
Rating:  Summary: Not worth putting in 900 pages of reading effort Review: I liked the anti-environmentalist stance, all the cool medical stuff, Popov, and the part where Rainbow gets ambushed at the hospital. That was about it. There were a few other interesting action scences early on, but other than that, the book was about 400 pages too long, and the plot was poorly thought out. I agree with the other reviewer who thought the foiling of the bad guys' plan was WAY too easy. It was clear that the part at the Olympics should have been the climax, and that the novel should have ended shortly thereafter. But no, it drags on and a second attempt at a climax is made in South America (and failed). It was as if Clancy planned to have a big battle scene in Sydney, then realised it wouldn't work for some reason, but instead of thinking around the problem just glossed over it and kept writing. Not too bad a book, if you're just looking to kill time, but not one of the better books I've read.
Rating:  Summary: An Entertaining Slaughter of Environmental Extremists... Review: You have to love Tom Clancy for giving such a compelling and blatant middle finger to all tree-huggers. Clancy makes these kooks very hateable in Rainbox Six. While the plot really does seem far-fetched (I can't imagine a Ted Kaczynski type having access to the resources the granola-types have in this story, nor can I believe that that many people would be able to keep their mouths shut about a plan to exterminate most of humanity), the threat of bio-war is a real one and will become even more frighteningly possible in the next few decades. Like the work of most of today's popular writers, Clancy's work will never be mistaken for great art, but he spins a yarn as well as anyone and has a Stephen King-like knack for keeping the pages turning. I highly recommend it to anyone who just wants to read an entertaining story. Unless you're a member of Greenpeace, that is.
Rating:  Summary: Awful and Offensive Review: Over the years I have read numerous Clancy books, and I must say that I have enjoyed almost all of them, yet I have noticed that the quality has gone down-hill since Red October. So, when Rainbow Six came out, I decided to borrow it from the library rather than buy it. This proved to be a wise decision.Firstly, the plot is utterly implauseable and could have been thought up by a ten year-old child, consisting as it does of back-to-back action sequences connected by a thin and highly improbable thread. Secondly, the characters lack any individuality, all sounding the same and falling into predictable cliches according to their nationality. No wonder so many people have been insulted. In my case, I was particularly annoyed by the portrayal of the IRA (or perhaps a break-away faction of the IRA, we are never told which organisation the terrorists actually belong to.) All the Irish characters are mere stereotypes, little more than Leapreachauns with AK-47s. Furthermore, the author seems to have little grasp of the political reality of present-day Europe. Does he actually belive that Germany, or especially France, would agree to the setting up of a US-led swat-team and allow them free reign throughout Europe. Does he think that Austria, Switzerland and Spain (which has far more experience in dealing with terrorism than the US) would immediately come running to the USA for help when faced with a domestic terrorist incident. Dream on Tom, remember, you're writing thrillers, not fantasy. My advice is - don't buy this book, spend your money on a novel written by somebody who has bothered to do his research and hired a competent editor.
Rating:  Summary: Great? No Review: Although this book wasn't great, I can't say I was really disappointed with it. Alow me to explain, I liked the story, it was different, I'd never read anything quite like it before. It had a great start, it really pulled you in fast (I always like that). But... (here it comes) I was WAY TOO LONG! And I don't mean in the number of pages, I mean the story. Yeah it was a complicated story, but the book could have been shortened by at least 200 pages and we still could have understood what the author wanted us too, no problem. A lot of time was wasted explaining some things in WAY too much detail. And I noticed several things being repeated over and over and over. When the team was sent out on a mission, it was very interesting and I didn't want to put the book down, but the slow parts were slow, long and then slow some more. Read this book if you want, it's not terrible, I'm glad I read it, just don't start it with overly high expectations.
Rating:  Summary: I've read better......<Contains Spoilers>. Review: As an old fan of Clancy's I was eager to read his latest. I found however that the book, while riviting and absorbing in places, become long-winded and drawn out, causing me to actually put the book down, and come back to it about 2 months later. What really got me is how easily the whole plan to spread the virus was foiled. One would expect some dramatics; guns firing, the canaster being dropped and nearly being broken or anything along those lines, but no....it was more like, Ding : "Hey you with the Virus canaster, hand it over." ; Bad Guy : "Um...ok...here." I mean the story was like a train hitting a mountain and stopping dead. I wouldn't recommend this book, save your money. You'll read it and realise that the last 400 or so boring pages could be summed up into about 50.
Rating:  Summary: Rainbow Six Review: Rainbow Six is a story about a counter-terror team headed by John Clark. In the beginning of the story, Rainbow is dispatched to three seperate terrorism incidents in Bern, Spain, and Vienna. Eventually, they are attacked by PIRA soldiers, at a local hospital, employed by Dmitry Popov who is employed by John Brightling of Horizon Corporation. They capture many of the soldiers and one of them, Sean Grady, identifies Popov and Rainbow starts an investigation into the information leak. Popov, in the meantime, is flown to Kansas to be protected by Brightling. Popov finds out about his plot to kill everyone in the world and he escapes and contacts Clark. He tells them of their plot and contacts Ding Chavez in Sydney, who is able to stop them from carrying it out. Finally, Rainbow is able to track Brightling and his people on their way to Brazil and their alternate base and Rainbow Six, Clark, and Rainbow are able to shut them down. For a change, this was a book I really liked. I usually don't find myself motivated to read, but this book really was an exception. True, at times it got a little uninteresting but, the book as a whole was great. There was lots of action and a good plot. Clancy really made it easy to feel what the characters were feeling and what they were going through. Clancy really made it hard for me to put the book down.
Rating:  Summary: Idiotic Review: I used to love Clancy but the man has become seriously addled and now only puts out formulaic trash. This book had a huge flaw than unbelievably got past all of the editors. Without giving too much away, the bad guys decide to release a deadly biological agent during the Summer Olympics in Sydney by releasing it in a special cooling system designed for the very hot weather in September. How could that moron not know that September is WINTER in Austrailia? It's COLD then. Super-brains that want to take over the world usually don't miss details like that. To slog through hundreds of pages to come to that glaring error was irritating to say the least. Clancy should retire before he embarrases himself any further.
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT BOOK Review: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six is a GREAT book. It portrays a situation where a company executive who is a big time environmentalist decides to solve the problem of people depleating the Earth by creating a disease that would basically wipeout the human race. However, a vaccine is made for him and his counterparts so they can survive and study nature as they belive it should be. On the other half of the story a world anti-terrorism group is formed and run out of England. As the story progresses there is various terrorist incidents that are put down by the anti-terrorism group. In the end the plot is discovered by the anti-terrorism group and put down. The characters in this book are easy to "get to know." The plot is very well made out and makes for a very interesting story. One reason that this is such a good book is that the plot is so real that it makes you think "what if it did happen?". Overall, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six was a REALLY GOOD book.