Rating:  Summary: Read like a novel! Review: This was the first work of non-fiction that I read like I do fiction--fast. I had trouble putting it down. I am a geologist and have knowledge of the environmental and health risks of TCE, DCE, etc. in groundwater and the environmental investigations that were discussed in the book. I believe that Mr. Harr did a wonderful job at describing these processes to the average reader. I was very intrigued by the legal process of this trial also. I wish that I had been able to view the trial procedings in person. I haven't seen the movie yet. I am apprehensive about going to see it. My experiences have told me that the book is always better than the movie. I did visualize Mr. Travolta as Mr. Schlittman while reading the book.
Rating:  Summary: who needs fiction when you've got real life drama like this? Review: As a former juror in a federal case, I found jury duty to be an awe-inspiring occupation and my faith in the American judicial system flourished. I like to think that the judge in the case helped to ensure that justice was done, and that we, the jury, did it. Then I read this book. I was riveted, like everyone else. I wanted to scream at the judge, have the appeals court remove him, have him be sanctioned for his obvious biases and seeming corruption. My lawyer husband tried to explain (but not excuse) his actions as those of an old man, frightened by the science of the case, but he seemed to me to be no more than a crony, more bent on going along with a friend (Facher) than doing justice. And I have felt disturbed ever since...how do we guarantee a fair trial if a judge won't do it? After reading this book I, too, wanted to change careers and go to law school but that will be a dream for now...Read this book!
Rating:  Summary: A fantastic story Review: The book reads like a Grisham novel but better - intense and riveting with interesting characters. Throughout the book I had to keep reminding myself that this trial took place and these people were real. An author could not have invented better characters or a better story to reveal the flaws of the Judicial System. Jon Harr did an excellent job describing the process and emotions a trial lawyer goes through in each stage of a case. Nothing is sugarcoated by alternate story lines. The entire book revolves around the quest of one man for justice. I finished the book in three days, I couldn't put it down I had to find out what was going to happen next. I'd be curious to find out what Judge Skinner has to say about the book and Jan Schlictman's characterization of him.
Rating:  Summary: A page turner from begining to end. I didn't want it to end. Review: This story has changed my outlook on life. Just when there are reports that the bottle water you may drink is not as pure as you think, the ground water supply can be like playing Russian Roulette everyday. This story makes you wonder what else is going on out there and is it man made or a natural occurance.
Rating:  Summary: horrifing that this is a true story Review: Even know I liked the book I did not like it.The book was good but the injustice that was served was incredable.I wish the stiry could have a happy ending but that was impossible.
Rating:  Summary: It is an intriguing story of human hope and injustice Review: This non-fiction story read to me just as any cliffhanger Grisham story would. The characters, as depicted in the novel, represtented the managerie of mankind's odessey of societies reach for justice and its failure of accomplishing that goal. The language Harr uses is filled with medical and scientific jargon, yet he presents all of these complicated eliments in a light that average readers can understand. The ending of the novel also appeals to the everyday principle that the good guy doesn't always win.
Rating:  Summary: This book changed my life. Review: My sister sent her used copy of this book to me, and after finishing it August 8, 1997, I decided that day to change careers (at age 32) and go to law school. I begin law school this fall at SMU in Dallas. Thanks Jonathan Harr for writing a drama so thought-provoking that it changed my life.
Rating:  Summary: The best book I've ever read Review: A civil action is the most amazing thing in the world on how it was described, and how it made you feel like you were hovering above Jan the whole time. The book was incredibly well-written, and also a must-read
Rating:  Summary: Gave great insight into the trial process! Review: While reading this novel I could not help but notice similarities b/w woburn, MA and Love Canal, NY. I had experienced first hand the same taste of the water, the skin rashes, etc. The similarities were frightening and I was moved by the families emotions and their cause, and horrified by the actions of "big business". I can no longer walk by the Grace Building without thoughts of this story. This is not a quick read, but rather a text to be savored slowly and completely understood.
Rating:  Summary: Revealing Review: A compelling read about all-too-human plaintiffs (who had suffered terrible losses to contaminated water), attorneys, judges. I was angry at the judge for letting Beatrice off the hook. It seemed that his Harvard ties with Beatrice's attorney counted more than the evidence. I also thought that the plaintiff's attorney, the protagonist of the book, should have pursued records from Beatrice's chemical vendors when Beatrice turned out to have destroyed its records of chemical purchases. Maybe he did and it was just left out of the book, but if not it seemed a terrible omission. Well written, chilling.